株式会社リフレクト - Funabashi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社リフレクト

住所 :

Yakuendai, Funabashi, 〒274-0077 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 274-0077
Webサイト : http://szk-biso.jp/
街 : Chiba

Yakuendai, Funabashi, 〒274-0077 Chiba,Japan
Tomizawa Kazuo on Google

地域新聞の折り込みを見て塗装専門業者と知り調査依頼をしました。 今回は築後二度目の塗装だったので、前回の反省点を踏まえて色々と調査時に質問をさせて頂いたのですが、全て即答してくれました。 心配していたことが解決し安心しました。 未だ塗装の作業に至っていませんが品質についても期待大です。
After seeing the insert in the regional newspaper, I found out that I was a paint specialist and requested an investigation. This was the second painting after construction, so I asked various questions during the survey based on the points I reflected on last time, but they all answered immediately. I was relieved that my worries were resolved. I haven't finished painting yet, but I have high expectations for quality.
kazuking u on Google

I asked for a quote from 6 companies for exterior wall painting, but I was able to make a convincing contract with the cheapest and most complete quote and easy-to-understand explanations! ️
mirai watanabe on Google

今回外壁塗装の工事を依頼しましたが、 毎日の作業日記や担当者の対応がとても良く 満足のいく工事をしていただきました。 また、ご近所への配慮も良くしていただき助かりました! 是非、外壁塗装を考えてる方に紹介したいです。 また定期点検の際は宜しくお願い致します。
I requested the exterior wall painting work this time, The daily work diary and the correspondence of the person in charge are very good We had you do satisfactory construction. Also, it was helpful to have good consideration for the neighborhood! By all means, I would like to introduce it to those who are thinking about painting the exterior walls. Also, thank you for your regular inspection.
新山 on Google

安かろう悪かろうでした。サービスサービスでやりましたが、工事終了後、確認などせず、サービスでお願いしてた箇所もやってもらえず、職人さんは、終始足場の上で、会社や、材料の文句ばかりで気分わるかった。 外壁塗装で、某相見積もりサイトを最初利用したが、ここの会社を紹介され、見積もり出して来た時も1番最後で他の見積もりより安くすると言われお願いしたのが最後でした。自分も悪かったが、 外壁もう、剥がれて来てます、何度か連絡してるのに、対応せず、担当が具合が悪いと言われたが…他にスタッフはいないのか?いい加減でした。
It was cheap or bad. I did it with the service service, but after the construction was completed, I did not confirm it, and I could not get the part requested by the service, and the craftsman was always on the scaffolding, and I felt like I was just complaining about the company and materials. .. I used a certain phase estimation site for the exterior wall painting for the first time, but when I was introduced to the company here and came up with an estimate, it was the last and I was told that it would be cheaper than other estimates. I was bad too, The outer wall is already peeling off, I contacted him several times, but he didn't respond and was told that the person in charge was sick ... Is there any other staff? It was sloppy.
ああ on Google

今年の8月に屋根と外壁塗装をしていただきました。 私は非常に細かい性格でして、色々注文してしまったのですが、職人さんや、現場担当者の方が、嫌な顔せず気持ちよく作業してくれていたのがとても印象的でした。 細部まで細かく作業していただき、とても満足いく内容でした。 近隣の方からも評判がよく間違いない業者だと思います。
I had you paint the roof and the outer wall in August of this year. I have a very detailed personality, and I ordered various things, but it was very impressive that the craftsmen and the person in charge at the site worked comfortably without a disgusting face. .. I was very satisfied with the detailed work. I think that it is a trader that has a good reputation from the neighbors.
Mam Sakura on Google

We asked for an estimate for roof, outer wall, and rain gutter construction this time. It was a very difficult field to choose a store, so when I called with half-belief, he immediately came to preview. I liked the very easy-to-understand explanation and, above all, the attitude of giving advice in a way that respects the intentions of this side, so I decided to make a contract. Construction will be completed in December. Good finish is the most important, so I would like to write it separately after the construction is completed. The president makes me feel passionate about my work.
zume zume on Google

The sales staff responded quickly, and they kindly explained the construction method, the type of paint, and the effects in an easy-to-understand manner. I also felt that it was good that I could choose the type of construction from multiple types.
郁里 on Google

現調と見積りを3社取りましたが、現調も一番丁寧、見積りも、屋根と壁を別々に、判りやすい見積りでした。 工事後の仕上がりに期待して、今のところは、星⭐️4つ。とさせて頂きました。 ________ 工事完了しました。 壁塗装の仕上がりが、納得出来なかったのですが、手直しをキチンと対応して下さり、最終的には、満足しています。ありがとうございました。
I got three companies for the current condition and the estimate, but the current condition was also the most polite, and the estimate was an easy-to-understand estimate with the roof and wall separated. Expecting the finish after construction, so far, 4 stars ⭐️. I decided to do it. ________ Construction has been completed. I wasn't satisfied with the finish of the wall painting, but I was satisfied with the rework and the final result. Thank you very much.

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