コジマ×ビックカメラ ニトリホームズ宮原店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コジマ×ビックカメラ ニトリホームズ宮原店

住所 :

Uetakecho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0813 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.kojima.net/shop/shoplist/fukasaku.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Saitama

Uetakecho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0813 Saitama,Japan
くまーくま on Google

The inside of the store is bright and easy to see. Next door is the Nitori Furniture Center.
小田あお on Google

Although it is subjective, I felt that the male staff member, Mr. Nishio, was unfriendly according to the receipt. I'm sorry that I don't have any knowledge, but it was hard to ask questions and I felt a little foolish.
on Google

ビックカメラの名がついているけど実態はコジマ。 ビックカメラのアプリについて質問したら「コジマだから分かりませんって。」 名義貸しなのかな。
Although it has the name of Bic Camera, the reality is Kojima. When I asked about the BicCamera app, "I don't know because it's Kojima." I wonder if it's a loaner.
kazuhiko ariga on Google

The assortment is better than a certain electronics store nearby. It is convenient to have two houses nearby so that you can compare them.
とーふ on Google

おもちゃの品揃えが良い。いつも購入させて頂いております。ただ、新商品の購入制限がどこにも記載がなかったため、複数個取ったら嫌な感じで注意された。非常に不愉快です。 記載するべきではないのでしょうか。
Good assortment of toys. I always buy it. However, since there was no description about the purchase restrictions for new products, I was warned that I wouldn't like taking more than one. It's very unpleasant. Shouldn't it be listed?
第六感平民感覚 on Google

Is it just a medium-sized home appliance store? .. Since the sales floor area is small, there are few types and models such as beauty, toilet seats, and small massagers! If you are thinking of remodeling, Yamada Denki Omiya Main Store is recommended! The clerk is kind!
さいとう on Google

家電・配線・周辺機器はほとんどネットで買うのですが、HDMIケーブルが至急必要になり伺いました。が、種類少なすぎ。結局新都心のヨドバシまで行く事に。PCが至急必要になって見に行った時も必要な物はありませんでした。 明らかに年輩者やファミリー向けの家電屋さんといった感じで、大型家電の実機を見に行くだけのお店になりそう。
I buy most of my home appliances, wiring, and peripherals online, but I heard that an HDMI cable is urgently needed. However, there are too few types. After all, I decided to go to Yodobashi in the new city center. When I urgently needed a PC and went to see it, I didn't need anything. Obviously, it feels like a home appliance store for the elderly and families, and it seems that it will be a store where you can just go to see the actual machines of large home appliances.
myu planning on Google

最高の家電店が宮原にオープンしました。 店内は明るく、品揃えが豊富。 女一人でも気後れせずに入れて、店員さんがどなたもとても親切で感動しました。 特に玉川さんが本当に良い方で、リピーターになることを決めました。 今回スマートウォッチを探していて、ファーウェイの外見に惹かれて、Amazonのブラックフライデーで買うか、はたまた機能に惹かれて、メルカリでfitbitの中古を買うか迷っていました。 こちらのお店がfitbitが最安値だったのと、埼玉県の家電量販店ではまず取り扱いのない、GARMIN・SONYも含む豊富なラインナップの中から自由に選べたので、fitbitを保証ありで購入。最高の買い物ができました。 スマートウォッチは全般、中の部品がコロナの影響で調達できず、全世界で生産が停滞しているとのこと。 どのメーカーのスマートウォッチも在庫がない店舗が多かったのです。 ベイシア電器は売る気がなく、ノジマ電機では「1円も安くしませんし、在庫がないのでネットで買ってください」と耳を疑う発言をされました。 ノジマ電機は県南に沢山ありますが、今まで何も買ったことがなかった理由が自分でもよくわかりました。 Amazonではタイミング悪く、中古でも新品と価格の変わらない物しか手に入らなそうだし、ファーウェイのセールも不要な体脂肪測定器や保証がついていて高いし、メルカリでは価格交渉の末に横取りされるし、私が付けられるスマートウォッチは存在しないのか?と途方に暮れていたのです。 アップルウォッチはiPhoneでしか使えないから、Androidの私には不要でしたし。 そんなこんなで1ヶ月が経過。 スマートウォッチひとつ買うのに、不思議なことに、どこを見てもどこに行っても、全然手に入れられないのです。まるで買うなと言わんばかりに。 つくづく、商品との巡り合わせも縁なんだなあと思いました。 諦めつつ辿り着いたこちらのコジマさんでは、オープン記念で対象商品の20%を後日ポイント還元(5000円以上の購入のみ且つ付与上限は1000ポイント)の看板。 ソレを見て入店前に胸が高鳴り、良い予感しかしなかったですね。 後で調べたところ女性ひとりでも入りやすいお店と書いてあって納得。 家電量販店て女一人だと気後れするんですよね。 ニトリとの併設で駐車場は台数豊富。 大宮地区に住む皆様が羨ましい位、素敵な家電店ができました。 自分へのクリスマスプレゼントとして選んだfitbitのスマートウォッチは、本当に大満足です。 今後家電や電化製品は全てこちらで買うことを決めました。
The best consumer electronics store has opened in Miyahara. The store is bright and has a wide selection of products. Even one woman was able to enter without hesitation, and all the staff were very kind and impressed. In particular, Mr. Tamagawa is a really good person and decided to become a repeater. I was looking for a smartwatch this time, and I was wondering whether to buy a used fitbit at Mercari because I was attracted to Huawei's appearance and bought it on Amazon's Black Friday, or because of its features. Fitbit was the cheapest at this store, and I could freely choose from a rich lineup including GARMIN / SONY, which is not available at home electronics mass retailers in Saitama prefecture, so I bought fitbit with a guarantee. I was able to do the best shopping. It is said that the production of smart watches is stagnant all over the world because the parts inside cannot be procured due to the influence of corona. Many stores of smart watches from all manufacturers were out of stock. Beisia Denki wasn't willing to sell it, and Nojima Electric said, "I won't make it cheaper by 1 yen, and I don't have it in stock, so please buy it online." There are many Nojima Electric in the south of the prefecture, but I could understand why I had never bought anything before. At Amazon, the timing is bad, it seems that you can only get used items that have the same price as new ones, Huawei's sale is expensive with unnecessary body fat measuring instruments and guarantees, and at Mercari it was stolen after price negotiations. Isn't there a smartwatch I can attach to? I was at a loss. The Apple Watch can only be used on the iPhone, so I didn't need it on Android. One month has passed. Mysteriously, I can't get one smartwatch at all, no matter where I look or where I go. Just as if I didn't buy it. I thought that it was also related to the encounter with the products. Kojima, who arrived while giving up, is a signboard that will return 20% of the target products to points at a later date (only purchases of 5000 yen or more and the maximum grant amount is 1000 points) to commemorate the opening. Before I entered the store, I was thrilled to see it, and I had only a good feeling. When I looked it up later, I was convinced that it was a shop that even a single woman could easily enter. It makes me feel uncomfortable if I'm a female consumer electronics retailer. There are plenty of parking lots alongside Nitori. A wonderful home appliance store has been opened to the extent that everyone living in the Omiya area is envious. I'm really happy with the fitbit smartwatch I chose as a Christmas present for myself. I decided to buy all home appliances and electrical appliances here in the future.

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