Utsunomiyakokorono Clinic - Utsunomiya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Utsunomiyakokorono Clinic

住所 :

赤羽ハイツ 1F 6-15 Sakaecho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 320-0024
Webサイト : http://www.kokoro-clinic.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

赤羽ハイツ 1F 6-15 Sakaecho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0024, Japan
石関郁美 on Google

毎回診察で思う・・・ 4時半予約で6時半に診察室に入れないって・・・ 予約のシステム考え直して欲しい・・・ 会社早退して来てるのに会社から帰るよりずっと遅いってどういう事?
I think every time I see a doctor ... I made a reservation at 4:30 and couldn't enter the examination room at 6:30 ... I want you to reconsider the reservation system ... What does it mean to leave the company early but much later than returning from the company?
スコーンClover on Google

He is a teacher who can consult with you from the bottom of my heart. Since I started going here, I'm regaining my personality and it's supporting my heart.
rei on Google

アイ宇都宮こころのクリニックの姉妹クリニックです。こちらは優しくて腰が低く、常に患者の事を考え患者目線で耳を傾けてくれる女性院長です。長らくお世話になっております。良いアドバイスを下さります。初診の際は頑張らないでいいよ。今は身体を休めてあげようねとお言葉を頂きました。人気故に一時的な新規ストップがありましたが今は大丈夫です。また患者さんに合わせ診察時間が5分と15分に別れています。質問や症状、疑問を自前に書ける紙も置いてあり自由に書けます。診察をスムーズにするために置かれたようです。書かなくても待ち時間が多少ある場合は専門の看護師さんに自前に別室へ呼ばれ今の大体の事をパソコンで飛ばしてもらえます。 カウンセリングもあります。今は男女の先生が1名づつアイ宇都宮こころのクリニックとこちらを行き来しております。私は若い男性の先生です。見方や見てるところが尋常じゃなく桁外れでずば抜けています。こちらのカウンセリングの先生に変更になってから凄く良くなりました。あまり見かけないタイプの臨床心理士です。カウンセリングはたっぷり40分あります。 金銭面も楽です。精神医療助成制度が適応していて上限があり、プラス保険がきくので私は診察もカウンセリングもワンコインでお釣りがきます。 上限も保険と同じく収得金額に左右されます。注意事項としては診察、カウンセリング共に1週間以内にキャンセルしたらキャンセル料が発生いたします。
Ai is a sister clinic of Utsunomiya heart of the clinic. This is a female director who is kind and low in waist, always thinking about the patient and listening from the patient's point of view. I am indebted for a long time. I will give you good advice. Do not try hard at the time of your first visit. Now I received your words and I I'll rest the body. There was a popular therefore temporary new stop is now okay. In addition farewell to 5 minutes and 15 minutes examination time according to the patients. You can write questions, symptoms and questions on your own, and you can write them freely. It seems to have been placed in order to smooth the examination. If you have some waiting time without writing, you can call a specialized nurse to a separate room on your own and you can use the computer to skip most things now. There is also counseling. A male and female teacher are visiting here and there with a clinic at I Utsunomiya Kokoro. I am a young male teacher. The point of view and the place to see are extraordinary and extraordinary. Really has improved from when the change in teacher here of counseling. It is a type of clinical psychologist who does not see much. There is a full 40 minutes of counseling. Money is also easy. The mental health subsidy program is applied, and there is an upper limit, plus a positive insurance, so I can receive medical examinations and counselings with one coin. The upper limit will also be affected by the same Shutoku amount of money and insurance. As a precaution, cancellation fee will occur if you cancel the examination and counseling within one week.
555 on Google

He said he would hit another one because he only revisited and did not accept the first visit ...
さくら* on Google

家族の様に寄り添ってくれる、温かい病院です。 受付の方、看護師さん、お医者様、皆様本当に優しく、どんな状態でも否定することなく受け入れてくださいます。 ただ薬をだすだけではなく、カウンセリングもしっかりと行って下さいますし、話もできない状態の時はそっと静かに話せるまで待って下さいます。 院内は清潔でWi-Fiもあるので、待ち時間も快適です。 何より働く方のお人柄が素晴らしく、安心して通院できます。 初心の予約は取りにくいですが、月2回決まった日に電話予約ができます。 また、近くにある心薬局の薬剤師さんも素晴らしい方です。 今の病院で不安な方は、ぜひ一度問い合わせをしてみて下さい。
It is a warm hospital that will be close to your family. The receptionists, nurses and doctors are really gentle and willingly accept any situation. They don't just give the medicine, they also provide counseling. If you can't talk, wait quietly and quietly. The hospital is clean and has Wi-Fi, so waiting time is comfortable. Above all, the character of the working person is wonderful, and you can go to the hospital with confidence. It is difficult to make a reservation for beginners, but you can make a telephone reservation twice a month on the same day. A pharmacist at a nearby heart pharmacy is also wonderful. If you are uneasy at the current hospital, please contact us once.
桂木勇 on Google

残念ながら残り1ヶ月で閉業と発表がありました。 2022年3月8日現在。3月いっぱいの営業と思われます。
Unfortunately, it was announced that it would be closed with one month left. As of March 8, 2022. It seems to be open throughout March.
松ゆり on Google

The director's teacher, the nurse, and the receptionist are really kind and despise the patient? Please treat me warmly without doing anything. I'm really glad I was in this hospital. One day, if I felt too painful and cried at the reception, the receptionist showed me to the room if I could take a rest. He told me that it's okay to lie down on the bed. I was really happy because it was so painful. You can also talk to the nurse and have a family interview, but it also protects the privacy of the patient. I think it is a psychiatric and psychosomatic medicine hospital where you can feel at ease. thank you very much.
khadi on Google

臨床心理士さんの紹介でお世話になってます。 自分が今まで行った心療内科、精神科とは全く違い看護師さん、先生自ら患者に寄り添ってくださるのを感じます。 受付の方もとても丁寧です。 だからこそ、診察時間がかかってしまうんだなって事も通ううちに理解できます。 予約時間を過ぎてしまうのは、先生達が患者の話を良く聞いて寄り添ってくれてる証拠だと思います。 返って先生達がしっかり休めてるのか、心配するくらいです。
I am indebted to you by the introduction of a clinical psychologist. I feel that the nurses and teachers themselves are close to the patients, which is completely different from the psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry that I have been doing. The receptionist is also very polite. That's why I can understand that it takes a long time to see the doctor. I think that the fact that the appointment time has passed is evidence that the teachers listen carefully to the patients and stay close to them. I'm just worried that the teachers are resting well.

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