Uoryu - Shibuya City

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uoryu

住所 :

Lu82ビル 2F 26-4 Udagawacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 150-0042
Webサイト : https://retty.me/area/PRE13/ARE8/SUB802/100000862550/
Description : Contemporary, lively fixture offering sushi, sashimi & drinks in stylish private rooms.

Lu82ビル 2F 26-4 Udagawacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan
Mki Hase on Google

コースで予約しました。3500円1番安いのより1ランク上のコース。 食材の質は悪くないようで、刺身や鍋は美味しかった。飲み放題の酒はクオリティがイマイチの酒ばかり。 3時間飲み放題はお安いが、入店して15分位で全部の料理がでてきてびっくり。 温かい料理も冷めてしまうし、テーブルにも乗らないよ 汗。
I made a reservation for the course. 3500 yen A course one rank higher than the cheapest. The quality of the ingredients did not seem to be bad, and the sashimi and hot pot were delicious. All-you-can-drink liquor is not good quality. All-you-can-drink for 3 hours is cheap, but I was surprised that all the dishes were served in about 15 minutes after entering the store. Hot dishes get cold and I don't even get on the table. Sweat.
あいうえおかきくけこ on Google

騙された。 高すぎです。ほぼ頼んでないのに1人5000円。 キャッチに捕まって入ったが、何も聞いてない週末料金まで入ってる。 更にサービス料+10%。 中国人の店員さんばかり。接客も最悪…呼んでも来ない…。 これでなぜサービス料まで払わなきゃいけない!?笑 久々にやられました。
Was fooled. It's too expensive. It costs 5,000 yen per person even though I haven't asked for it. I got caught in the catch, but even the weekend fee I didn't hear anything was included. In addition, service charge + 10%. Only Chinese clerk. The customer service is also the worst ... Even if I call it, it doesn't come ... Why do I have to pay the service fee with this! ?? Lol It's been a long time.
刘杉 on Google

駅から1分、店員さんの対応も丁寧で、店内移動時用にマスクもくれました お刺身新鮮でめっちゃ美味しかった、 そしてあしたばビールがイケる?
One minute from the station, the clerk was polite and gave me a mask for moving inside the store. The sashimi was fresh and very delicious, And tomorrow beer is cool ?
リンムーワン on Google

Anyway, the plain clothes catch is a waste. While eating, smoking and calling out to pick up. I don't even have a mask and it's in the way. The catch is Japanese, but the inside of the store is a mystery with only foreign staff. What do you want to do ...
yoko tanaka on Google

109近くの個室居酒屋さん♪ ホッケ焼きが大きくて美味しかった~ ビールはプレモル。神泡達人のお店です。
Private room izakaya near 109 ♪ The hockey grill was big and delicious ~ Beer is premole. This is a shop of Shinwa Tatsujin.
肥田木和枝 on Google

渋谷に行ったときに、個室居酒屋『魚龍』で、食事してから帰りました。 場所は渋谷109の向かいあたりにあるビルの3階なので好立地で利用しやすい場所にありましたよ。 渋谷の駅そばのお店なので飲み会で利用するにしても便利。また完全個室なので、まわりに気兼ねなく飲めるのも嬉しい。 まず最初に、カクテルの『マンゴーオレンジ 480円』で、乾杯~ マンゴーの味が濃い感じで美味しいカクテルでした。 『魚龍サラダ 980円』お店の名前が入ったサラダなので、頼んでみましたが、マグロとかも入っていたので、ワサビとかもきいていて美味しいサラダでした。お野菜は新鮮でシャキシャキ! 『鶏皮ポン酢 580円』お酒にあう感じで、食べ始めたら止まらなくなってしまいました(笑) 『チーズ揚げ 二点盛り 780円』熱々で、チーズもとろ~ってして美味しかったです。ボリュームもある感じ。 『地鶏ももの炭火焼き 880円』お肉が柔らかくて美味。レモンをかけて食べましたがヘルシーな感じなのも良かったです。 『串焼きおまかせ5本盛り 780円』飲みに行ったら串焼きは、はずせないですよね~ 『カルーアミルク 500円』甘い感じのお酒が飲みたくなり頼んでみましたが、入れ物も可愛い。 『旬野菜の天ぷら 650円』 『海鮮丼 1000円』サーモンのネタとかも新鮮で、プリップリ~ 海鮮丼最高。 『茶そば 580円』〆は、茶そばで、さっぱり~ ツルツル~って食べたら美味しかったです。 デザートは、『ミニパフェ 580円』お腹いっぱいになりました。
When I went to Shibuya, I went to a private izakaya “Uryu” and dine and went home. The location was on the third floor of a building opposite Shibuya 109, so it was in a good location and easy to use. Because it is a shop near the station in Shibuya, it is convenient to use at drinking parties. In addition, since it is a completely private room, it is nice to be able to drink around without hesitation. First of all, toast with the cocktail "Mango orange @ 480 yen" ~ It was a delicious cocktail with a strong mango flavor. "Yoryu salad @ 980 yen" It was a salad with the name of the shop, so I asked for it, but since it also included tuna, it was delicious with salad. The vegetables are fresh and crunchy! "Chicken skin ponzu 580 yen" It feels like alcohol and I can't stop after I start eating (laughs) “Cheese fried two-piece 780 yen” It was hot and the cheese was delicious. Feeling that there is volume. “Charcoal-grilled local chicken 880 yen” The meat is tender and delicious. I ate it with lemon but it was good that it was healthy. If you go to the "Skewered 5 stakes 780 yen" drink, you can not remove the skewers ~ "Kahlua Milk $ 500" I wanted to drink a sweet liquor and asked, but the container was also cute. `` Seasonal vegetable tempura 650 yen '' "Seafood rice bowl @ 1000 yen" Salmon material is fresh and fresh- Seafood bowl is the best. "Tea soba 580 yen" is tea soba, refreshing ~ When I ate it, it was delicious. For dessert, "Mini parfait @ 580 yen" became full.
Henry Johnson on Google

Noisy and pricey for what is a bog standard izakaya
迫有生 on Google

DO NOT GO THERE. Less quality but you can go there with coupon. IF tou go there by a man(we call it "catcher") you have to extra 1000 yen plus 5% annoying extra. but if you use coupon, -500yen off. hory...

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