
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和田宿ステーション

住所 :

Wada, Nagawa, Chiisagata District, 〒386-0701 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : http://www.wadajuku-station.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–4:30PM
街 : Nagano

Wada, Nagawa, Chiisagata District, 〒386-0701 Nagano,Japan
Viajandosemfronteirasjp on Google

Muito saborosa a refeição e bem servida, muita comida no prato por um preço bem barato.
The meal was very tasty and well served, a lot of food on the plate for a very cheap price.
パパイヤンβ版 on Google

道の駅ではないけど、ほぼ道の駅みたいなところ トイレも駐車場も売店もお食事どころもある お惣菜は質が高くて美味しい おこわがオススメ 山菜がこれでもかと入ってて、そんなに高くない
It's not a roadside station, but it's almost like a roadside station There are toilets, parking lots, shops, and places to eat. Side dishes are of high quality and delicious Okowa is recommended The edible wild plants are still in the heel, so it's not so expensive
ぐらでり on Google

田舎の道の駅的な存在? 農家から直接野沢菜が大量に運び込まれていた?ここで加工するのかな? リーズナブルな野沢菜漬けあるよさくらは
Countryside roadside station ? A large amount of Nozawana was brought in directly from the farmer ? I wonder if it will be processed here? Reasonable Nozawana pickled yosakura
あさこたか on Google

シホンケーキ、買いたかったですが、帰りではなかったので、、 シャインマスカットが立派なのがありました。 あんみつ姫というみかんが、とても甘くておいしかったです。 カシスとヤマブドウのジャムが、けっこうすっぱくて私好みでした。 建物の裏に川が流れていて、夏に遊べるのでしょうか、、
I wanted to buy a chiffon cake, but I wasn't on my way home, so ... Shine Muscat was excellent. The mandarin orange called Anmitsu Hime was very sweet and delicious. The cassis and wild grape jam was pretty sour and I liked it. There is a river behind the building and I wonder if I can play in the summer ...
つば九郎 on Google

たまたま諏訪湖に向かう途中にトイレ休憩で立ち寄りました。4連休の初日の土曜日でしたが朝早くなのに人が多く、地元の野菜、葡萄、他、色々な物が売ってました。 外に出たらソフトクリームを食べている人が居たので何処に売ってるのか?と探したら端に食堂があり売ってました。 ソフトクリームの他にも色々な定食物もあり朝早くから天婦羅をたくさん揚げていて匂いにつられましたがソフトクリームを一個注文。350円でした。 おじさんが巻いてくれて渡されて手にはズッシリ感がきました。期待しつつ一口頬張りました 口当たりは甘過ぎず、あっさりと滑らかで、でも濃厚な乳の味がガツンと追随して来て口の中が幸福感に満たされました。ソフトクリームの量も多く食べごたえがあり満足のいく久々に美味しいソフトクリームに出会いました。 近くを調べたら長門牧場があったので機会があれば牧場に行ってみたくなりました。 美味しいソフトクリーム御馳走様でした。
I happened to stop by for a restroom break on the way to Lake Suwa. It was Saturday, the first day of the four consecutive holidays, but there were many people even though it was early in the morning, and local vegetables, grapes, and various other things were sold. When I went out, there was a person eating soft serve ice cream, so where do you sell it? When I looked for it, there was a cafeteria at the end and it was sold. In addition to soft serve ice cream, there are various regular foods, and I fried a lot of tempura early in the morning and was scented by the smell, but I ordered one soft serve ice cream. It was 350 yen. My uncle rolled it up and handed it to me, which made me feel sick. I chewed a bite while expecting The mouthfeel was not too sweet, it was light and smooth, but the taste of rich milk followed suit and the mouth was filled with happiness. I came across a delicious soft serve ice cream after a long time, which is satisfying because the amount of soft serve ice cream is large and delicious. When I looked up nearby, there was Nagato Ranch, so I wanted to go to the ranch if I had the opportunity. It was a delicious soft serve ice cream treat.
横山満紀 on Google

