軽の森 富田林店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

軽の森|大阪の軽自動車・未使用車 専門店 - Keinomori.com


Contact 軽の森 富田林店

住所 :

Wakamatsuchonishi, Tondabayashi, 〒584-0025 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://keinomori.com/
街 : Osaka

Wakamatsuchonishi, Tondabayashi, 〒584-0025 Osaka,Japan
鷹司神楽夜 on Google

The movements of the staff were also agile, and I was able to hear anything I didn't understand.
原嶋謙次 on Google

軽の森さんにはいつもお世話になっています。何の交換が必要かなど細かな説明がありわかりやすかったです。ただマスクをしていた為か聞き取りにくいところもありましたが、これはしょうがないですね。 次回の車検もよろしくお願いします。
I am always indebted to Mr. Karamori. It was easy to understand with detailed explanations such as what replacement was necessary. It was hard to hear because I was wearing a mask, but this is unavoidable. Thank you for your next vehicle inspection.
浅野瑠々 on Google

7年ぐらい初めて車を買ったディーラー任せでメンテナンスをしていたが、そちらでは一切なかった項目ごとの丁寧な説明があって驚いた。 清潔な店内、居心地のいいデカイソファー、飲み放題ドリンク、FREE Wi-Fi、喫煙者用スペース(吸うときだけ狭いところに行かされる訳じゃなくてそこで対応してくれる)。 車の整備販売がコアなのはわかっているがそれ以外の部分での点数が高い。 私は素人なので整備の上手・下手はわからないがディーラーだと数日かかる車検が当日で終わるのでそれだけで満点。 ただここで車を買った人の名前が店内に数ヶ月掲示されるのは今時プライバシー的にどうなの?ってところと、レビューの★一つにつきボックスティッシュ1箱あげるよキャンペーンはマイナス評価です。
I had to leave the maintenance to the dealer who bought the car for the first time in about 7 years, but I was surprised to find a detailed explanation of each item that was not there at all. Clean interior, cozy big sofa, all-you-can-drink, FREE Wi-Fi, smoker's space (not just when you smoke, you're not sent to a small space, but there). I know that car maintenance and sales are the core, but the scores are high in other areas. I'm an amateur, so I don't know if I'm good or bad at maintenance, but if you're a dealer, the vehicle inspection, which takes several days, ends on the same day, so that's all you need. But what about privacy now that the name of the person who bought the car is posted in the store for several months? By the way, I'll give you one box of box tissue for each ★ of the review. The campaign is a negative evaluation.
鮫えび on Google

予約を取った時に生命保険の見直しが~ファイナンシャルプランナーが~って興味ないと断っても話を聞くようにひつこつ促されて鬱陶しかった 興味があればこっちから話を聞くから断られたなら引けよ 車と関係のないところで利用する気が失せたわ
When I made a reservation, I was annoyed that the life insurance review was urgently urged to listen even if I refused that I was not interested in it. If you are interested, I will listen to you from here, so if you refuse, close I didn't feel like using it in a place unrelated to the car
小倉真実 on Google

亀井直也さん、フレンドリーでフレッシュさを感じて、可愛らしい店員さんでした(^^) お店の駐車場が綺麗でした!車の森の中百舌鳥店とはまた違って、こっちの方がお店の雰囲気は好きだなーと思いました。
Naoya Kamei, a cute clerk who felt friendly and fresh (^^) The parking lot of the shop was beautiful! Unlike the Nakamozu store in the car forest, I thought that this one liked the atmosphere of the store.
ハルさん on Google

The inside of the store is beautiful. The reception is often delayed, probably because there are many conversations between staff members. I had them do the construction without explaining the fees and option fees for vehicle inspections and regular inspections. Even if it is said to be a service, it may cost a fee, so confirmation is required.

The staff and mechanics are polite and kind. In addition to the court inspection, we carry out inspections (voluntary) about every six months, and we will inform you by phone each time, so I feel just right for myself who wants to use the car carefully for as long as possible. increase. Also, the coffee is delicious.
よっちゃん on Google

この店は信用できません。 見積もりをしただけなのに翌日には「車を抑えているのでキャンセルできません」と無理矢理契約を迫られました。 契約するとも言っていないのに意味不明です。 キャンセルしたい事を伝えると高圧的な態度に変わり、とても不快でした。 無駄に高価なコーティングも薦めてくるし、必要のない保証やメンテナンスも無理矢理入れられます。 カーナビもプレゼントと言いながら高額な工賃を請求してきます。 二度と行く事はないしオススメしません。
I can't trust this store. I just made an estimate, but the next day I was forced to sign a contract saying, "I can't cancel because I'm holding my car." It doesn't make sense even though I didn't say that I would sign a contract. When I told him that I wanted to cancel, I changed to a high-pressure attitude, which was very unpleasant. We recommend uselessly expensive coatings, and you can force unnecessary warranty and maintenance. The car navigation system also charges a high wage while saying that it is a gift. I will never go there again and I do not recommend it.

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