和味 申々

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和味 申々

住所 :

Chuohoncho, Adachi City, 〒120-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : https://hitosara.com/0006125662/
街 : Tokyo

Chuohoncho, Adachi City, 〒120-0011 Tokyo,Japan
中村久美子 on Google

Very delicious ramen near the school, but a little expensive.
Y SARO (SARO) on Google

I had a rare bear pot and Matsukado bento. It's probably a real Japanese food restaurant around here. The assortment of alcoholic beverages is also good. For that reason, the price is reasonable, the customer service feels good, and there is no complaint.
川内清和 on Google

Each one was carefully made and very delicious. The decoration of the radish was also wonderful and I felt the commitment of the owner
岩本ちはる on Google

お鍋を頂きましたが、とても美味しかったです。おつまみの味はもちろんですが 盛り付けが綺麗で、勉強になります。
I had a pot and it was very delicious. Not to mention the taste of snacks The arrangement is beautiful and it will be a learning experience.
やまださわこ on Google

会社のオンラインランチ会用に、予算内でお弁当をお願いしたところ、まるでお正月のように豪華な懐石料理を用意いただきました! 食べて美味しく目でも楽しめ有意義なランチになりました~✨✨
When I asked for a lunch box for the company's online lunch party within the budget, they prepared a gorgeous kaiseki dish just like New Year's! It was a meaningful lunch that I enjoyed eating and enjoying with my eyes ~ ✨ ✨
加藤匡寿 on Google

お昼に松花堂弁当をテイクアウトしました。 飾り包丁の細かさに驚きましたが、出汁がきいた、一つ一つにそれぞれの味わいがある炊き合わせを堪能しました。 かしわ天も柔らかく、あっという間に完食いたしました。 ※汁物として自分でインスタントのお味噌汁を準備したのですが、不要でした、^^; 今度はぜひ店内でゆっくりいただいてみたいですし、他の品もいただきたいです。 「鯛なまめし」が気になります。
I took out Matsukado bento at noon. I was surprised at the fineness of the decorative knives, but I enjoyed the soup stock and the unique flavors of each. Kashiwaten was also soft and I ate it in no time. * I prepared instant miso soup as a soup, but I didn't need it, ^^; Next time, I would like to have it relaxed in the store, and I would like to have other items as well. I'm curious about "sea bream blister".
まりもん on Google

住宅街にある和食屋さんです。 清潔感のある店内で、ランチに松花堂弁当をいただきました。 蓋を開けてびっくり。 盛り付けも美しく、炊き合わせも、ひとつひとつ丁寧に調理されたもので、とても美味しい。 お昼から、素敵なお食事をいただけました。 たまたま今日だけかもですが、少しご飯が柔らかめだったので、もう少しお水が少ない方が丼ものは特によいかなと思いました。 それにしても、素敵なお店でした。 ご夫婦でやっていらっしゃるようで、帰る時、お二人並んで丁寧にお見送りしてくださったのも感激でした。 ごちそうさまでした。
It is a Japanese restaurant in a residential area. I had a Shokado bento for lunch in a clean shop. I was surprised to open the lid. The arrangement is beautiful, and the dishes are carefully cooked one by one, which is very delicious. We had a wonderful meal from noon. It just happened to be today, but the rice was a little soft, so I thought it would be better to have a bowl of rice with a little less water. Even so, it was a nice shop. It seems that they are doing it as a couple, and when I returned, I was impressed that they were politely seeing off side by side. Thank you for the meal.
K GOTO on Google

京料理の料理長をされていた方とお聞きしました。 足立区で繊細な料理に感激しました。 今度は夜の懐石料理を頂きたい。
I heard that he was the head chef of Kyoto cuisine. I was impressed with the delicate food in Adachi Ward. Next time, I would like to have a kaiseki meal at night.

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