Volkswagen Mitaka - Mitaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Volkswagen Mitaka

住所 :

1 Chome-15-10 Nozaki, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 181-0014
Webサイト :

1 Chome-15-10 Nozaki, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0014, Japan
may ozk on Google

I got the best condition when I inspected the car
清田圭一 on Google

Staff is kind! Moth
Kunihiro Matsubara on Google

The store has moved to a new location. It became wider and more relaxing space.
谷合清司 on Google

At the Wagen dealership, the sales staff have a good customer service attitude, so you can talk easily. Recommended store!
宮川道子 on Google

The response was very smooth, and there was a sense of convincing and good feeling regarding the repair!
関多加志 on Google

I go to the old, Wagen polo ride well, the clerk feels good, and I feel comfortable in the middle, originally the nettsu Tama became bigger, I went to Mitaka, golf is I'm getting bigger and taller, I'm not up as usual, but I'm not going to buy 2 million yen up, but I'm interested in diesel engine golf next year!
英昭鷲見 on Google

出先で愛車に突然トラブルが発生。 駆け込みの修理依頼にもかかわらず、親切 · 丁寧な対応して下さいました。 修理状況の連絡も度々頂き、預けてから修理完了までの時間も大変早かった。 しかも100km以上離れた自宅までわざわざ届けて下さり、とても助かりました。 さすが大手ディーラーさんは違うなと、感心しました。
Sudden trouble occurred in my car on the go. Despite the last-minute repair request, he was kind and polite. We were often informed of the repair status, and the time from deposit to completion of repair was very quick. Moreover, it was very helpful for me to take the trouble to deliver it to my home more than 100km away. I was impressed that the major dealers were different.
m usui on Google

近くに引っ越してから、建物も今風のVWディーラーになり、清潔感があって好印象。 よく、相談にものってくれます。 点検の間にはレンタル自転車で近くを散策するのも楽しいですよ
Since I moved nearby, the building has become a modern VW dealer, and I have a good impression of its cleanliness. They often consult with me. It's fun to take a walk around the area with a rental bicycle during the inspection.

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