TOYOTA Mobility Mitaka-dori - Mitaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TOYOTA Mobility Mitaka-dori

住所 :

6 Chome-6-1 Kamirenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 181-0012
Webサイト :

6 Chome-6-1 Kamirenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0012, Japan
無店舗良店三の助茶屋 on Google

Mysteriously there is a dog run ? ❣️
うみ on Google

東北から車で東京へ観光に行った際、突然の車の不調でアタフタしていた時に伺ったのですが、現地の住民ではない為、きっと最初で最後の訪問客となるかも知れない私達なのに、とても良く、温かく、対応していただきました。 いつかお礼に伺いたい位です。
When I went sightseeing from Tohoku to Tokyo by car, I heard when I was at a loss due to a sudden car malfunction, but since we are not local residents, we may be the first and last visitors. However, it was very good, warm and helpful. I would like to thank you someday.
Jun Saito on Google

タカタエアバッグのリコール対応をしてもらたところ、エアバッグの改修時に内装のパネル類を外したようで、オーディオ周りのパネルがきちんとはまっておらず、浮いた状態で返却されてきました。 後日気づいたため、2度手間です。しかしあんなわかりやすい場所をちゃんとはまっているのかくらいしっかり確認できないものなのか。 また改めて対応してもらった際に長々と説明を受けましたが、ちゃんと預けた状態で返してくれればよかっただけの話です。ちゃんと謝ってくれればよかったのですが、その長々とした説明でお茶を濁され、謝罪の方はあっさりとしていました。 ディーラーだからといって技術があるわけでもないので、信頼できる整備士がディーラー以外にいるなら、そちらに車検等は依頼したほうがいいです。今回の件はディーラーでしか対応できないので仕方ないですが。 最初の訪問時も、従業員同士で私語をしているし、良い印象はありません。
When I was asked to recall the Takata airbag, it seems that the interior panels were removed when the airbag was repaired, and the panels around the audio were not properly fitted and were returned in a floating state. I noticed it later, so it's troublesome twice. However, isn't it something that can't be confirmed as if it fits in such an easy-to-understand place? In addition, I received a long explanation when I was asked to respond again, but it was just a story that I should have returned it in a properly deposited state. I wish I had apologized properly, but the lengthy explanation made the tea muddy, and the apologized person was light. Just because you are a dealer does not mean that you have the skills, so if you have a reliable mechanic other than the dealer, you should ask for a vehicle inspection. This case can only be dealt with by the dealer, so it can't be helped. Even at the first visit, the employees speak privately, and I don't have a good impression.
user google on Google

No welcome when you come to the store. Isn't the car of another store treated as a customer without appointment? It was helpful to have only one kind mechanic, but I don't want to go there too much.
ooi teruyuki on Google

I ordered in May and will deliver it in October, but I don't know when it will be in December.
ニャン太 on Google

担当のAさん、かれこれ2年で2度しか会っていないし、連絡もして来ないので、最悪です。 ここは担当の当たり外れが多そうだと思います。 この販売店から抜けたいと考えております。
Mr. A, who is in charge, has met only twice in the last two years and has not contacted me, so it is the worst. I think there are many hits and misses in charge here. I would like to get out of this store.
長渕正和(サーフトリッパー) on Google

It's been a relationship since I bought a new car here. The other day, the bulb of the headlight was cut off, and I am indebted to you. You can feel free to do car maintenance.
Tom Minegisi on Google

ここでは2回購入しました。 子供用スペースが充実しており、客層も良いのでファミリー層向きだと思います。 展示車両も多いので楽しめます。 買う気があれば頑張ってくれる感じです。冷やかしとか言いがかりと判断すると切るまで早い感じですかね。まあ、周りの客にも迷惑だから正しいかな。
I bought it twice here. There is plenty of space for children and the customer base is good, so I think it is suitable for families. There are many exhibition vehicles so you can enjoy it. I feel like I will do my best if I am willing to buy it. If you judge it as ridiculous or arguing, it feels like it's too early to cut it. Well, it's a nuisance to the customers around me, so I think it's correct.

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