角萬 梅田

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 角萬 梅田

住所 :

Umeda, Adachi City, 〒123-0851 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/pages/%25E8%25A7%2592%25E8%2590%25AC/148798481821243
街 : Tokyo

Umeda, Adachi City, 〒123-0851 Tokyo,Japan
ラインハルト on Google

This soba is recommended when you want to eat solidly. The noodles are thick and chewy, rich and quite satisfying to eat. There is a feeling that the image of traditional soba has changed completely! It was a rare and delicious soba noodle.
oyabun on Google

この日は久しぶりにがっつりとひや肉が食べたいとこちらのお店に訪問。 お店の名前は角萬梅田店。 場所は足立区梅田にあります。 車じゃないとちょい行きにくいかも。 店内に入るとほぼ満席状態です。 座敷が一つ空いてたのでそちらに案内されて 今回は冷やし肉大盛り、海老天を注文。 しばらく待って提供されたのがこちら。 めちゃでかい海老天にテンション上がりますな。 さすが蕎麦界の二郎、ボリューム満点です。 まずは蕎麦をずずずっと啜ります。 やや白っぽく見える蕎麦は思ったよりも太くなくて良い啜り心地です。 歯応えのあるタイプでツルッと喉越しも良い。 甘味のある濃い出汁がよく合ってると思います。 この出汁に太くて大きい海老天をつけて食べるとこれが美味い? サクサクの衣にたっぷりと出汁を吸わせるといい感じです。 エビもでかいし値段分の価値は十分ありますな。 肉やネギもしっかりと調和が取れていて瞬殺で食べ終わりました。 途中で蕎麦湯も持ってきてくれるので出汁まで残さず完食です。 何度かこちらは訪問してるけど定期的に食べたくなる一品です。
On this day, I visited this shop to eat solid meat for the first time in a long time. The name of the store is Kakuman Umeda store. The place is in Umeda, Adachi-ku. It may be a little difficult to go without a car. When you enter the store, it is almost full. One tatami room was vacant, so I was guided there This time I ordered a large serving of chilled meat and shrimp tempura. Here is what was offered after waiting for a while. Don't get excited about the huge shrimp heaven. As expected, Jiro of the soba world is full of volume. First of all, I will sip soba all the time. Soba that looks a little whitish does not have to be thicker than I expected. It is a chewy type that feels smooth and smooth. I think the sweet and strong soup stock goes well with it. This soup stock is delicious when eaten with thick and large shrimp tempura ? It's a good idea to let the crispy batter absorb plenty of soup stock. The shrimp are huge and well worth the price. The meat and green onions were also in good harmony, and I finished eating them in an instant. It will bring you soba hot water on the way, so you can eat it without leaving any soup stock. I have visited this place several times, but it is a dish that I want to eat regularly.
ぷりん on Google

う、う、うめぇぇぇぇーーーーー!!! 向島店でこの蕎麦に衝撃を受けてから6食目3店舗目! こちらでは常連さんが「天乗せ」している人が多く、店員さんも「天ぷらは?」と聞いてくるため、天ぷら推しの様子! 自分も常連さんに合わせて冷大天乗せをオーダー! 海老天をしょっぱめ汁に付けると激ウマ!! う、うめぇぇぇーーー!!! この時点で頭の緊急事態が一生解除されないレベル! 蕎麦も相変わらずの極太角萬クオリティー! うめぇぇぇぇーーーーー!!! しかし、肉やネギは向島や入谷と比べると少なめで見た目のインパクトでは劣っている印象! (丼ぶりが大きいため少なく感じるだけかもしれないが) そして肉はちょいと硬め! 最後に蕎麦湯でお汁完飲! おい!まじでこんな美味い物作りやがってふざけんな! 気がついたら完飲してたじゃねぇか!!
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !! !! The 6th and 3rd store since I was shocked by this soba at the Mukaishima store! There are many regulars here who are "putting on the tempura", and the clerk also asks "Tempura?", So it looks like tempura is being pushed! I also ordered a cold large heavenly ride according to the regulars! If you add shrimp tempura to salty juice, it will be a horse! !! Uhhhhhhhh! !! !! At this point, the emergency situation in your head will not be released for the rest of your life! Soba is still very thick Kakuman quality! Umeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! !! However, the meat and green onions are less than Mukaishima and Iriya, and the visual impact is inferior! (Because the bowl is big, you may feel less) And the meat is a little hard! Finally, drink the soba with soba hot water! Oi! It's really ridiculous to make such a delicious thing! If you notice it, you should have drunk it completely! !!
まこなべ on Google

