Unganji - Otawara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Unganji

住所 :


電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 324-0213
Description : Quiet, centuries-old Buddhist prayer hall & garden on a mountainside above a forested gorge.

トミー on Google

11月21日に行ってきました。 山深い中にひっそりと佇んでいるお寺で、自然を感じながら境内を歩くと、心が洗われる気分です。 紅葉終わってしまったかなと思いましたが、間に合い、綺麗な景色が見られて癒されました。
I went there on November 21st. At the temple, which stands quietly in the deep mountains, walking in the precincts while feeling the nature makes you feel refreshed. I wondered if the autumn leaves had ended, but in time, I was healed by the beautiful scenery.
猛虎襲来 on Google

= 山の中の静謐 = 昔も今も、禅宗の修行僧の修行の場。山の中にひっそりと佇んでおり、時折聞こえる鳥の鳴き声に驚かされる。駐車場は、武茂川をはさんで反対側の公民館の前。市バスのバス停があるんだけど、一日4本ではアテにできない。 車を降りて武茂川にかかる赤い橋を渡ると、現世→来世へ渡ったような感覚。まさか三◯の川じゃないよね。山門を登る階段は、ツェッペリンの「天国への階段」のよう。山門をくぐるとお堂が見えるが、それは前堂。本堂はその裏からさらに登る。 足に自信のない方々は、向かって右にある道を迂回することをお勧めします。
= Quietness in the mountains = It used to be a place for Zen Buddhist monks to practice. It stands quietly in the mountains and is amazed by the occasional bird calls. The parking lot is in front of the public hall on the opposite side of the Mumo River. There is a city bus stop, but I can't make it with 4 buses a day. When you get off the car and cross the red bridge over the Mumo River, it feels like you have crossed from this world to the next world. The stairs that climb the gate are like Zeppelin's "stairway to heaven." When you pass through the mountain gate, you can see the temple, which is the front hall. The main hall climbs further from the back. If you are not confident in your feet, we recommend that you bypass the road on your right.
藤井尚子 on Google

A clear river runs under the red bridge. Passing through the majestic mountain gate, you can see the annual rings of cedar trees that are hundreds of years old and the monument of Basho Matsuo, and you can feel the depth of history. I wanted to stand in the calm precincts forever.
a su ga on Google

風格のある禅寺でした。 大田原にこんなにりっぱなお寺があるとは知りませんでした。 駐車場も広くて訪れやすいです。 大田原観光プラン 道の駅与一の里、那須神社、蕎麦屋、雲巌寺、温泉 と言ったところでしょうか。
It was a stately Zen temple. I didn't know that there was such a fine temple in Otawara. The parking lot is large and easy to visit. Otawara sightseeing plan Road Station Yoichi no Sato, Nasu Shrine, Soba Shop, Unganji Temple, Hot Spring Is it just that?
Mike Wagner on Google

Peaceful and lovely
Aruna Basnayake on Google

Quiet, great place to relax and meditate
aaron meldahl on Google

This Zen temple is largely unknown and little visited -- there were only 4 other people around while I was there. However, it's historically important and located in a stunning location on the side of a mountain above a picturesque gorge and worth a visit if you have time. Totally free, it has a number of beautiful buildings plus an Amida statue open to view.

Unganji, this is the place to encounter superb mountain scenery.

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