Yakiniku Diner Yamato Kichijoji-Minami - Musashino

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakiniku Diner Yamato Kichijoji-Minami

住所 :

1 Chome-11-1 Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 180-0003
Webサイト : http://www.kenkojp.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–11PM
Sunday 11:30AM–11PM
Monday 11:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–11PM
Thursday 11:30AM–11PM
Friday 11:30AM–11PM

1 Chome-11-1 Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0003, Japan
DAYOU WEI on Google

出前館経由で初利用、結構美味しいです! リピートです。 今回は普通のカルビと黒毛和牛を両方頼んで比較してみましたが、肉の柔らかさ等差異が結構あって、差額を考慮すると黒毛和牛A5一択ですね!
First use via the delivery hall, it's quite delicious! It is a repeat. This time, I asked for both regular ribs and Japanese black beef and compared them, but there are quite a few differences such as the tenderness of the meat, so considering the difference, the Japanese black beef A5 is the choice!
むむ on Google

接客も元気でハキハキしてて良い。 若くて金髪の20代のお兄さんだったが適材適所ですね。 このお店は、料理をきちんと提供して持ってきてくれる。 お肉、美味しかった。白米ご飯、追加しました。 一人分の席スペースも、他の店よりも広くてゆったりめ。 その分、値段は他の店よりも少しだけ高いですが、妥当な価格です。 また来店したいですね。
The customer service is also fine and cheerful. He was a young and blonde brother in his twenties, but he is in the right place. This shop will serve and bring you the food properly. The meat was delicious. White rice was added. The seating space for one person is also larger and more spacious than other stores. The price is a little higher than other stores, but it is a reasonable price. I want to come to the store again.
手賀の光 on Google

吉祥寺にある一人焼肉に特化した焼肉屋さんです。 こちらも焼肉ライクの模倣かな? 同僚が、頭の中が焼肉になってしまったという事で訪問です。 ただ単に模倣業態にするのではなく、差別化を図るために、肉質に力を入れている模様。 確かに某チェーン店より肉に厚みと旨味を感じます。 個人的にはタレはやはり焼肉ライク。 ごちそうさまでした。
It is a yakiniku restaurant in Kichijoji that specializes in yakiniku alone. Is this also an imitation of grilled meat? A colleague visited me because my head was roasted. It seems that they are focusing on meat quality in order to differentiate themselves, not just to make it a counterfeit business. Certainly, I feel the thickness and umami of the meat from a certain chain store. Personally, the sauce is like yakiniku. Thank you for the meal.
Kenny Or on Google

Excellent beef ?
Tatsu K on Google

Good bbq place to enjoy by single custmer
Cheung Yuki on Google

Matthew Yanko on Google

The lunch sets are reasonably priced and the meat is high quality. Overall a pretty good spot for lunch.
Kyle Hanis on Google

The food and service was great! It is fairly small and mainly only bar seating, meaning it's hard to go with a group of more than 2 or 3 people. The beef is excellent though and it's fun to cook your own meat!

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