サラダの店 サンチョ 伏見店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About サラダの店 サンチョ 伏見店

【例:関西→関西60・クール便・代引手数料の合計(最低ライン): 1,480円 】




    オリジナルドレッシング(¥ 550)※1
    フレンチドレッシング(¥ 550)※2
    自家製和風野菜ドレッシング (¥ 550)
    自家製和風レモンドレッシング(¥ 550)
    自家製和風ゴマドレッシング(¥ 550)
    ニューヨーククリームチーズケーキ ホール 16cm (¥ 2,460)
    ニューヨーククリームチーズケーキ ホール 23cm (¥ 4,120)



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    Contact サラダの店 サンチョ 伏見店

    住所 :

    Uoyacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8041 Kyoto,Japan

    電話 : 📞 +87
    Webサイト : https://sancho.co.jp/
    街 : Kyoto

    Uoyacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8041 Kyoto,Japan
    ゆりこ on Google

    地元の方に教えてもらって行きました。 サラダが美味しい!シャキシャキ野菜に美味しいドレッシングがたっぷり。ここにしかない味です。 でもメインのおかずもサラダに負けていません。この日は照り焼きステーキ、海老フライ、クリームコロッケを頂きました。味付けがしっかり濃いめで、ごはんがすすむ味です。 バナナジュースも美味しかった~あっさりしていて食後にぴったりでした。 お昼時で混んでいましたが、店員さんも良いタイミングでお水を注ぎに来て下さったり、つかれはなれずの良い距離感で、楽しく過ごせました。 ごちそうさまでした。
    I asked a local person to teach me. The salad is delicious! Plenty of delicious dressing on crispy vegetables. It's a taste that can only be found here. But the main side dish is not defeated by the salad. We had teriyaki steak, fried shrimp and cream croquette on that day. The seasoning is strong and the rice is good. The banana juice was also delicious-it was light and perfect after eating. It was crowded at noon, but the clerk also came to pour water at the right time, and I had a good time with a good sense of distance that I could not get tired of. Thank you for the meal.
    11 Monkiti on Google

    A Western-style restaurant that I happened to find when I was googled on my way back from Kyoto to Nara ?. It was a hamburger steak full of gravy and the sauce was rich and delicious ✨ There is also a partner coin parking ?️.
    ノエルノート on Google

    I haven't been there lately, but it seems that there is a line and it's crowded. I used to spend a lot of time. I wonder if I will go next time. There is a salad shop, but of course there are others. On the contrary, I think there are many things other than salads, and hamburgers are also delicious.
    三宅裕一 on Google

    ランチで利用。 河原町の店舗とは雰囲気が変わって広くてまさにレストラン的な感じ。 ランチの味はもちろん間違いないですし、食後にオーダーしたバナナジュースがまた美味しかった。
    Used for lunch. The atmosphere is different from the Kawaramachi store, and it's spacious and just like a restaurant. The taste of lunch was definitely good, and the banana juice I ordered after the meal was delicious again.
    Yoshi on Google

    I visited for dinner. I ordered a handmade Western-style hamburger steak and a grill set for 1800 yen. It's not cheap at all, but here you can find dishes that are worth the price. Take a sip of soup and horse! Eat a bite of hamburger and horse! Eat a bite of salad and horse! No matter what I eat, it tastes better than I imagined, and I'm generally very satisfied. It's always crowded, but you can't make a reservation in advance, so it's recommended that you go early or line up. Payment is cash only.
    英津子 on Google

    ランチ13時過ぎに行っても結構お待ちで外で待ってるのは寒すぎ! でも料理はフライもサクサクしてて 美味しかったです。 追加でバナナジュース 頼みました。美味しかったです。
    Even if you go after 13:00 for lunch, it's too cold to wait outside! But the food is crispy and the fried food is crispy. It was delicious. Additional banana juice I asked. It was delicious.
    せいちゃん on Google

    When I passed in front of me, I was always lined up, so I was wondering if it was so delicious, so I came. The menu in the show window looks delicious already and I want to eat it all. I can't see what's inside because there is no window glass. It's unexpectedly wide when you open the door and go inside. All the waitresses are cute. You can see it through the mask. I ordered a combination lunch of hamburger and cream croquette. For lunch, you can choose bread / rice and drinks are also included. The food is delivered in about 12 to 15 minutes. The waitress is cute. There is no doubt about Western food. I will come again.
    mina mina on Google

    ランチ予約して行きました。オープン時には既に大行列。 一気に作って盛り付けてるのか熱々ではなかったですが、とても美味しく頂きました。 メニューは沢山あり、昔ながらのレストランといった印象。 頼んだ物→ミックスフライ1380円+ライス小230円。 相方のバナナジュース貰いましたが口コミ通りとても美味しかったです。 支払いは現金のみ。gotoeatも利用不可。 出た時も並んでたので予約必須です。 次回はチーズケーキも食べてみたいです。
    I made a reservation for lunch. There is already a large line at the time of opening. It wasn't hot whether it was made and served at once, but it was very delicious. There are many menus, and the impression is that it is a traditional restaurant. What I ordered → Mixed fry 1380 yen + small rice 230 yen. I got my partner's banana juice, but it was very delicious as the word of mouth. Payment is cash only. Goto eat is also not available. Reservations are required as they were lined up when they left. Next time I would like to eat cheesecake.

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