Abe Great Falls - Shizuoka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Abe Great Falls

住所 :

Umegashima, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 421-2301, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 421-2301

Umegashima, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 421-2301, Japan
つむこ on Google

登山の中級者で車にはねられ現在怪我のリハビリの為大滝で山トレ中 最近は大滝に来られる方が増え特に軽装で来られる方が多く見られます(半袖・半ズボン・サンダル) 梅ヶ島周辺は市街地からの道も含め地盤がもろいので落石や土砂崩れなど度々発生します 大滝ルートも同じく❗️ どこも同じですが山道なのでトレッキングシューズをオススメしますが靴は歩きやすいスニーカーでも? (靴底に溝のない靴・サンダルでは危険です) マダニやヒルもいるので素肌の出ない服装で 階段など手すりを使って歩いた方が安全なので滑り止めの付いた軍手があれば転倒防止とコロナ感染予防にもなります 歩いている時は汗をかきますが滝周辺は気温が低いのでパーカーやレインウェアなど体温調節のしやすい服装がベスト 汗拭きタオル・水分も忘れずに❗️ 山のゴミは持ち帰りが基本です‼️ゴミ箱なし 距離は短くても山歩きなので注意しないと落石・滑落・転倒など怪我をする可能性があります 帰りの体力も考え途中いくつかベンチがあるので 水分補給・休憩をしましょう (座るのが難しいベンチもありますが?…) 万が一怪我や体調不良で動けなくなった場合消防や警察・山岳救助隊の方々に来てもらう事になります 地域によって山の救助は有料です‼️ ご注意を❗️ 大滝ルート含め山はdocomo以外電波が届きにくいです 少し距離はありますが大滝を過ぎて安倍川沿いを1番奥まで行くと広い無料の市営駐車場があります 難所はありますがあせらず歩けば風向きによってはびしょ濡れになる程間近で大滝が見られますよ❣️ これからの季節足を止めてよく見ると様々な花も咲いています 冬は橋など凍結・滝も周りが凍っています ほぼ手付かずの素晴らしい景色を楽しんで下さい ※野生の植物は決して持ち帰らないで下さい❗️ 大滝までのルートを順番に写真を撮りました ゆっくり歩いて片道30分から40分ほど(個人差あり) ☆梅ヶ島温泉公式HPもあるのでそちらで気温や道路状況などチェックする事をオススメします ⚠️今年はヒルの被害が多発しています 湿った場所は特に要注意です 痛みもかゆみもないので噛まれても気づきません 毒はありませんが噛まれると出血が止まらないので注意して下さい 絆創膏は必須アイテムです ⚠️危険なウィルスを持ったマダニもいます ダニ媒介感染症と言います マダニも噛まれても気づかずウィルスを保有しているか判別はできません 初期症状は発熱など「日本紅斑熱」を発症した場合早めに医療機関で処置をしないと致死率が高く毎年亡くなる方も多くいます 近くの温泉街や大滝でもクマの目撃情報が 出ているのでご注意を? 29号線から大滝への入り口がわかりづらく道を聞かれる事が増えたので写真を追加しました ‼️自然の中はキレイで気持ちのいい場所です その分リスクもあるので最低限自然に対する知識とリスク回避の対策をして下さい お菓子の袋やマスクなどのゴミが増えています マスクはポケットなどに入れうっかり落としてもなくなっている事は気づくはずです コロナの感染リスクや環境破壊はもちろんの事微かな匂いで動物や虫・それを捕食する危険な野生生物も来てしまい大変危険です 梅ヶ島の方々やその他多くの方が大切に守って整備して下さるおかげで豊かな自然と迫力ある滝を見る事ができます 素晴らしい大滝と自然を守る為ルールとマナーの御協力お願いします
An intermediate climber who was hit by a car and is currently training in the mountains at Otaki to rehabilitate his injuries. Recently, the number of people who come to Otaki has increased, and many people come in light clothing (short sleeves, shorts, sandals). The ground around Umegashima, including the road from the city, is fragile, so rockfalls and landslides often occur. The Otaki route is also ❗️ It's the same everywhere, but since it's a mountain road, I recommend trekking shoes, but shoes are easy to walk sneakers ? (It is dangerous for shoes and sandals without grooves on the sole) There are ticks and leeches, so wear clothes that don't expose your skin. It is safer to walk using handrails such as stairs, so if you have a non-slip work gloves, you can prevent falls and corona infection. I sweat when I'm walking, but the temperature around the waterfall is low, so it's best to wear clothes that allow you to easily control your body temperature, such as a hoodie or rainwear. Don't forget to wipe your sweat and water ❗️ Mountain trash is basically taken out! ️No trash can Even if the distance is short, you may walk in the mountains, so if you are not careful, you may get injured such as falling rocks, slipping, or falling. Because there are some benches on the way considering the physical strength on the way back Let's hydrate and take a break (Some benches are difficult to sit on, but ?…) In the unlikely event that you get stuck due to injury or poor physical condition, you will be asked to come to the fire department, police, and mountain rescue team. Mountain rescue is charged depending on the area! ️Caution ❗️ It is difficult for radio waves to reach mountains other than docomo, including the Otaki route. There is a large free municipal parking lot if you go to the far end along the Abe River after passing Otaki, although it is a little distance. There are some difficulties, but if you walk without hesitation, you can see Otaki close enough to get soaked depending on the wind direction ❣️ In the coming season, if you stop and take a closer look, various flowers are in bloom. In winter, bridges and other areas are frozen, and waterfalls are also frozen. Enjoy the stunning, almost untouched scenery * Never bring back wild plants ❗️ I took pictures of the route to Otaki in order Walk slowly for about 30 to 40 minutes one way (depending on the individual) ☆ There is also an official website for Umegashima Onsen, so it is recommended to check the temperature and road conditions there. ⚠️ This year, leeches are frequently damaged. Be especially careful in damp areas I don't have any pain or itching so I don't notice if I'm bitten There is no poison, but please note that bleeding will not stop if bitten. Adhesive plaster is an essential item. ⚠️ Some ticks carry dangerous viruses It ’s called a tick-borne infection. Even if the tick is bitten, it is not noticed and it is not possible to determine whether it carries the virus If you develop "Japanese spotted fever" such as fever as the initial symptom, the fatality rate is high and many people die every year unless they are treated at a medical institution as soon as possible. Bear sightings in nearby hot spring towns and Otaki Please note that it is out ? I added a photo because the entrance to Otaki from Route 29 is difficult to understand and I am often asked the way. ‼ ️ Nature is a beautiful and comfortable place There is a risk to that extent, so at least knowledge about nature and measures to avoid risk should be taken. Garbage such as candy bags and masks is increasing You will notice that the mask is gone even if you accidentally drop it in your pocket etc. Not only the risk of corona infection and environmental destruction, but also animals, insects, and dangerous wildlife that prey on them come with a faint odor, which is extremely dangerous. Thanks to the care and maintenance of the people of Umegashima and many others, you can see the rich nature and powerful waterfalls. Please cooperate with the rules and manners to protect the wonderful Otaki and nature.
fu- ten on Google

