Yabashira Shrine - Nara

3/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Yabashira Shrine

住所 :

八柱神社 Setarincho, Nara, 630-2171, Japan

Postal code : 630-2171

八柱神社 Setarincho, Nara, 630-2171, Japan
雲外蒼天123 on Google

八柱神社 奈良市誓多林町689 誓多林町はもと上、中、下の誓多林に分かれていて、それぞれに八柱神社があったが、大正九年にここ中誓多林の八柱神社に合祀されたそうだです。合祀されても元の地には社があります。 当社には春日見世棚造で朱丹の鮮やかな社が大小五棟あります。 中央が八柱神社、向かって左が八阪神社、大国主命、右が三十八柱神社、宗像神社。合祀されたためか、多種多様な神様がこちらに招かれて御鎮座されています。 拝殿や社務所、誓多林町公民館もあり、集落の集会場のようでもあります。当地より200m程東の境外に八坂神社が鎮座、朱色の小さい鳥居と祠があります。
Eight Pillar Shrine 689 Setarincho, Nara City Setarincho was originally divided into upper, middle, and lower Setarin, and each had an eight pillar shrine, but it is said that it was enshrined here in the nine pillars of Setarin in 1918. Even if it is enshrined, there is a company in the original place. We have five large and small Zhu Dan companies built on Kasugamise shelf. The center is Yasaka Shrine, the left is Yasaka Shrine, Okuninushi, the right is 38 Pillar Shrine, Munakata Shrine. Probably because it was enshrined, a wide variety of gods have been invited to the shrine. There is also a hall of worship, a company office, and the Setarincho Public Hall, which is like a meeting place for a village. Yasaka Shrine is located about 200m east of the area, and there are small vermilion torii gates and shrines.

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