
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鮨よし

住所 :

Umejima, Adachi City, 〒121-0816 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
Webサイト : https://sushiyoshi.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday 5–9PM
Monday 12–1PM
Tuesday 12–1PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12–1PM
Friday 12–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Umejima, Adachi City, 〒121-0816 Tokyo,Japan
佐々田啓子 on Google

The material was very fresh and the shop staff felt very good. It's a sushi restaurant that anyone can go to.
るはちちうけた on Google

先代の頃からお邪魔しています。まだまだ新参者ですが。 特にしめ鯖のしめ具合が好みです?
I've been bothering you since my predecessor. I'm still a newcomer. I especially like the tightness of the mackerel ?
富沢真太郎 on Google

何年も通っているお店です。 店内清潔で接客も良く、握りも料理も美味しいお店です。 週末は予約した方のが良いかも 最近はコロナの影響でネタが落ちたかも…
It's a shop I've been to for years. The restaurant is clean and has good customer service, and the food is delicious. It may be better to make a reservation on weekends Recently, the story may have fallen due to the influence of corona ...
Toshihiko SATOH on Google

ネタが新鮮でおいしい。握りも手巻きもお造りも他の一品料理も、全てが美味。 その上、店主が静かで物腰が柔らかく、人の良さがにじみ出ている。おススメをさりげなく教えてくれます。 女性スタッフも感じがよく、とても充実した食事がいただけます。 とても居心地の良いお店だと思います。
The material is fresh and delicious. Both grip, hand winding, making and other dish items are all delicious. Besides, the shopkeeper is quiet, the waist is soft, the goodness of a person is oozing. I will tell you the recommendation casually. Female staff also feel very well, you can have a very substantial meal. I think that it is a very comfortable shop.
N K on Google

わかりにくい民家にありますが、地元に人に愛されてるお店だと思います。 月曜日に行ったのに、ほぼ満席! 一貫ずつ握ってくれるお店です。 女性二人男性一人で行って12000円くらいでした! 出てくるのが少し遅いくらいで、お寿司はとても美味しかったです。 店内とても寒いので羽織るものがあった方がいいと思います。 ブランケットはありましたよ!
It's in a difficult-to-understand home, but I think it's a shop loved by locals. Although I went on a Monday, I was almost fully booked! It is a shop that holds consistently. Two women and one man went alone and it was around 12000 yen! It was a little late to come out, and the sushi was very delicious. I think that it is better to have something wore because it is very cold inside the store. There was a blanket!
t tokyo on Google

Uber eatsで本鮪中トロ漬け丼を注文しました。 鮪が数枚乗った下に、他のお鮨屋さんでは絶対捨てるような脂だけが五枚も敷き詰められていました。 生臭いですし、噛みきれませんでした。 これで3850円は高すぎますし、がっかりです。
I ordered a bowl of tuna pickled in Toro at Uber eats. Underneath a few tuna, there were only five tuna that would be thrown away at other sushi restaurants. It smelled fishy and I couldn't chew it. This makes 3850 yen too expensive and disappointing.
Gim Rogers on Google

街場の寿司屋としてはいいもの使ってるから美味いけど高い。 何回か行って1人で好き勝手食べて飲んで1.7万、2万。 酒が高いかな。あと刺し盛りそんないいの使わなくていいですってば。
It's delicious but expensive because it's a good sushi restaurant in the city. I went several times and ate and drank as I like, 17,000 and 20,000. I wonder if sake is expensive. You don't have to use such a good sashimi.
Yasuhiro Onaka on Google

Good taste, good sake, the best general! !! On Instagram, he frequently posts seasonal fish and delicious sake. The best shop!

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