ジャンクな蕎麦です。 太い麺、濃いめのつゆ。 ほとんどの人が、冷や肉か汁別を食べます。 そしてそれぞれの大盛り。 冷やし肉南蛮の略ですね。 大盛りはけっこう量有りますが、男なら問題無いかと思います。 蕎麦好きが好きになるかは別として、すげークセになって暫く行かないと、食べたくて食べたくて、中毒症状出ますね。 賛否両論あると思いますが、俺はハマってます。 自分はだいたい汁別を食べます。 浅草と向島には肉南蛮の汁別が無いからです。 最近、仕事忙しくて全然行ってねーなー 近いうちに行こうっと! ちなみに、12:30位までには行った方がいいっすね。日によっては12:50くらいにのれんしまってるの見たことあります。 休みは、Instagramで確認してから行くのがいいですよ。 駐車場は2台分ありますが、ほぼ停められないです。近くにコインパーキング有るのでいつもコインパーキングに停めてますかね。 その後2021/11/13 現在は、建替えの為に近所の仮店舗にて営業中です。場所はInstagramで確認して下さいね。 久しぶりに行ったけど、やっぱり美味いや!
It's junk soba. Thick noodles and thick soup. Most people eat cold meat or soup. And each large serving. It's an abbreviation for chilled meat nanban. There are quite a lot of large servings, but I think that there is no problem for men. Regardless of whether you like soba lovers, if you don't go for a while after becoming a crazy person, you will want to eat and you will have addiction symptoms. I think there are pros and cons, but I'm addicted to it. I usually eat different juices. This is because Asakusa and Mukaishima do not have meat nanban juice. I've been busy with work lately and haven't been there at all. Let's go soon! By the way, it's better to go by 12:30. I've seen goodwill at around 12:50 depending on the day. It's a good idea to check Instagram before going on vacation. There are two parking lots, but they can hardly be parked. There is a coin parking lot nearby, so do you always park at the coin parking lot? Then 2021/11/13 Currently, it is open at a temporary store in the neighborhood for rebuilding. Please check the location on Instagram. I went there for the first time in a long time, but it's still delicious!
M Johnny on Google

こちらは、浅草角萬、角萬向島店に並び角萬直系3店舗のうちの一つ、まるでうどんのような極太の蕎麦が有名な『角萬』の梅田店。 直系は浅草と向島は何度も食べたが、梅田店だけは行ったことがなく、平日12時に初訪問。 場所は、東武伊勢崎線梅島駅から15分程度。 荒川土手のそばの住宅街。 現在は工事中で、徒歩1分くらいの場所に仮店舗を構えて営業中。 営業時間は午前10時半〜13時半。 駐車場はないが、近くにコインパーキングあり。 電話で若女将に仮店舗の場所を聞いて辿り着くと、外待ち5名。 客層は、ガテン系が多いが、女性、子供連れもいる。 店内は、4人用テーブル席とカウンター席。 相席はないので、満席でも15名くらい。 待つこと約15分で入店。 メニューは壁に、達筆な字で書かれた木札。 角萬に行くと、やっぱりコレ ○ 冷し肉南なん 大盛 ¥1,150(税込) をオーダー。 他の客の注文を聞いて調べてみると、角萬で唯一、つけ汁を別に(しるべつ)にでき、天のせが人気らしい。 店主と若女将で切り盛りしている。 若女将が接客をしているが、動きがテキパキしていて素晴らしい。 約30分近く待って着丼。 蕎麦は確かに蕎麦っぽい色合いだが、蕎麦粉の粒粒は見えない。 蕎麦は水で締められた後ですが、表面は瑞々しく、極太で噛みごたえがある蕎麦。 これぞ角萬の手打ち蕎麦。美味い! しかし、下町なせいか、味は濃い目で甘めな汁、よく梅田はしょっぱいという噂を聞くが、確かにこれは汁別にしたくなる気持ちは分かる。 卓上の一味をかけて、味変。 甘辛く煮つけられた肉も結構入っており、ねぎは斜め切りと小口切りのねぎが楽しめる。 食べ終わるころ、蕎麦湯がやかんで提供される。 蕎麦湯で割ってもやっぱり濃すぎるなー 次もし来た時は、汁別でオーダーしよう! ご馳走様でした?‍♂️
This is the Umeda store of "Kadoman", which is famous for its thick soba noodles like udon, which is one of the three stores directly affiliated with Kadoman, along with Asakusa Kadoman and Kadoman Mukojima stores. I ate Asakusa and Mukojima many times, but I had never been to the Umeda store, so I visited for the first time at 12:00 on weekdays. The location is about 15 minutes from Umejima Station on the Tobu Isesaki Line. A residential area near the bank of Arakawa. Currently under construction, a temporary store is set up in a place about a 1-minute walk and is open. Business hours are from 10:30 am to 13:30 am. There is no parking lot, but there is coin parking nearby. When I asked the young proprietress about the location of the temporary store on the phone and arrived, there were 5 people waiting outside. Most of the customers are Gaten, but there are also women and children. Inside the store, there are table seats and counter seats for 4 people. There are no shared seats, so even if it is full, it will be about 15 people. It takes about 15 minutes to enter the store. The menu is a wooden tag written in brilliant characters on the wall. After all, when I go to Kakuman, this is ○ Cold meat Minami Nannan large serving ¥ 1,150 (tax included) Order. When I listened to the orders of other customers and looked it up, it seems that Kakuman is the only one in Kakuman that can make a separate soup, and Tense is popular. The shop owner and the young proprietress are working together. The young proprietress is serving customers, but the movement is responsive and wonderful. Wait for about 30 minutes and donburi. The buckwheat is certainly a buckwheat-like color, but the grains of buckwheat flour are not visible. The buckwheat is after being tightened with water, but the surface is fresh, and the buckwheat is very thick and chewy. This is Kakuman's handmade soba noodles. delicious! However, probably because of Shitamachi, I hear rumors that the taste is strong and sweet, and Umeda is often salty, but I do understand that I want to separate this from the juice. Sprinkle a gang on the table and change the taste. It also contains a lot of sweet and spicy boiled meat, and you can enjoy diagonally cut and small-sized green onions. When you finish eating, soba hot water is served in a kettle. Even if you divide it with soba hot water, it's still too thick. Next time, let's order by soup! It was a treat ?‍♂️
pakun makun on Google

