Wakamatsu Inter Benshon Clinic - Aizuwakamatsu

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wakamatsu Inter Benshon Clinic

住所 :

Kitayanagihara-25-1 Itsukimachi Oaza Kamega, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 965-0005
Webサイト : http://www.wakamatsu-intervention-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

Kitayanagihara-25-1 Itsukimachi Oaza Kamega, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0005, Japan
内田貴也 on Google

診断技術は良いのかもしれませんが、待ち時間が長すぎます。待合ソファで待ちぼうけている特に高齢者の方が不憫で仕方ありません。 予約の時間に行っても何時間も待たされます。もういきません。
Diagnostic techniques may be good, but the wait is too long. Especially the elderly who are waiting on the waiting sofa are pitiful. Even if you go to the reservation time, you will be kept waiting for hours. I will not go anymore.
はりうたつや on Google

健康診断で、心臓のCT検査で利用させていただきました。 先生がやさしく、説明もすごく分かりやすかったです。 診察が非常にていねいで、そのため待ち時間が長く感じますが、 非常に信頼できます。
It was used for CT examination of the heart by medical checkup. The teacher was kind and easy to understand. The examination is very polite, so I feel that the waiting time is long, Very reliable.
菱田聖実 on Google

The waiting time is long as the poster reviews, but the director and all the staff are very kind and the explanations are easy to understand, so it is a very good clinic for me who does not mind the waiting time.
ヘルツ on Google

Despite having made a reservation (the day I specified at the hospital) from 3 months ago, I received a phone call 2 days before that day, "I have more reservations, so I'd like another day." What is the increase in reservations? Is the high-priced target given priority? If you have an emergency, you don't know what to do. The waiting time is beyond the norm. I can only think of a saturated state to earn money. We recommend that you go to a different hospital except for heart related ones.
星道 on Google

ばあちゃんがここでアブレーション治療を受け、心臓の壁を突き破られ、近くの大病院に搬送され、開胸の大手術となり、集中治療室で意識も戻りません。 心タンポナーデという、アブレーションの操作ミスによる最も最悪な合併症だそうです。 しっかりこの合併症について信頼できる人に聞いた上で、治療を受けた方がいいと思います。
Grandma received ablation treatment here, broke through the wall of the heart, was taken to a nearby large hospital, had a major thoracotomy, and did not return to consciousness in the intensive care unit. It is said to be the worst complication of cardiac tamponade, which is caused by an ablation operation error. I think you should ask someone you can trust about this complication before you get treatment.
Elfaro De lapaz on Google

院長先生の実績とスキルを売りにしておられるのは信頼が寄せられてよいのですが、そのために飽和状態≒キャパシティオーバーになってしまっては、かえって仇となると思います。 予約システムの見直しなど、先生方に診てもらって安堵したい患者ひとりひとりの思いに、もう少しお考えを向けていただけないでしょうか。病院にとってはone of themかもしれませんが、患者にとって先生はonly one、そして時として一期一会となります。
It can be trusted that the director's achievements and skills are being sold, but if that causes saturation ≒ capacity over, I think it will be a lie. Would you please give us a little more thought about the thoughts of each patient who wants to be relieved by seeing the teachers, such as reviewing the reservation system? It may be one of them for the hospital, but for the patient the teacher is only one, and sometimes once in a while.
mi h on Google

父が阿部先生に何度も命を救っていただきました。 20年ほど前、他では出来ないと言われ何年も諦めていた心臓の血管の詰りをカテーテル手術で直していただきました。当時は画期的で大変な処置だったと記憶しています。さらに先生には、とても丁寧に根気よく説明をしていただき、家族も病状と処置の内容を理解して、父と一緒に頑張れたと思います。 お陰様で父の行動範囲は格段に広がり、遠くまで旅行も出きるようになり、孫の成長も見守ることができました。 同じように、先生に助けていただいた方は大勢いらっしゃると思います。先生は私達患者のために誠実に向き合ってくださるお人柄で信頼が出きる素晴らしい先生です。 阿部先生が会津にいらっしゃること、この病院が会津にあることは会津の誇れることの一つです。
My father saved his life many times by Dr. Abe. About 20 years ago, I was told that I couldn't do it anywhere else, and I had my heart repaired by catheter surgery, which I had given up for many years. I remember that it was an epoch-making and difficult procedure at that time. In addition, the teacher gave me a very polite and patient explanation, and I think my family understood the medical condition and the details of the treatment and worked hard with my father. Thanks to you, my father's range of activities has expanded dramatically, I have been able to travel far away, and I have been able to watch over the growth of my grandchildren. In the same way, I think there are many people who have been helped by the teacher. The teacher is a wonderful teacher who has the personality and trust that he treats with sincerity for us patients. It is one of the pride of Aizu that Dr. Abe is in Aizu and that this hospital is in Aizu.
小川りお on Google

My grandmother was treated for atrial fibrillation at this hospital. I had been treated many times at a nearby general hospital, but it had been recurring and I was tired of going out for many years. After undergoing surgery here, my heart palpitations disappeared and I was fine enough to go on a trip together.

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