Waseda Mental Clinics - Shinjuku City

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Waseda Mental Clinics

住所 :

ウエステール早稲田 5F 69-4 Wasedamachi, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 162-0042
Webサイト : https://wasedamental.com/

ウエステール早稲田 5F 69-4 Wasedamachi, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0042, Japan
Emi T on Google

先生も心理士さんも看護師さんも受付の人もみんなやさしいです。益田先生は最初はドライな雰囲気でしたが、回数を重ねると感じ方が変わってきました。 内装もシンプルで清潔感があります。トイレも広くて綺麗で、トイレの中にもエアコンがあって、夏も涼しいです。 遅い時間までやってる日もあるから助かります。 電話で相談したときも、受付の人がやさしく対応してくれました。自立支援のこともわかりやすく教えてくれました。 いいクリニックだと思います。
The teachers, psychologists, nurses, and receptionists are all kind. At first, Mr. Masuda had a dry atmosphere, but as the number of times increased, his feelings changed. The interior is simple and clean. The toilet is large and clean, and there is an air conditioner inside the toilet, so it's cool in the summer. It's helpful because there are days when I'm doing it until late. Even when I consulted on the phone, the receptionist kindly responded. He also taught me about independence support in an easy-to-understand manner. I think it's a good clinic.
M N on Google

It was painful, painful, and courageous, and I went to the examination with great determination and spirit every time, but it got worse with the doctor's rushing attitude, and all the medicines given had strong side effects, and there was no explanation for the side effects. I didn't know, and I had to undergo an examination at another department, which increased medical expenses, and I couldn't work, which made it even more difficult economically. When I remember what was said here and the medical examination, I still had hyperventilation and it was painful, but I was scared of the doctor and could not go to other hospitals. It's a neighborhood, but it's scary to pass in front of the hospital. When it was hard to speak, I denied that I couldn't speak, and I had an attitude that I couldn't have a medical examination because I didn't understand, so I think it's good for people who can speak well. Not recommended for really spicy people. I think that the number of YouTube views is more important than the patient who wants to die even worse due to the medical examination.
太刀川幸江 on Google

自身は予約が取れず来院もしてないので書き込むこと自体間違いかもしれませんが、当クチコミとYoutube拝見した中で思ったことを書かせていただきます。 まず、Youtubeを拝見しただけでも徐々に自身の状況を理解してきたのは事実です。あとこちらのクチコミも拝見することで「しなやかな思考」も分かってきました。 以下から述べることが誰かへの中傷にあたったら申し訳ないのですが 相手が誰であれ「人 対 人」です。先生からは医学的な見地から物事を計っていただけると思います。ただ 先生も人であり、患者も人である。これまでの各々の人生経験やそのときの状況で信じたい物事は変わってくると思います。患者さんは可能なら 日記のようにその時々の状態を書くと良いかと。少しでもストレスや疲れを感じ始めた時点で。患者本人ができない場合は気づいた周りがするのが良いかと。それが結果 先生の助けになれば。また、精神科や心療内科への通院はあくまで1つの助力との考えも必要かと。私は1番大切な人たちからの想いが1番効きましたので。 根本的なこと言うと、弱さをさらけ出せる社会にならないと。そして それを周りが認め支え合わないと最終的な解決にはならない。
I haven't made a reservation and haven't visited the hospital, so it may be a mistake to write it, but I will write what I thought while watching this review and Youtube. First of all, it is a fact that I gradually understood my situation just by looking at Youtube. Also, by looking at this review, I have come to understand "flexible thinking." I'm sorry if the following is a slander to someone, but no matter who the other person is, it is "person-to-person". I hope the teacher will measure things from a medical point of view. However, the teacher is also a person, and the patient is also a person. I think that the things you want to believe will change depending on your life experience and the situation at that time. If possible, the patient should write down the condition at that time like a diary. When you start to feel stress or tired. If the patient can't do it, it's better to be aware of it. If that helps the teacher as a result. Also, is it necessary to think that going to a psychiatry or psychosomatic medicine department is just one help? Because the feelings from the most important people worked best for me. Basically, we have to create a society where we can expose our weaknesses. And if the people around us do not recognize and support each other, it will not be the final solution.
def abc on Google

人を診ない医者です。YouTubeでよく勉強しているように見受けられますが、理論を押し付けられて傷つけられただけでした。 そこそこ悩んでいる人には良いかもしれませんが、難しい症例には対応できないようです。席を立ち帰るよう促され、5分で追い返されました。 他の方も口コミなさってますが、YouTubeのように饒舌に話し、また話を聞いてくれる人ではありません。 何のために診療しているのでしょうか? 自分の理論をひけらかすため?
A doctor who doesn't see people. It looks like you're studying a lot on YouTube, but it's just been hurt by the theory. It may be good for people who are suffering moderately, but it seems that it can not handle difficult cases. I was urged to leave my seat and was driven back in 5 minutes. Others have also commented, but they are not the ones who talk and listen to you like YouTube. What are you doing for? To show off your theory?
空きダンボール on Google

