Yabasekihanto Park Pool - 矢橋町 Kusatsu

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yabasekihanto Park Pool

住所 :

字帰帆-2108-2108 Yabasecho, 矢橋町 Kusatsu, Shiga 525-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 525-0066
Webサイト : http://www.hikari-g.com/kihan/

字帰帆-2108-2108 Yabasecho, 矢橋町 Kusatsu, Shiga 525-0066, Japan
化け物気動車 on Google

The water slider is shabby. However, there is a shallow pool that is perfect for small children, and its slider is for beginners so it is recommended for beginners
りたこ on Google

家の近所の市民プール(100円)よりもショボい···のに、子供300円。入場してから水着忘れたことに気付いて、買いに行くために受付に説明すると、再入場するのに、チケット買って下さい。と言われた。じゃあ、売店に水着 販売してください。
It's more shy than the public pool (100 yen) in the neighborhood of the house. If you notice that you have forgotten your swimsuit after entering, and explain to the receptionist to go shopping, please buy a kit to re-enter. I was told. Then, please sell swimwear to the stall.
シロップシロップ on Google

ゆるやかだけど、スライダーもあります。 小さい子向けのスライダーもあるので、 小さいお子さんも楽しめます\(^-^)/ 日陰のテントもあるので、日焼けも安心。 かなり混むので、行くなら早めがいいと思います。
There is a slider though it is gentle. There is also a slider for small children, Small children can also enjoy \ (^-^) / There is also a shaded tent, so you can rest assured to get sunburn. It ’s pretty crowded, so I think it ’s better to go early.
tatsuya on Google

古い。 プール周りはレンガで敷き詰められていて硬いし熱い。土足厳禁って書いてるくせに、スタッフ土足やし、足元の仕上げが最悪なのでサンダル履かないと歩けたもんじゃない。 休憩時間が一時間に一回15分くらいあるのがうっとおしい。 入り口も古くて処理の遅い券売機が1台しかなくてすぐ行列になって、炎天下を、プールに入る前に何分も並ばされるハメになる。 ロッカーもめちゃくちゃ狭い。 総じて、公共のプールでも下の方のランクのプール。設計した人間は設計辞めた方がいいレベル。
old. The area around the pool is covered with bricks and is hard and hot. Even though I'm writing forbidden to wear shoes, I can't walk without wearing sandals because the staff's shoes and the finish of my feet are the worst. It's annoying that there is a break of about 15 minutes once an hour. The entrance is also old and there is only one slow-processing ticket vending machine, so there is a line immediately, and you will be lined up under the scorching sun for several minutes before entering the pool. The lockers are also insanely narrow. In general, the lower rank pools in public pools. The person who designed it should quit designing.
Mi Yamada on Google

ウォータースライダーがあります。小学生以上、身長120cm以上。心疾患、高血圧の人は不可。 プールは浅い。流れるプールもあります。子供300円、大人540円
There is a water slider. More than elementary school students, height 120 cm or more. People with heart disease and high blood pressure are not allowed. The pool is shallow. There is also a swimming pool. Children 300 yen, adults 540 yen
わたまん on Google

帰帆島公園のプールは初めて利用しました。 特に広いと言うわけではないですが子どもたちは大喜び。2時間のつもりが4時間も居てしまった! 45分おきに全員を一旦上がらせて15分間の休憩が必ず入ります。その間にスタッフさんは点検などをするそう。安心なシステムだと感じました。
I used the pool at Kahoshima Park for the first time. The children are overjoyed, although not particularly large. I was going for 2 hours and 4 hours! Every 45 minutes, let everyone go up and have a 15 minute break. In the meantime, the staff will check things up. I felt it was a safe system.
ATSU -O on Google

Children are favorite. The fish and crocodile-shaped floats seem to be NG for safety, so you can call out when entering. There is also a slider that can be slid more than 120cm tall, a flowing pool for children, a small slide, it is possible to bring in if you are hungry, but you can purchase 2-3 frozen foods and you can chin in the range so you can be hungry even if you are hungry is. However, the resting area with the roof has a feeling of being first-come-first-served, and there are people who are greedy and put a wide range of luggage, so I understand my feelings, but I'm sorry. I still have a rug or a simple tent in the space beside the pool so I take a break from the heat.
M H on Google

公立の遊びプールらしい施設。ウォータースライダーは120cmから 浅い子供プール、大人の腰の上くらいのプールと2つある、もちろん大人が本気で泳ぐには不向き。子供を遊ばせる場所。 全体的に施設は老朽化しており、コンクリはあまりきちんと掃除されている感じも無く砂があちこちに。 但しプールはきれいに保っており、要するに予算が無いのねという感じ。ドリンクの自販機と電子レンジで温める冷凍食品くらいはあるが、基本的には食べ物飲み物は持っていく方がいい。 更衣室はやや狭めだが清潔にしている。 ドーナツ型でない浮き輪などは持ち込み禁止なので注意。 駐車場は前面にそれなりの広さで在るが、繁忙期に出遅れるとちょっと遠い場所でないと止められないかもしれない。 とはいっても全体に漂うイマイチ感からか比較的空いているのでオススメかもしれない。 1時間に15分きっちり休憩をとらされますので覚悟しておきましょうw
A facility that seems to be a public play pool. Water slider from 120 cm There are two pools: a shallow children's pool and a pool above the waist of an adult. Of course, it is not suitable for adults to swim seriously. A place for children to play. Overall the facility is decrepit and there is no feeling that the concrete has been cleaned properly, and there is sand everywhere. However, the pool is kept clean and I don't have a budget. There are drink vending machines and frozen foods that can be heated with a microwave oven, but basically it is better to bring food and drinks. The changing room is a bit small but clean. Be careful not to bring in floats that are not donut-shaped. The parking lot is reasonably large in front, but if you are late during the busy season, you may not be able to stop it unless you are a little far away. However, it may be recommended because it is relatively empty because of the feeling of not feeling drifting in the whole. A 15 minute break will be taken every hour so be prepared

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