株式会社 宮田 - Matsudo

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 宮田

住所 :

Wanagaya, Matsudo, 〒270-2232 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 270-2232
Webサイト : http://www.miyata-net.co.jp/
街 : Chiba

Wanagaya, Matsudo, 〒270-2232 Chiba,Japan
o pupu on Google

100均によく並んでるお菓子メーカーさん 味はあまりでした。
The sweets maker, which is lined up well in 100 averages, tasted too much.
弘幸 on Google

Since it is a wholesale wholesaler, there are generally no people to go to, but the premises are narrow and trucks sometimes overflow to the one-way street in front.
ki ki on Google

Mixed nuts with black and white truffles bought from LAWSON. Ummm, this is terrible ... it tastes nuts
koya hrbys on Google

ローソン100ストアで販売されてるミックスナッツ。 おいしい 5種類ですがコレいいですよ。 ピーナッツ、衣掛けピーナッツ、アーモンド、ジャイアントコーン、カシューナッツ
Mixed nuts are being sold at the Lawson 100 store. Delicious There are five types, but it's nice. Peanuts, clothing peanuts, almonds, giant corn, cashew nuts
阿部和子 on Google

サクサククラッカーをよく食べますが 先日食べたものは 湿気ていると言うほどでもないが サクサク感がないので 1箱で2袋のうち 残りの1袋を着払いで送った所 直ぐに電話があり 残りの1袋には異常は無かったが お客様の食べた方は とじめの所にクラッカーが挟まっていたのかも知れないとの報告でした。それから程なく2箱が送られてきたので 対応の良さにビックリしました。
I often eat crispy crackers, but the one I ate the other day is not so damp, but it doesn't feel crispy, so when I sent the remaining 1 bag out of 2 bags in one box by payment, I got a call immediately and the remaining 1 There was nothing wrong with the bag, but it was reported that the person who ate the bag might have had a cracker caught in the end. Shortly after that, two boxes were sent, so I was surprised at how good the response was.
5 GTA on Google

飴を一日10種類以上食うほど安い飴の味を知り尽くす自分が、 品切れになった100円ショップの好物 「べっこう飴」の代わりに並んだ別のべっこう飴を買ったところ、 分かりやすいほどマズく、 裏面のメーカーを見ると住所が「松戸市和名ヶ谷」で納得。 失敗に気付いた。 近年、安っぽくマズそうなパッケージの菓子が 急に100円ショップに大量並び始めたのだが、 「ハッピーポケット」「ママ」など複数のメーカー名なのにもかかわらず、 その住所が全て「千葉県松戸市和名ヶ谷」。 「松戸市和名ヶ谷」は菓子の街では全くなく、 特産品も何もない街である事は出身者の私がよく知っている。 「松戸市和名ヶ谷」の菓子製造者と言えばまずこの会社しかなく、 怪しいアジア系輸入菓子含め、マズい駄菓子が多いので、 100円店の菓子、特にクッキー系は住所確認をお勧めする。
I know the taste of cheap enough to eat more than 10 kinds of persimmon a day, 100 yen shop favorite food that was sold out When I bought another bekko mochi that was lined up instead of “bekko mochi”, It ’s easy to understand. Looking at the manufacturer on the back, I am convinced that the address is “Wanagaya, Matsudo”. I noticed a failure. In recent years, confectionery packages that seem cheap and muddy Suddenly, a lot of 100 yen shops started to line up, Despite the names of multiple manufacturers such as “Happy Pocket” and “Mama”, The address is all “Wanagaya, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture”. Matsudo City Wanagaya is not a confectionery city, I am a well-known person who knows that it is a city without any special products. Speaking of the confectionery manufacturer in Matsudo City Wanagaya, this is the only company. There are a lot of savory sweets, including suspicious Asian imported sweets, We recommend checking your address for confectionery at 100 yen stores, especially cookies.
Feng Liao on Google

スナクチュラル ガーリック&パセリがスーパーで売られていたので購入しました。ニンニクが程よく利いていて風味がよく、たいへんおいしかったです!トマトを乗っけてもおいしくいただけます。輸入者としては子会社の株式会社ハッピーポケットさんを経由しているようです。工場勤務など食品製造ラインは大変かと思われますが、応援しています!
I bought Snackular Garlic & Parsley because it was sold at the supermarket. The garlic was reasonably good, the flavor was good, and it was very delicious! You can also enjoy the tomatoes. As an importer, it seems that it is going through the subsidiary Happy Pocket Co., Ltd. It seems that the food production line such as working at the factory is difficult, but we are supporting you!
田舘孝太 on Google

I bought chocolates imported from Ukraine at Donki, which was handled by this company. It was delicious so I bought them all at once. Speaking of which, imported chocolates that were lined up at Daiso in the winter, items I liked and repeated were also handled here.

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