【良い点】 ・Web予約が可能、駅からも近くその点においては利用しやすい病院だと思います。 ・清潔感があり、待受のスタッフさんの対応もとても親切です。 ・カウンセリング面談でzoomを利用しています。当初は戸惑いましたが、通院には交通費もかかりますし、日によっては病院まで赴くのが辛い事もあるので、自宅からカウンセリング面談を受けられるのはありがたいです。 ・現在の診療は院長先生のみの様ですが、落ち着いた態度で静かに接してくださる先生です。 【悪い点】 ・他の方の口コミにもあるように、先生についてやや共感力に乏しいと感じました。 自分なりに直面している問題にどう向き合うか悩みを話しても、当たり障りの無いフワッとした返答が返ってくるだけで「一緒に問題について考えようとしてくれないのだな」と感じました。 酷い時には二言三言話したらもう「それじゃあ、次回薬が切れる頃にまた来てください」という事もありました。 心療内科は医者との相性が大切という事で、「自分には合わなかった」と言えばそれまでなのですが 医師によく話を聞いてほしい、一緒に考えてほしいと期待されている方には勧められないと感じました。
【good point】 ・ It is possible to make online reservations, and I think it is an easy-to-use hospital in that respect because it is close to the station. ・ There is a feeling of cleanliness, and the staff on standby are very kind. ・ I use zoom for counseling interviews. At first, I was confused, but going to the hospital costs transportation, and depending on the day, it can be difficult to go to the hospital, so I am grateful to have a counseling interview from home. ・ The current medical treatment seems to be only for the director, but he is a teacher who treats me quietly with a calm attitude. [Bad point] ・ As mentioned in the reviews of other people, I felt that I had little empathy for the teacher. When I talked about how to deal with the problems I was facing, I just got a bland and fluffy response, and I felt that they wouldn't try to think about the problems together. When it was terrible, I spoke a few words and said, "Then, please come again when the medicine runs out next time." In psychosomatic medicine, compatibility with doctors is important, so if you say "it didn't suit you" until then. I felt that it would not be recommended for those who want their doctors to listen carefully and think together.
ももち on Google

診察で全ての患者の希望通り、というのは無理だと思います。特に精神科領域は他の疾患と違い血液データなどで確定となる事は無いですし、その時その時で症状も違うので受け止め方も変わってきてしまいます。 沢山の患者さんが待っているので先生も一人ひとりに割ける時間は制限があり、それはどこのクリニックに行っても変わらないことだと思います。要は相性の問題や、You Tubeを上げていらっしゃるのでそれを観て、先生を信じて自分をどこまで預けられるのか、が治療の肝だと思います。精神科の先生は本当に大変だな、と思います。病んでいる自分が自分自身のことを把握出来ないのに、患者の訴えで治療していかなければならないのですから。頑張って欲しいです。
I don't think it is possible for all patients to do what they want at the medical examination. Especially in the psychiatric field, unlike other diseases, it is not confirmed by blood data etc., and at that time, the symptoms are different, so the way of thinking will change. Since many patients are waiting, there is a limit to the amount of time that each teacher can devote to each, and I think that is the same no matter where you go to the clinic. The point is the problem of compatibility and the fact that you are raising You Tube, so watching it, believing in the teacher and how much you can leave yourself is the key to treatment. I think psychiatric teachers are really hard. Even though I am sick and cannot understand myself, I have to treat myself with the complaint of the patient. I want you to do your best.
cherry blossom on Google

この口コミサイトに見られる受診者の意見と、YouTubeのみを観察・分析した結果がみごとに同じです。しかしYouTubeでは、批判的コメントがブロックされていることは知られるべきと思います。 医師が患者に提供すべき治療と診断をしっかり行わず、自らの知名度を上げ集客する活動の中毒になって、患者を利用することはあってはならないと思いますし、権力者に媚びを売るためのY発言なのではというコメントに、全く同じ意見を持っていました。病いをせせら笑う言動もあり、用心したほうがいいと思いました。ここにこれだけ批判があるのですから医師は改めるつもりがないのだと思います。
The opinions of the examinees seen on this word-of-mouth site and the results of observing and analyzing only YouTube are wonderfully the same. But I think it should be known that YouTube blocks critical comments. I don't think doctors should be addicted to the treatment and diagnosis that should be provided to patients, and become addicted to activities to raise their name and attract customers, and sell patients to those in power. I had exactly the same opinion in the comment that it was a Y remark for. I thought it was better to be careful because there were words and deeds that made me laugh at my illness. I don't think doctors are going to change it because there are so many criticisms here.
貞村真宏 on Google

益田先生は、きちんとした論文の裏付けのある、エビデンスに基づいた、最も効果的な対処方法を提案してくださいます。 投薬についても、考えられる選択肢について、比較した論文に基づいて最も効果的であると考えられるものを提案してくださり、患者である私の意向も確認して処方してくださいます。 また、書類等のお願いにも、先生が医学的に必要であると判断されれば(書類の内容によっては)即座に対応してくださってとてもありがたいです。 YouTubeやブログも拝見していると、先生のお人柄がわかると思います。YouTubeを拝見して勉強させていただくことで、新たな気づきがあり、自分の生活等の改善にも役立てています。 診察の際の何気ない会話も、簡にして要を得ており、安心して先生に任せられます。 これからも末永くお世話になりたい先生です。
Masuda teacher, a support of neat paper, based on the evidence, please suggest the most effective workaround. For even medication, the options to be considered, Kudasari proposed what is believed to be the most effective based on the thesis of the comparison, you please be formulated also confirm my intention is a patient. In addition, also to ask of documents, etc., if the teacher is determined to be medically necessary (depending on the contents of the document) is very grateful to us to respond immediately. And also YouTube and blogs are seeing, I think it is understood that the teacher of your personality. By I am allowed to study and I see the YouTube, there is noticed a new, we have to help to the improvement of such as their own lives. Casual conversation at the time of the examination also, has gained a major in the easy, it will be left up to the teacher at ease. Teacher you would like to be forever indebted the future.

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