
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三段の滝

住所 :

Umegashima, Aoi Ward, 〒421-2301 Shizuoka,Japan

街 : Shizuoka

Umegashima, Aoi Ward, 〒421-2301 Shizuoka,Japan
Takahiro Iizuka on Google

It is a small waterfall in the back of Umegashima Onsen.
Tanny on Google

Umegashima Onsen has only waterfalls and hot springs. If you look at the waterfall, you can see it next to Abe's Otaki. You can also go up to the car by car beyond the parking lot. Although it will be on the side of the road, I think that so many tourists will come.
on Google

About 10 minutes walk from Umegashima Onsen. As it was paved, it arrived easily.
釣りキチタケチャン on Google

湯元屋から少し上がったところにある、三段の滝です。車で上がっていくには道が狭く停めるところに困るかもしれませんが、殆ど人はいません^ ^
It is a three-tiered waterfall located a little above Yumotoya. You may have trouble getting up by car where the road is narrow, but few people ^ ^
Littleケンヂ on Google

ちょっと迫力にはかけるけど、散歩気分で駐車場から歩いて行くにはいい感じ。 すぐ横の砂防ダムの下の滝の方が迫力ある。(見えずらい)
It's a little powerful, but it feels good to walk from the parking lot like a walk. The waterfall under the Sabo dam right next to it is more powerful. (Difficult to see)
MIT G13 on Google

写真は三段の滝の横の砂防ダムです、峰まで続く渓谷沿いの紅葉が綺麗でした。 三段の滝よりこちらの方が見る価値がありそうです。
The photo shows the Sabo dam next to the three-tiered waterfall, and the autumn leaves along the valley leading to the peak were beautiful. This one seems to be worth seeing more than the three-tiered waterfall.
のんたん on Google

気晴らしに『三段の滝』梅ヶ島温泉♨️地区より徒歩で10〜15分ぐらい山の方へ登る。 川のせせらぎを感じながら、しっかりと舗装がされている道をテクテク!川沿いを歩くと「安倍の大滝」「赤水の滝」とは違い、迫力には欠けるが、充分なマイナスイオンと誰ともすれ違う事のない新緑が我が心を迎え入れてくれる。
As a distraction, climb toward the mountain for about 10 to 15 minutes on foot from the "Sandan no Taki" Umegashima Onsen ♨️ district. While feeling the murmuring of the river, tech tech on a well-paved road! When you walk along the river, unlike "Abe Otaki" and "Akamizu Falls", it lacks power, but it welcomes you with enough negative ions and fresh green that never passes by anyone.
Sameera Madhushanka on Google

Cool and claim place in shizuoka prefecture.

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