Showa retro roadside station, souvenirs are also narrowed down, not card compatible cash register, except for cash only, the chiffon cake placed in front of the cash register is delicious (laugh) Marmalade, cheese, I forgot another one, but it looks like it was honey. If you go through the Wadayama tunnel, you can get a 10% discount ticket.
Kazu S on Google

気さくなおばちゃんがやっている 道の駅です。 近隣の農家から季節の野菜や果物がたくさんあります。 納品に来た農家のおっちゃんに、野菜の食べ方を聞くと 地元ならではの面白い食べ方を教えてくれますし、 店頭の最高の品物を選んでくれます。 和田峠有料道路の割引券も有りますので、必ず立ち寄ることにしています
This is a roadside station where a friendly aunt is doing. There are lots of seasonal vegetables and fruits from nearby farmers. Asking the farmer who came to the store about how to eat vegetables will tell you how to eat vegetables unique to the local area, and will select the best items in the store. There is a discount ticket for the Wada Pass toll road, so make sure to stop by
ギッシュ on Google

一年振り位でしょうか?久し振りに来ました。 山間部に在る道の駅で、食堂と土産物や地物の野菜などが売ってる売店が有ります。 売店の方は以前にレビューを書いたので、今回は此方に書きました。 前に来た時に山菜を買って素晴らしかったので、今回もと入りました。が、まだ早かった様です。山菜は並んでいませんでした。 しかし、去年のでしょうか。ワラビの塩漬が置いてありました。更に希少な岩茸(実際は茸類ではなく苔類)を発見。更に好物のイナゴも有りました。此れは買うしかないと手に取りました。 更に味噌を使ったカレーが有ったので購入。前は高くて断念した黒曜石が、手頃なサイズと値段で有りました。石を集めるのが好きなので此方も購入。 なので《黒曜石》300円《ワラビ塩漬》400円《岩茸》1000円《味噌カレー》400円《イナゴの佃煮》650円を購入。合計2750円です。 季節が外れると品数は少ないですが、地物の美味しい食材や珍しい食材が安く買えるのは嬉しいですね。 また、前回は無かったマタタビの木やマタタビの木を使った猫じゃらし等が売っていました。猫を飼っている人なら、買ってみるのも良いかもしれませんね。 土産物屋の方は☆5を付けていますが、食堂が私の口には合わないので、全体的な評価として☆4にしました。 なかなか来る機会は無いですが、また近くを通る時は寄りたいと思います。
Is it the first time in a year? I came for the first time in a long time. At the roadside station in the mountains, there is a cafeteria and a shop selling souvenirs and local vegetables. The shop person wrote a review before, so this time I wrote it here. I bought edible wild plants when I came before, so it was wonderful, so I entered this time. However, it seems that it was still early. The wild plants were not lined up. But was it last year? There was salted bracken. Discovered a rarer rock mushroom (actually, moss, not mushrooms). There was also a favorite locust. I got this because I had no choice but to buy it. In addition, there was a curry using miso, so I bought it. Obsidian, which was expensive and abandoned before, was reasonably sized and priced. I like to collect stones, so I bought this one too. So I bought "Obsidian" 300 yen, "Bracken salted" 400 yen, "Iwatake" 1000 yen, "Miso curry" 400 yen, and "Locust boiled in soy sauce" 650 yen. The total is 2750 yen. When the season is off, the number of items is small, but I'm glad that you can buy delicious and rare local ingredients at a low price. In addition, Actinidia polygama trees and cat jars made from Actinidia polygama trees, which were not available last time, were on sale. If you have a cat, you might want to buy one. The souvenir shop puts a ☆ 5, but the cafeteria doesn't fit my taste, so I gave it a ☆ 4 as an overall evaluation. I don't have a chance to come, but I would like to stop by when I pass nearby again.

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