Ikarashi Shrine - Sanjo

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikarashi Shrine

住所 :

2283 Iida, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0107, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 955-0107

2283 Iida, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0107, Japan
五十嵐徳英 on Google

Once a year, “Igarashi” people come from all over the country. All Igarashi characters in the country are from this area, and the last name is Igarashi.
YUKI on Google

In a quiet precincts, it was a very good atmosphere.
トラえもん on Google

The age of Igarashi Shrine is unknown, but it is said that it was founded near the tomb of Hikomei Isabi, the pioneer of Ueda-go and Shimoda-go, the eldest prince of the eleventh emperor Tarin. . It is also known as the roots of the Igarashi surname, and it was said that the Igarashi Association was established 24 years ago. Thank you, I received the red stamp of "Igarashi Shrine". Mr. Miyashi returned to his home on his own. Thank you.
五十嵐英一 on Google

4~5年前、訪ねたら宮司に御朱印を頂きました。 前日に連絡を入れたところ、ちょっとした観光案内と、近くの駅まで送迎をしてくださりました。 とても良くして頂き、ありがとうございました。 御朱印は五十嵐姓の宝物にします。
Four to five years ago, when I visited, the priest gave me a red stamp. When I contacted him the day before, he gave me a little tourist information and picked me up at a nearby station. Thank you for making it so good. The red stamp will be a treasure of Igarashi's surname.
mai sen on Google

Igarashi's family name seems to be beneficial if you go (laughs)
kazuyoshi hoshino on Google

静かな地域の神社です。 駐車場、トイレありました。 社務所が有りますが、普段は無人のようです。 御朱印(初穂料300円)は自宅の方でいただけました。 電話で問い合わせると、自宅の住所を教えて頂けます。 神社から車で2〜3分で行けると思います。玄関の〆縄が目印です。
It is a shrine in a quiet area. There was a parking lot and a toilet. There is a company office, but it seems that it is usually unmanned. The red stamp (first ear charge 300 yen) was available at home. If you contact us by phone, you will be given your home address. I think it's a couple of minutes drive from the shrine. The rope at the entrance is a landmark.
五十嵐真理 on Google

自分の名字と同じ五十嵐神社に行けて良かったです? 五十嵐一族についても頂いて来ました✨ ご朱印も頂き、大満足です?
I'm glad I could go to Ikarashi Shrine, which has the same surname as my last name ? I also received about the Igarashi clan ✨ I am very satisfied with the red stamp ?
マツコ on Google

カーナビで行けと言われた道が工事の為『全面通行止』??? まぁお寺&神社巡りを始めて10ヶ月程経ったので、この手のアクシデントにも慣れました? おおよその目測を付けて脇道を走って行ったら鳥居が見え『駐車場?️』の看板もありました? 鳥居の前に石柱が2本、新しげな方には『懸社 五十嵐神社』とあり、古げな方には『伊加良志神社』とありました。うん❗ここで間違いない❗と駐車場に車を停めて鳥居から石段を登り始めました? 途中に建物があり『五十嵐神社注連懸大杉』とあったので『大杉?どこどこ?』と見回しましたが…確かに大きな杉の木はあるものの、今までいろんな所で見た『大杉』と呼ばれるものに比べたら至って『普通杉』だし? 建物の中を覗いてみると説明の看板があり、その後ろに『大杉』ありました❗説明によると、五十嵐神社にあった大杉は室戸台風での損傷が激しく危険だった為昭和59年12月に伐採して、地上から5mの部分を切ってこの建物の中に保管したとのことでした✋ そこからもう少し登ると目の前に五十嵐神社の拝殿がありました。拝殿の所に狛犬が居ました✋ 派手さは無いですが、何かどっしりとした感じのする拝殿でしたよ✨ 参道の途中には『下田の名木』の樹齢300年以上の大きな元気な杉の木もありました✨✨ 蚊に刺されましたが? 静かで良い感じの神社でした~? ちなみに社務所にはどなたも居られませんでした?✋(社務所の所にいろいろ五十嵐神社や近辺の地域の案内がありました✋)
The road that I was told to go with a car navigation system was "construction closed" due to the construction work. When I ran on the side road, I saw the torii and there was also a sign for ``Parking lot ?️'' ? There were two stone pillars in front of the torii, the newer one was "Kakesha Igarashi Shrine", and the older one was "Igarashi Shrine". Yeah ❗ There is no doubt ❗ and I stopped the car in the parking lot and started climbing the stone steps from the torii ? There was a building on the way and there was "Igarashi Shrine Note Rensu Osugi", so "Osugi? Where where? "There is a big cedar tree, but compared to the one called "Osugi" that I've seen in many places, it's "normal cedar"? When I looked inside the building, there was a signboard with an explanation, and behind it was "Osugi". It was said that it was cut down to a tree and cut 5m from the ground and stored in this building ✋ When climbing a little further from there, there was a shrine of Igarashi Shrine in front of me. There was a guardian dog at the worship hall ✋ It wasn't flashy, but it was a kind of worship hall ✨ On the way to the shrine, "Shimoda no Maki" was over 300 years old and energetic. There was also a cedar tree ✨✨ I was bitten by a mosquito ? It was a quiet and nice shrine~? By the way, nobody was at the shrine office ? ✋ (There were various information about the Igarashi Shrine and the nearby area at the shrine office ✋)

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