VICTORIA - Nakano City

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

土屋ビル 2階 5 Chome-60-14 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888887
Postal code : 164-0001

土屋ビル 2階 5 Chome-60-14 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
斗田豹馬 on Google

オリジナルのカクテルとかもあり、非常にクオリティが高いお店です。 スタンダードカクテルも手間を省かずきっちりと作って頂けます。 オリジナルのカクテルは春は桜のモヒート、夏はオレンジとミントのフローズンカクテル、秋冬はカボチャやさつまいものミルクセーキ等が絶品です。 こちらもきちっとした姿勢で頂かなくてはと自然と思わせてくれるお店です。
There are also original cocktails, and it is a very high quality shop. You can make standard cocktails exactly without any hassle. The original cocktails are cherry blossom mojito in spring, orange and mint frozen cocktails in summer, and pumpkin and sweet potato milkshakes in autumn and winter. This is also a shop that makes you think that you have to take a proper posture.
森聡 on Google

昨今、街自体が若づいている中野。 そんな地において落ち着いて、 じっくりと カクテルやウイスキーを 頂ける希少なお店。 豊富なフルーツカクテル、 デコレーションも綺麗。 これは女性と一緒でも間違いなし。 モルトもオフィシャルから限定ボトルetc... なにげにバーボンも珍しいものがあるようだった。 店主のこだわりを 随所に感じる素敵なBar。
Nakano is getting younger these days. Calm down in such a place Take your time with cocktails and whiskey A rare shop that you can get. Rich fruit cocktails, The decoration is also beautiful. There is no doubt that this is with a woman. Malt is also a limited bottle from the official etc ... There seemed to be something unusual about bourbon. The store owner's commitment A nice bar that you can feel everywhere.
奥浦竜也 on Google

外看板に引かれて入店しました。 階段を上がり扉を開けると、 落ち着いた空間に流れるJazz。 …正統派な雰囲気です。 柔らかくも程よい緊張感をもった空気感。 フルーツカクテルも色々あるようでしたが、ここはスタンダードで攻めようと思いまして、王道の ジンフィズ。 タンカレーをベースとした まろやかで一体感、コクのある旨い一杯でした! 内心、 徐々にテンションも上がりつつ 次はサイドカーをオーダー。 …これまた華やかな仕上がりです。 と、 来たならば 王様をば…マティーニ。 エギュベルを使用した エレガントな酒質でして こんな美しいマティーニは初めて。 フローラルで凝縮感があり 素敵な体験をさせて頂きました! これで帰ろうという心持ちでしたが、 もう少しだけ..と、 〆のウイスキーを。 バレッヒェン。 マデイラカスクで仕上げた 大変スモーキーで後半には果実味も感じられる 柔らかくも旨味ギュギュっのモルトでしたね。 しっかり締まりまして、 ホクホクとした気持ちで 退店させて頂きました。 是非また来たいです!
I was drawn by an outside sign and entered the store. When you go up the stairs and open the door, Jazz flowing in a calm space. … It's an orthodox atmosphere. A feeling of air with a soft but moderate tension. There seemed to be various fruit cocktails, but I was thinking of attacking with standard here, so it ’s a royal road. Gin Fizz. Based on tanqueray It was full of mellowness, a sense of unity, and richness! Inwardly, Gradually the tension is rising Next, I ordered a sidecar. … This is also a gorgeous finish. When, If you come The King ... Martini. I used Egubel With elegant liquor quality This is the first time for such a beautiful martini. Floral and condensed I had a wonderful experience! I was thinking of going home with this, Just a little more .. and 〆 whiskey. Balechen. Finished with Madeira cask Very smoky and fruity in the second half It was a soft but delicious malt. Tighten it tightly With a feeling of happiness We have closed the store. I definitely want to come again!
Alexandre Wallet on Google

Amazing atmosphere, excellent cocktails and quality alcohol
頼ゆこ on Google

My favorite in Nakano!
Madeleine Rode on Google

Very cozy and pleasant place. Staff were friendly and suggested different whiskeys from Japan. The calm jazz music playing in the background only added to the atmosphere. If you’re a whiskey lover you HAVE TO visit this place!
J Raphael Richards on Google

What a beautiful whisky bar! We had a lovely time tasting a couple of very nice Japanese whiskies, which was particularly fun because my husband is Scottish and is quite particular about his whisky! I was pleased to find that between the bartender and I we were able to broaden his horizons! We tried a few varieties including the Chita and Hakushu, and the Miyagikyo. The barman was also very nice and engaged us in conversation about Scotland and whisky. A great find!
Tommy Rogers on Google

Pretty fancy cocktails in a classy setting. Comes with a price tag, but great for a nice night out.

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