肉よし - Ukyo

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉よし

住所 :

Ukyo, 〒631-0805 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 631-0805
街 : Nara

Ukyo, 〒631-0805 Nara,Japan
yasu 2633 on Google

It's good meat. The price is also cheap! Good quality meat is available
250 XR on Google

ここのコロッケファンです。 タイミング良く揚げたてにあたれば、キンショーで缶ビール買って一人宴会です。
I'm a croquette fan here. If you hit it freshly fried at the right time, you can buy canned beer at Kinshaw and have a banquet alone.
宮木茂男 on Google

お値段が安く美味しい。 たまにメチャ安の時が有るが、商品を吟味して購入します。 今のところハズレ無し。 牛肉コロッケ、ミンチカツも美味しいよ?
The price is cheap and delicious. Occasionally, there are times when it is cheap, but I will carefully examine the product and purchase it. No loss so far. Beef croquette and minced meat cutlet are also delicious ?
岡本武士 on Google

いっも店長さんが愛想がよく利用しています。? 肉が美味いです。
The store manager often uses it. ? The meat is delicious.
いさやまたつや on Google

It is delicious for the price. It's good ❗️
あきなみ on Google

店長らしき人物が店内でタバコを吸っている様子があった。よく店前を通ることがあるので店内を少し見てみると、社員らしき男性がタバコを吸っているのを何度か見た。食品を扱う店としていかがなものかと思う。 タバコを吸いながら生肉を扱っている人物がいるのはたいへん驚いた。もう行かない。
There was a person who seemed to be the store manager smoking a cigarette inside the store. I often pass in front of the store, so when I took a look inside the store, I saw a man who seemed to be an employee smoking a cigarette several times. I wonder how it is as a food store. I was very surprised that there was a person who was handling raw meat while smoking a cigarette. I won't go anymore.
tac sun on Google

安くて美味い、まとめ買いした時にもらえるタレが良い。店員の喫煙なんぞ燻煙殺菌くらいに考えたほうが幸せ。 人の出入りが激しいショッピングセンターなんてホコリと雑菌だらけ、気にしたら負け。
It's cheap and delicious, and the sauce you get when you buy it in bulk is good. It's happier to think about smoking a clerk as much as smoking sterilization. A shopping center with a lot of people coming and going is full of dust and germs, and if you care about it, you lose.
ピンク on Google

はじめて行きました。 お肉がとてもきれいで実際食べても美味しいかったです。ここ最近お肉屋さんのコロッケは衣が固いのが多く外してばかりでしたがここのはとても美味しかったです。定員さんも皆さん愛想が良いてとても気持ちよく買い物できました。
I went for the first time. The meat was very beautiful and it was delicious even if I actually ate it. Recently, the butcher's croquette had a lot of hard batter, but I just took it off, but it was very delicious. The capacity was very friendly and I was able to shop very comfortably.

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