Workman - Sōka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Workman

住所 :

1 Chome-2-2-1F Soka, Sōka, Saitama 340-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899898
Postal code : 340-0043
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2-2-1F Soka, Sōka, Saitama 340-0043, Japan
馬場っち on Google

最近、ワイドショーの特集で噂になっているので気になって行ってみたところ以前と比べて女性ものの商品も増えていてびっくりしました。 日差しを避けるのに良さそうな上着や雨の日対策などあってこの夏活躍しそうです。 冬は冬で防寒着が売りみたいなので、また買いに行こうと思います。
Recently, it has been rumored in the special feature of the wide show, so when I went there, I was surprised that the number of women's products has increased compared to before. There are jackets that look good to avoid the sun and measures for rainy days, so it seems to be active this summer. Winter is winter and I want to sell winter clothes, so I will go buy it again.
日向昇一 on Google

All the staff, including the store manager, are happy to serve customers with a smile. Goods are also good!
Suzuki Masuo on Google

ワークマンplusと違って現場の職人さんの強い味方と言う心強い感じがします。 カジュアル製品は、目立って置いていないようでしたが、アウトドア系の洋品もあります。
Unlike Workman plus, I feel reassuring that it is a strong ally of the craftsmen in the field. Casual products didn't seem to stand out, but there are also outdoor clothing.
山本竜太郎 on Google

I think it's good because it has functionality, the price is low, and there are some that can be used in everyday wear.
高谷智穂 on Google

駅から遠いので歩いていくのは少し遠いけど、品物が安く、男性のものも女性が着ても大丈夫なものが多い。 あと下着と女性物のLLサイズが出てくれればもっと嬉しい。
It's a little far from the station so it's a little far to walk, but the goods are cheap and many men and women can wear them. I would be even more happy if the LL size of underwear and women's items came out.
Sega 2000 on Google

持っているバイク用のパンツはワークマンの商品が殆どですが、欲しい商品の在庫切れが早い事が多いので今回は在庫確認をしてから来店しました。 電話対応の際もそうでしたが、来店時のスタッフの方の対応はとても親切、丁寧で、少し離れていますが、また来店したいと思える店舗でした。 此方の店舗はカジュアル系の衣料品の品揃えがこの辺りでは一番だと思います。
Most of the pants for motorcycles I have are Workman's products, but since the products I want are often out of stock early, I came to the store after checking the stock this time. As was the case when responding to the phone, the staff at the time of coming to the store were very kind and polite, and although it was a little far away, it was a store that I would like to visit again. I think this store has the best selection of casual clothing in this area.
城之内利昭 on Google

昔は吉幾三がCMやってて、その名の通り働く人の店って感じだったけど、今はその対極のようなイメージだよね。 プライベートでもワークマン着てるし。 もう作業着とは言わせないぜ。 向かいに草加中学があるんだけど、昔はかなりワルが多かったって話。 昭和40年代生まれのオイラの少年時代、インベーダーゲームが流行っていた頃、ゲーセンはカツアゲされるから気を付けろって。
In the past, Ikuzo Yoshi was doing commercials, and as the name implies, it was like a shop for working people, but now it's an image of the opposite. I wear Workman even in private. I can't call it work clothes anymore. There is Soka Junior High School across the street, but in the old days there were quite a lot of bad things. Watch out for arcades when invader games were popular when they were born in the 40's of the Showa era.
たつひら on Google

他店舗だと店員さんがこなしてる感じがやや “こなしている”という印象がありますが、草加一丁目店は店内状況にもよりけりかと思いますがお気遣いがとても良く、気持ちよく買い物が出来ました。来店した回数が2回ほど午前中のみしかありませんが私が買い物をさせていただいた時はどちらともよかった印象が残っています。 取り扱っている物が同じだからこそ店員さん方の対応というのは大切だな。と感じることができました。 また機会がありましたら行きたいと思います。皆様も是非。
At other stores, the feeling that the clerk is doing is a little I have the impression that I am doing it, but I think the Soka 1-chome store is very caring, and I was able to shop comfortably. I have only visited the store twice in the morning, but when I went shopping, I had the impression that both were good. It is important for the clerk to respond because the items they handle are the same. I was able to feel. I would like to go again if I have a chance. Everyone is welcome.

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