ちゃトラ (合同会社UNY-Que内)

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ちゃトラ (合同会社UNY-Que内)

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://chatora45000.jimdofree.com/
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
sora on Google

The clerk taught me carefully and was kind!
Tia fs559 on Google

Mr. Chatra who had set up a store in Higashijujo independently of Artesia in Akihabara opened in Akihabara again
西脇和哉 on Google

店員さんは、とてもいい人です 少し、分かりずらいですが とてもいいです、掘り出し物もありますね
The clerk is a very nice person A little confusing It ’s very good, there ’s a bargain.
ヤマちゃん on Google

I took a look at the place and thought that 700 yen would be good for the same hour use as Popondetta. I hope that both the tigers and those with parents and children will come to the store. I'm tired of all the regular customers.
nisshiy00 on Google

店内は狭いですが(すれ違いは困難)、店員さん(店長さんかな?)はとても気さくで親切丁寧です。 商品も掘り出し物を見つけてしまい、思わず購入。また行きます。
The inside of the store is small (it is difficult to pass each other), but the clerk (maybe a manager) is very friendly and kind. We found product and found bargain and purchased involuntarily. I will go again.
VIC VIPER on Google

It's a little difficult to understand because there is a pop on the back alley. Although it is small, it also handles second-hand goods. The customer service is also polite.
fiveC nishi on Google

他の方が仰るように気さくな店員さんと、たまに見つかる掘り出し物が本当に魅力的。 チョイと狭めの店舗もご愛嬌。 これだけなら文句なしの星5つなんですよ。 これを台無しにしているのが常連客と思われる巨漢の男性2人組。 狭い店舗のカウンター前に何時間もノーマスク&外まで聞こえる大きな声で世間話に興じているからとても入りづらい。 これでどれだけの客が敬遠したことか。 店員さんもこれは注意すべき。
The friendly clerk and the bargains that are sometimes found are really attractive as others say. Choi and narrow stores are also charming. With this alone, there are 5 stars without complaint. It is a duo of giant men who seem to be regular customers who are ruining this. It's very difficult to enter because I'm enjoying small talk for hours in front of the counter in a small store with no mask and a loud voice that can be heard outside. How many customers have shunned this? The clerk should also be careful about this.
h s on Google

店主は気さくで良い方ですが、常連?の変なやつが大体いて、入りにくいこの上ない。 レア物もありますが、ハズレもあるので検品はしっかりやらないと失敗します。 店主は良い方なだけにとても残念です。
The owner is friendly and nice, but are you a regular? There are a lot of weird guys out there, and it's hard to get in. There are rare items, but there are also mistakes, so if you do not do the inspection properly, it will fail. It's a shame because the owner is a good person.

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