角萬は15年以上前に向島に毎回行列している蕎麦屋が有るのを不思議に思い来店したのが最初で行列の理由は『太い蕎麦を茹でるのに時間かかる』と勝手に決めて以来千束も含めて行く事は有りませんでした。 普段此の近辺を通る事も有りますが行列?してるのを見てその存在を知り15年振りの角萬に。 店内に入ると年季を感じテーブルと座敷のみで厨房の横に小麦粉と麺をこねる場所も。 蕎麦屋では毎回『たぬき蕎麦』一択ですが此処は『キツネ蕎麦』に揚げ玉が乗り提供してるとの事で税込900円でオーダーさせて頂きましたが向島時にも着丼まで30分以上かかった事から覚悟して待ちましたが結果40分。。。 (事前に覚悟して行かないと大変な事に) 出された蕎麦は見た目並々と汁が溢れており一般的なキツネ蕎麦は油揚げが確認出来ますが表明からは確認出来ず。揚げ玉の表現より揚げ粉 汁を啜ると見た目の濃茶に反して甘い感じがし蕎麦自体も小麦粉多めで極太とまではならないが噛みごたえ有りで汁とのバランスも丁度良い 油揚げは下味処理して有り甘くて美味しい。900円と普通の店より300円位高いですが量も多くこれ一杯で満足出来ます。 本来なら星4なのですが待ち時間と店内の様子を鑑みると此の評価に。 13時過ぎると閉店する可能性有りでギリギリ入れました
Kakuman first came to Mukojima more than 15 years ago, wondering that there was a soba restaurant lined up every time, and the reason for the line was that it took time to boil thick soba noodles. I didn't go including Senzoku. I usually pass around here, but is it a line? After seeing it, I learned about its existence and became Kakuman for the first time in 15 years. When you enter the store, you can feel the season and there is also a place to knead flour and noodles next to the kitchen with only a table and a tatami room. At the soba shop, "Tanuki soba" is selected every time, but here I ordered "fox soba" with fried balls for 900 yen including tax, but it took more than 30 minutes to donburi even at Mukaishima. I was prepared to wait, but the result was 40 minutes. .. .. (If you don't prepare in advance, it will be difficult) The soba served is full of juice as it looks, and fried fox soba can be confirmed, but it cannot be confirmed from the statement. Fried powder rather than the expression of fried balls When you sip the juice, it feels sweet, contrary to the dark tea that looks, and the soba itself has a lot of flour and is not very thick, but it is chewy and the balance with the juice is just right. The fried tofu is seasoned and sweet and delicious. It's 900 yen, which is about 300 yen higher than a normal shop, but the amount is large and you can be satisfied with this. Originally it is 4 stars, but considering the waiting time and the inside of the store, it is evaluated as this. There is a possibility that the store will close after 13:00, so I put it in at the last minute
masakiti1971 on Google

定番の冷肉(肉南蛮冷) 驚くほどの太さの麺に甘塩っぱい独特のつゆ。 美味しくいただきました (水曜(平日:晴れ)11時20分着、待ち4名12分)
Classic cold meat (meat nanban cold) Amazingly thick noodles and a unique sweet and salty soup. It was delicious (Wednesday (weekdays: sunny) 11:20 arrival, waiting 4 people 12 minutes)
鈴木昇 on Google


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