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Contact 磐井清水

住所 :

Unyudohira, Higashiyamacho Matsukawa, Ichinoseki, 〒029-0303 Iwate,Japan

街 : Iwate

Unyudohira, Higashiyamacho Matsukawa, Ichinoseki, 〒029-0303 Iwate,Japan
千葉勝則 on Google

セキノ三太郎 on Google

ねぴあ on Google

shinpe F. on Google

At the end of the year, there is a festival of Sakurai Shimizu gifts.
浩和 on Google

I stopped by because there was an information board on the side of the prefectural road ❗ There is no parking lot, but there is a parking space for passenger cars.
ポポすーさん on Google

この地区は大昔、海の底だったと言われています。そのため石灰岩が沢山あり やまに降った雨がその岩と豊富な広葉樹でろ過された清水がわく場所として名声をえていました。 特に年が変わる一月一日の水は飲むと若返るといわれる若水として 献上品で平泉に運んだとされており、毎年大晦日~元旦にかけてそれに倣った若水送りという伝統行事が行われています。
This area is said to have been the bottom of the sea long ago. Therefore, there are many limestones It was famous as a place where the rain that fell in the mountains was filtered by the rocks and abundant hardwoods. Especially, the water on January 1st, when the year changes, is said to rejuvenate when you drink it. It is said that it was carried to Hiraizumi as a gift, and every year from New Year's Eve to New Year's Day, a traditional event called Wakamizu Sending is held.
Gyoupon on Google

奥州藤原三代秀衡の歴史とロマンを感じる名水スポットです。 藤原秀衡が元日の朝に若水をここから汲んで運ばせたといわれています。 「ときわ木のかげのいわ井の忘れ水、夏を覚えぬ名にこそありけり」の石碑が建っており、磐井郡の名の起こりとなっているようです。
It is a famous water spot where you can feel the history and romance of Hidehira Fujiwara Oshu. It is said that Hidehira Fujiwara drew young water from here on New Year's Day. There is a stone monument that says, "The forgotten water of Iwai, the shadow of Tokiwagi, is the name that doesn't remember summer."

車でよく通りかかる以前からで気になっていた場所であった 岩手の名水には載っては居ない場所ではあるが。 磐井清水若水送りと言う行事が元旦に行われているらしく 要約すると。 平泉藤原文化の時代、秀衡公が元日の朝に、里人に磐井清水の若水を汲ませ、手送りで平泉柳之御所に届けさせたという故事を伝説に基づき再現したもので、古式さながらの白丁(白装束)をまとった一行が、東山町から平泉中尊寺までの約20キロの道のりを、若水桶を地につけることなく歩いて若水を届ける行事であり、 歴史に赴いた清水処であった。
It was a place I was interested in before I often passed by car Although it is not listed in Iwate's famous water. It seems that an event called Iwai Shimizu Wakamizu Sending is being held on New Year's Day. In summary. In the era of Hiraizumi Fujiwara culture, this is a legendary reproduction of the fact that Hidehira had a villager draw Wakamizu from Iwai Shimizu and deliver it to Hiraizumi Yanagi-no-Gosho on the morning of New Year's Day. A group of people wearing white clothes (white costumes) walks about 20 kilometers from Higashiyama-cho to Hiraizumi Chuson-ji without putting a Wakamizu tub on the ground to deliver Wakamizu. It was Shimizu-dokoro that went to history.

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