Not go by car, about 30 minutes walking the steep road. Waterfall with a powerful you can see. I was looking at about an hour. Since the restroom is not, parked in the parking lot, it is better that has been finished.
Yotaro Suzuki on Google

It is a beautiful waterfall with a head of 80m. You can walk to near the basin, but by then you have to walk 1.2km of rugged roads. It may be a little tough for those who lack exercise. Cross three suspension bridges. The second one is narrow and shakes well, so please be careful when crossing. There is a risk of freezing in winter. Let's go in the warmer months!
S Y on Google

安倍大滝入口の吊り橋から徒歩で30分ほど山歩きをしないとたどり着かない滝です。車で行くことはできません。 そこまでの苦労をして見る価値があります! オススメは秋(平日)。 水量が増えて見応えがあるのは夏の降水量の多い時期ですが、ヤマビルがたくさんいるのでくっつかれるのが嫌だから行きません。 紅葉時のハイキングは素晴らしいです。 あまり人気になり過ぎると細い道なので混雑して危ないから「知る人ぞ知るとっておきスポット」のままでいいなぁ。。。 土日は結構往来があり、1人ずつしか渡れない2つ目の吊り橋で渋滞します。 滝周辺にトイレは無いので、1つ目の吊り橋を渡る前に、湯の華敷地内の公衆トイレを利用しましょう。
It is a waterfall that can only be reached by walking in the mountains for about 30 minutes on foot from the suspension bridge at the entrance of Abe Otaki. You can't go by car. It's worth the effort! We recommend autumn (weekdays). The amount of water increases and it is worth seeing during the summer when there is a lot of rainfall, but I don't want to go because there are a lot of Yamabils and I don't like being stuck. Hiking during the fall foliage is wonderful. If it becomes too popular, it will be a narrow road, so it will be crowded and dangerous. .. .. There is a lot of traffic on Saturdays and Sundays, and traffic jams occur at the second suspension bridge, which can only be crossed by one person at a time. There are no toilets around the waterfall, so use the public toilets on the Yunohana site before crossing the first suspension bridge.
YU SA on Google

名前の通り、大きくて素晴らしい滝です。 滝まで少し距離がありますので、必ず靴で行って下さい。 体力にもよりますが、往復1~1時間半くらいをみていてください。 林の中は結構雪が残っていて、一部凍結もしていました。 2月の寒い時期だったため、少しだけ氷瀑のようになっていて綺麗でした。 吊り橋も 3本あり、2本目がかなり揺れて楽しいです!
As the name suggests, it is a big and wonderful waterfall. There is a little distance to the waterfall, so be sure to wear shoes. It depends on your physical strength, but please take an hour and a half for a round trip. There was quite a bit of snow in the forest, and some of it was frozen. It was a cold time in February, so it was a little like an icicle and it was beautiful. Suspension bridge There are three, and the second one is quite shaking and fun!
Bruce Cunningham on Google

It's an easy, fairly level 1.2 kilometer hike up to the falls.
Mark Shepard on Google

A very impressive waterfall, and the trail to its bottom is a little adventure in and of itself. Be sure to keep your balance on the second suspension bridge.
Jeff Tao (Momonoart Studio) on Google

Fantastic fall!!! The trip over was very adventurous. Although no recommended for beginners, personally feel this is a must go experience. Best to bring a rain coat, water and water proof camera for pictures at the fall.

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