日本料理と蕎麦 魚哲

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本料理と蕎麦 魚哲

住所 :

Urasemachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-0805 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.uotetsu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Niigata

Urasemachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-0805 Niigata,Japan
niigata gourme on Google

I came here for the first time, but I liked all the shredded soba noodles, soup stock, and the sense of presentation, and I was devilish. I want to bring someone back soon. I can't help looking forward to what will come out when it comes to the course.
松岡博 on Google

I came to lunch time. There seems to be a commitment to buckwheat flour. It is usually delicious. Soba is the best outside. It doesn't contain cloth seaweed, so you can enjoy soba-like soba.
なかさ on Google

久々(何年ぶり?)ランチで蕎麦を食べました。 毎度毎度、麺の細さと喉越しの良さに感心します。蕎麦粉の割合が多い蕎麦にありがちなボソボソ感がないので大好きです!! はるか彼方に弥彦山が見える景色もいい。(≧∇≦)b
After a long time (how many years?) I ate soba for lunch. I am impressed with the thinness of the noodles and the smoothness of the noodles. I love it because it doesn't have the lumpy feeling that is typical of buckwheat, which has a high proportion of buckwheat flour! The view of Mt. Yahiko far away is also nice. (≧ ∇ ≦) b
A “蕎麦” W on Google

It's a pretty finely beaten soba. The tempura is crispy and delicious, with rice and dessert, and I'm full (^_^)
横山侑輔 on Google

両親と一緒に行きました。 ランチで月コースを頼みましたが、普段口にできないようなお料理ばかりで大変満足しました。特に鴨肉のローストが絶品でした。
I went with my parents. I ordered a monthly course for lunch, but I was very satisfied with the dishes that I couldn't usually eat. Especially the roasted duck meat was excellent.
裕見子 on Google

久しぶりのドライブの途中に伺いました。 細いお蕎麦は私は好みではないのですが、こちらのお蕎麦は歯応えがあって、麺つゆも好みの香りと味でした。 美味しいです。 大盛りで、丁度いい感じです。 このところ、新しく行くお蕎麦屋さんは私の好みではなくて、ハズレが続いていたので、美味しいお蕎麦を頂けて、嬉しかったです。 今度は新蕎麦の頃に、また伺いたいです。 コースのお料理も、予約をして、いただいてみたいです。
I visited during the drive after a long absence. I don't like thin soba, but this soba was chewy and the noodle soup had a favorite aroma and taste. Is delicious. It's a large serving and it feels just right. Recently, I didn't like the new soba restaurant, and I was losing it, so I was happy to receive delicious soba. I would like to visit you again this time around the time of new soba noodles. I would like to make a reservation for the course meals.
土田知 on Google

長岡市周辺では珍しい細切り蕎麦は上品で美味しい。 つなぎは布海苔ではなくて外一(蕎麦粉10に小麦1の割合)で蕎麦粉も季節によって産地は変わります。 打ち手は東京の有名割烹で修行した長男。 少人数だと本格的な会席料理も楽しめます。(要予約) 11月18日 新蕎麦を食べにー 香りが良し 喉越し良し 蕎麦湯旨し レベルの高い細切りの手打ち蕎麦です。
Shredded soba, which is rare around Nagaoka City, is elegant and delicious. The binder is not cloth seaweed, but the outer one (10 buckwheat flour and 1 wheat flour), and the production area of ​​buckwheat flour changes depending on the season. The striker is the eldest son who trained in a famous cooking in Tokyo. If you have a small number of people, you can enjoy authentic kaiseki cuisine. (Reservation required) November 18th To eat new soba Good scent Good throat Soba hot water High-level shredded handmade soba noodles.
Kanako Itaya on Google

子供の頃から家族で利用させていただいている、とても美味しくて大好きなお店です。 今回は小さな子供達も連れて、ディナーのコースをお願いしました。 旬の素材を使った手の込んだ品々に、感動とため息の連続でした。 お魚をはじめとした日本料理やお蕎麦が美味しいのは勿論のこと、フレンチの要素を取り入れられたお料理も大変美味しいです。 今回はフランス産の鳩のローストを出していただきました。とても柔らかくて美味しかったです。一皿一皿がとても手が込んでいて、意外な調理方法や食材の組み合わせで、驚きの連続でした。 コロナ禍でも個室で安心ですし、子供の食物アレルギーにも対応していただけて、家族みんなで最高の時間を過ごせました。 こちらのわがままも快く引き受けてくださり、お店の皆さんには本当に良くしていただき感謝しております。 今は気軽には通えない距離ですが、また帰省の際には魚哲さんにお伺いする事を励みに日々を過ごそうと思います。
It's a very delicious and favorite restaurant that I've been using with my family since I was a kid. This time, I asked for a dinner course with small children. I was impressed and sighed by the elaborate items made from seasonal ingredients. Not only Japanese food such as fish and soba are delicious, but also food with French elements is very delicious. This time, we had you serve roasted pigeons from France. It was very soft and delicious. Each dish was very elaborate, and I was surprised at the unexpected combination of cooking methods and ingredients. I was relieved in a private room even if I had a corona, and I was able to deal with food allergies in my children, so I had the best time with the whole family. I am grateful to everyone at the store for taking care of this selfishness and making it really good. It's a distance that I can't easily go to now, but when I go home again, I'm going to spend my days encouraging to visit Mr. Uotetsu.

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