Uniqlo - Yokote

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uniqlo

住所 :

Mukaida-185 Yasuda, Yokote, Akita 013-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 013-0043
Webサイト : http://www.uniqlo.com/jp/shop/info/%2310100684
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
Description : Clothing retailer producing a collection of casualwear & accessories for men, women & children.

Mukaida-185 Yasuda, Yokote, Akita 013-0043, Japan
akihiko takisawa on Google

横手市の集合商業施設 これからの時代の主流でしょうか
Yokote City Commercial Complex Is it the mainstream of the coming era?
しまちゃん on Google

I bought the best turtleneck T-shirt in different colors. Even after washing, it does not discolor and my neck does not grow, so I purchase it every year.
平塚隊長 on Google

Adjacent to TSUTAYA, Daiso, and various restaurants, there is a large parking lot. Suitable for a wide range of age groups, perfect location. He frequently plans and launches new products, discounting off-season and out-of-model products. The customer service is good, and we can easily respond to inquiries about unknown products. The cash register is completely self-sufficient, making it possible to pay instantly while keeping products in the basket. Shopping bags are made of paper because they are made of plastic.
tanshi katsura on Google

普通としか言えない。品揃え、店員対応ともUNIQLO他店ともしっかりしており、店員の受け答えも類似店と比較すれば、ファーストリテイリングの社員教育が良いのか、必要なことを聞いてしっかり答えてくれる。 難を言えば、閉店時間と思う。ただ、働き方改革、コロナ、周辺市町村の購入層人口を踏まえると、この時間帯になってしまうかと自己納得している。
I can only say normal. We have a solid product lineup and support for salesclerks and other stores at UNIQLO as well, and if you compare the salesclerk's response to similar stores, you can ask if the employee training for fast retailing is good or not, and answer firmly. The difficult time is closing time. However, considering the work style reform, the corona, and the purchasing population of the surrounding municipalities, I am convinced that it will be this time zone.
伊藤栄子 on Google

自分の住んでる場所にユニクロはないので何度も行く事は出来ないけど行くと必ず欲しいものが見つかります。 前回行った時エアリズムの半袖シャツの下着を購入しました。ところが裾がほつれていて全部ほどけました。 先ほども話したように簡単には行けずあきらめました。 一ヶ月後にまた同じものを購入しました。今度は大丈夫だったからホッとしました。 製品はいいけどチェックするのがゆるいんだなあと改めて思いました。
I don't have UNIQLO where I live, so I can't go there many times, but when I go, I always find what I want. When I went there last time, I bought a pair of underwear from AIRism. However, the hem was frayed and it was completely unraveled. As I said before, I couldn't go easily and gave up. A month later I bought the same one again. I was relieved because it was fine this time. The product is good, but it's easy to check, so I thought again.
T Ishi on Google

イマドキ、ユニクロはセルフレジなんだね… 知らなかった私も悪いのかもだけど、もっと優しく解りやすく説明して欲しいなぁ…
Imadoki and Uniqlo are self-registrations ... I didn't know it might be bad, but I want you to explain it more kindly and in an easy-to-understand manner ...
いちいKB48 on Google

Pants that leak urine are presented to moms of snacks.
阿部里志 on Google

「ユニクロ フレスポ横手店」は、店舗面積からすれば小規模店ですが、他店と比較して平均レベルです。シーズン毎に利用するが、その都度スタッフの顔ぶれが入れ替わっている気がするのは、定着率の低さかもしれない。それでもスタッフのレベルはオープン当初より数段上がっているのは接客風景から確認できます。 ファストファッションを断然リードしている点は評価できます。多少ピンボケ商品も有りますが、コストパフォーマンス的には★星4個は申し分無いです。 「感動パンツ」のネーミングで販売しているが、感動するほどの商品では無い。すぐれた品質の「素材」を採用しているからであって、デザインやファスナーやポケットの取付け位置など細かな点はまだまだの、イマイチ商品です。 今まで人気のあったファストファッションも頭打ちで世界的企業でも日本から撤退を余儀なくされている。更に、今までライバルでは無かった「ワークマン」が高機能素材の商品を低価格で消費者に提供するコンセプトが同じで、確実に存在価値を増している。作業着販売店と眼中に無かったが、高機能でタウンユースの面で強力な存在感を増している。いずれ、シーズン前に購入を検討する時にどちらで購入するか比較対象になるのは確実です。 大曲の「GU」と商品、価格で競合関係を続けながら、着実に存在感を増して来た「ワークマン」が力を増し、当面は県南地区の消費者を振り回し続ける事でしょう。
“UNIQLO Frespo Yokote store” is a small store in terms of store area, but it is an average level compared to other stores. Although it is used every season, it may be that the retention rate is low because it seems that the staff members are changing each time. Nevertheless, it can be confirmed from the customer service that the level of the staff has increased several levels since the opening. I can appreciate the fact that we are leading the fast fashion. There are some out-of-focus items, but four stars are perfect for cost performance. Although it is sold under the name of “impressive pants”, it is not an impressive product. This is because it uses excellent quality “materials”, and the details such as the design and the position of fasteners and pockets are still not good. Fast fashion, which has been popular until now, has reached its peak, and global companies are forced to withdraw from Japan. Furthermore, “Workman”, which has never been a competitor, has the same concept of providing high-performance materials to consumers at a low price, which has definitely increased its value. Although it was not in the eyes of a work clothes dealer, it is highly functional and has a strong presence in terms of town use. In the meantime, when you consider purchasing before the season, it is certain that you will be comparing which to purchase. “Workman”, who has been steadily increasing its presence while continuing to compete with Omagari “GU” in terms of product and price, will become more powerful, and for the time being will continue to wield consumers in the southern district.

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