東洋はり灸院 たまプラーザ院

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Contact 東洋はり灸院 たまプラーザ院

住所 :

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88979
Webサイト : https://toyohari1.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
西濱龍 on Google

crazy beat on Google

その時の身体の状態をしっかり把握して頂き治療してもらえるので、その時の身体以外の不調なども改善してもらえます! 根本的な治療を行って頂けるので体調も良くなって来ました。 信用してお任せ出来る治療院だと思います。 先生も気さくで話もしやすいです。 不調の時以外でも体調管理も含めて通わせて頂きます!
You will be able to understand the physical condition at that time and be treated, so you can also improve your physical condition at that time! I am getting better because I am able to receive a fundamental treatment. I think it is a treatment center that you can trust. The teacher is also friendly and easy to talk to. We will let you through including physical condition management even when you are not in a bad condition!
マウンテンまっすー on Google

中学1年の息子が顔面麻痺になり、針なんて怖がって嫌がるかなと思いましたが、温かい和やかな雰囲気で、初回から楽しんで通うことができました。お陰さまで、重度だった麻痺も ほとんど見た目ではわからないほど回復することができました。本当にありがとうございます
My son, who was in the first year of junior high school, had facial paralysis, and I thought he would hate needles because he was afraid, but in a warm and peaceful atmosphere, I enjoyed going there from the first time. Thanks to you, I was able to recover from the severe paralysis that was almost invisible to the eye. thank you very much
小林珠江 on Google

昨年末から左足のふくらはぎに痛み・痺れ・冷感が出て日に日に痛みがひどくなり歩くのも立っているのも辛くなってしまいました。 まず整形外科を受診してレントゲン・MRI検査。結果は脊柱管狭窄症とヘルニアとのこと。痛み止めと湿布が出されましたがまったく効きませんでした。もしや血管が詰まっているPADかもと心臓血管外科で造影剤などいろいろ検査しましたが異常なし。 行きつけの鍼治療院の先生のところでもなかなか改善せず、その後、腱鞘炎・腰痛・左腕と首や背中の痛みまで出てきてしまいこのままだと身体中痛くなってしまうのではと不安になり慌ててネットで評判が良いと書いてある整体2件に行きましたが私には合わず諦めかけていたところネットでたまたまみつけた東洋はり灸整骨院にダメ元で行ってみたところ3回目の治療が終わったあと何日かしてあんなに痛かったふくらはぎの痛みがほとんど出なくなりました。 初回、不安な状態で警戒していた私に優しく気さくに話をしてくれて話を聞いてくれて石丸先生ありがとうございました? 引き続きよろしくお願いします。
From the end of last year, I felt pain, numbness, and a cold sensation in my left calf. First of all, I went to an orthopedic clinic for X-ray / MRI. The result was spinal canal stenosis and hernia. Pain relievers and compresses were issued, but none worked. I did various examinations such as contrast media in cardiovascular surgery, whether it is PAD with blocked blood vessels, but there was no abnormality. Even the doctor of the acupuncture clinic that I used to do was not able to improve it easily, and after that, I felt anxious that I would have tendonitis, low back pain, pain in my left arm and neck and back, and I would feel pain in my body. I went to two manipulative treatments that said it had a good reputation on the net, but when I was giving up because it did not suit me, I went to the Toyo Hari Moxibustion Osteopathic Hospital that I caught up on the net A few days after I finished it, I had almost no calf pain. First time, thank you, Ishimaru-sensei, who kindly and kindly talked to me who was wary in anxiety, and listened to me ? Thank you, continue.
96くろ on Google

下の息子の喘息治療をきっかけに 数年来、院長先生にお世話になっています。 喘息の改善はもちろん、免疫力もアップしたように感じています。 格闘技をやっています上の息子は 身体のケアをお願いするようになってから、怪我や痛みが減りました。 院長先生は 息子達にとって信頼できるホームドクター的存在です。 いつも、温かく明るく接していただき母としても感謝しております。 どうぞ、これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
As the asthma treatment of my younger son I have been taken care of by the director for several years. I feel that not only improvement of asthma but also improvement of immunity. My son is doing martial arts Since I started asking for physical care, my injuries and pains have decreased. Dr. A reliable home doctor for my sons. As a mother, I thank you for your warm and cheerful treatment. Thank you for your continued support.
保田恭兵 on Google

不眠症で診てもらっています。季節の変わり目などによく寝付けなくなるのですが、施術して貰うとよく眠れるようになります。 自分で出来るお灸のやり方なども教えてくれるので、オススメです。
I have been diagnosed with insomnia. I often don't fall asleep at the turn of the season, but when I get the treatment, I can sleep well. It is recommended because it will teach you how to moxibustion that you can do yourself.
クロダリカコ on Google

自律神経の不調で怠さが常にありました。 ぷらす鍼灸院綱島院で自律神経に良いツボとアレルギーに良いツボに針をして頂きました。しっかり時間をかけて治療して頂きありがとうございました。親切丁寧に問診もしてもらえて心の支えになっています!これでお仕事も頑張れそうです! 店内も落ち着いた雰囲気で綺麗です!
There was always negligence due to autonomic nervous system upset. At the Plus Acupuncture and Moxibustion Institute Tsunashima-in, we had acupuncture points that are good for autonomic nerves and acupuncture points that are good for allergies. Thank you for taking the time to treat me. The kind and polite interviews helped my heart! I think I can do my best with this! The inside of the store is also beautiful with a calm atmosphere!
みううらら on Google

When I felt a blockage in my ears and consulted an otolaryngologist, I was diagnosed with low-tone sensorine sensorine deafness. I took prescribed medicines such as steroids for about a week, but I didn't recover. After researching various things on the net, I found this and decided to go to the clinic. It was my first time to use acupuncture, but I was surprised that the clogging of my ears improved a little the next day without any pain. I've been there for about a month and now I'm completely better. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

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