3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Hirojicho, Showa Ward, Nagoya, 〒466-0834 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
街 : 区画 Aichi

Hirojicho, Showa Ward, Nagoya, 〒466-0834 Aichi,Japan
ななこ on Google

店入っても無言。案内なし。やってますか?と話しかけてようやく「はい、、」みたいな。なんで店員がオドオドしてんねん。 カウンター席に座ろうとしたら仕切られた3箇所に対して椅子が4つあり、どう座ってよいかわからずやむなくテーブル席に。テーブルは前の人が帰ってから拭いてないのか汚れていて、色々残念。 サラダだけ美味しかったです。
It is silent even if you enter the store. No guidance. Are you doing Finally, it's like "Yes ...". Why is the clerk crazy? When I tried to sit at the counter, there were 4 chairs for each of the 3 partitions, and I had no choice but to sit at the table. It's a shame that the table is dirty because the person in front of me hasn't wiped it since he returned. Only the salad was delicious.
To ToTo on Google

名古屋の他の萌え断サンド屋さんと比べるとお値段がお手頃で、学生が買いやすいと思いました(500円もしないくらい)。 いただいたものはいちじくのサンドで、さっぱりとしていて食べやすかったです。 友人はサーモンとクリームチーズのサンドを頼んでおり、そちらは燻製(?サーモンの味が強くとても美味しかったです。 次はサラダを買ってみたいです。
Compared to other Moe sandwich shops in Nagoya, the price is reasonable and I thought it was easy for students to buy (about 500 yen). What I received was a fig sandwich, which was refreshing and easy to eat. My friend asked for a sandwich of salmon and cream cheese, which was smoked (? The taste of salmon was strong and very delicious. Next time I would like to buy a salad.
みかん on Google

テイクアウトでコブサラダのミニを買いました。 ボリュームがあり、ドレッシングもとても美味しかったです!また購入したいです。 商品ケースが少し曇っていて、何が並んでいるのか見えにくかったのが少し残念でした?
I bought a mini Cobb salad at takeout. There was volume and the dressing was very delicious! I want to buy it again. It was a little disappointing that the product case was a little cloudy and it was hard to see what was lined up ?
Tetsuro W on Google

The Cobb salad is delicious. There is a lot of volume, and it's about lunch alone. The ingredients include chicken, avocado, tomatoes, etc., which is enough to eat. The bagels are moist and the ingredients are delicious, but it's a little hard to eat because it sticks out, probably because of the fate of a brilliant sandwich. Only cash payment, no parking lot. I stopped by when I came to Hachiko Aeon for shopping.
rajni aniki on Google

The price is high, the quantity is small, and it is not delicious. I thought I was selling Rojas, but there was a lot of waste in packaging. Transportation IC cards cannot be used. The clerk has the impression that it is more inconvenient than pepper. A typical disappointing store. Not worth going.
samurai key on Google

第一印象、ちっさ。 ベーグルは美味しいですが、流石にこれはランチには小さすぎた。 久しぶりにびっくりするサイズでコンビニおにぎり1個くらい。 サブウェイなどと比べては行けませんが、同じジャンルとしてコスパ以前に残念。 学生さんと思われる店員の正気の無さはまぁ最近はどこも当たり前か。 ベーグルは美味しいが特筆すべきはなしコンビニと大差なし、店員は自販機で良い。 そんなお店です。
First impression, small. The bagels are delicious, but as expected this was too small for lunch. It's a surprising size for the first time in a long time, and it's about one convenience store rice ball. I can't go compared to Subway, but it's a shame before COSPA as the same genre. The insaneness of the clerk who seems to be a student is commonplace these days. The bagels are delicious, but there is no big difference from the convenience store, and the clerk can use a vending machine. It's that kind of shop.
深緑みろく on Google

八事駅前にできたベーグル屋さんです。 イートインでランチに伺いました。コブサラダとサーモンのベーグルに、アイスコーヒーを注文。サラダはとても可愛い見た目なんですが、コップ状の深い容器に入っているので混ぜにくく、食べるのが難しかったです笑 店内はあまり混んでいませんでした。2階もあり、のんびり出来ますが外が見えないのでやや圧迫感が有ります。 ベーグルはバリエーションがおおく、見た目も可愛いのでまた買いたいです。 また夏はかき氷もやっているようなのでそちらも気になります。 ごちそうさまでした!
It is a bagel shop built in front of Hachiko station. I went to lunch at eat-in. I ordered iced coffee for Cobb salad and salmon bagels. The salad looks very cute, but it was difficult to mix and eat because it was in a deep cup-shaped container. The store wasn't very crowded. There is also a second floor where you can relax, but you can't see the outside, so it feels a little oppressive. There are many variations of bagels and they look cute, so I would like to buy them again. Also, it seems that I also do shaved ice in the summer, so I'm also worried about that. Thank you for the meal!
emiえみ on Google

八事にオープンしたベーグルのお店☕*° お得なクーポンが販売していたので、購入して伺いました。 ⁡ サラダとベーグル、ドリンクのセットでしたが サラダが驚くほどボリューミーでびっくり! もはらサラダランチとして出してもいいくらいの大きさでした。 ⁡ 食べきれなかった場合は、テイクアウトさせて頂けるそうです。 新鮮なお野菜かシャキシャキで美味しいサラダでした! ⁡ ⁡ 体に優しい素材を使ってる&砂糖不使用のベーグルはちょっと物足りなさもあったけど ケイジャンチキンサンドは中がピリッとしてボリューミーで美味しい。 いちごサンドはハチミツをつけたら美味しかったです。 ⁡ どのサンドも断面が可愛くて迷いました。 カウンター席もあるので、1人でも気軽に入れそうです。 ごちそうさまでした! ⁡
Bagel shop opened in eight things ☕ * ° A great coupon was on sale, so I bought it. ⁡ It was a set of salad, bagels and drinks The salad is amazingly voluminous and amazing! It was big enough to serve as a Mohara salad lunch. ⁡ If you can't eat it, you can take it out. It was a delicious salad with fresh vegetables or crispy! ⁡ ⁡ The bagels made from body-friendly materials and sugar-free were a little unsatisfactory. The Cajun chicken sandwich is spicy and voluminous and delicious. The strawberry sandwich was delicious with honey. ⁡ I was at a loss because the cross section of each sandwich was cute. There is also a counter seat, so even one person can easily enter. Thank you for the meal! ⁡

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