八重山 展望台

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八重山 展望台

住所 :

Uenohara, 〒409-0112 Yamanashi,Japan

街 : Yamanashi

Uenohara, 〒409-0112 Yamanashi,Japan
齋田洋一 on Google

It is a satoyama where you can easily climb, but you can enjoy a wonderful view.
鷹取貴子 on Google

新宿から電車で1時間位、駅からバスで20分、バス停からのんびり歩いて10分で八重山の登山口に着きます‼️ 展望台迄は、足の速い方なら、20分もあれば到着します☺ 標高は低いですが、展望は良い所です‼️ 展望台からは 正面に富士山? 陣馬山や丹沢山、三つ峠など、眺望がいい所です?➰➰
It takes about 1 hour by train from Shinjuku, 20 minutes by bus from the station, and 10 minutes on foot from the bus stop to reach the Yaeyama trailhead! ️ If you are fast, you can reach the observatory in 20 minutes ☺ The altitude is low, but the view is good‼ ️ From the observatory, you can see Mt. Fuji in front of you ? Mt. Jinba, Mt. Tanzawa, Mitsutoge, etc. ?➰➰
kamabouw on Google

2/14 八重山 河津桜さきて 雲間に富士あり
2/14 Yaeyama Kawazu Sakura Saki There is Fuji in the clouds
Thomson Henry on Google

展望台からは天気次第では富士山が見えます。 お湯を沸かしてラーメンでも作れば立派なハイキングになって都内からも電車で来やすいのにまあまあいいところです。 ハイキングコースは標識が少なく、わかりにくいですが。
Depending on the weather, you can see Mt. Fuji from the observatory. If you boil water and make ramen, it will be a good hike and it is easy to come by train from Tokyo, but it is a good place. Hiking trails have few signs and are difficult to understand.
越戸川きらきらぼし on Google

It was cloudy that day and I couldn't see Mt. Fuji, but the erythronium flowers were in bloom in the middle of the course.
チョモランマ on Google

Well maintained and fully equipped with a parking lot, which is great for hiking. The plants of the four seasons are also abundant. I would like to thank the local volunteers. Thank you. Thank you for your continued support.
weathering man on Google

20分くらいで登れると書いてあったので試しに元登山部が登ってみましたが、頂上まで30〜40分くらいかかりました。 20分の人は走って登ったのでしょうか? 富士山は曇ってて見えず… 少し悔しかったので山の途中にある鐘を思い切り上野原の皆さんに向けて鳴らして帰りました。
It was written that it would take about 20 minutes to climb, so I tried climbing the former mountain climbing club, but it took about 30 to 40 minutes to reach the summit. Did the 20-minute person run and climb? Mt. Fuji is cloudy and invisible ... I was a little disappointed, so I rang the bell in the middle of the mountain toward everyone in Uenohara and went home.
雲健太郎 on Google

小さな山のハイキングコースにしては展望台が立派で眺めがほぼ全方向見晴らし抜群‼️晴れていれば富士山?が良く映えて最高ですね❗ 片道30分ほどのルートも歩きやすく整備されているので子供連れでも安心です。 またスマホでQRコード付いた野草のタグをかざすと生態が表示されていいですね❗
For a small mountain hiking course, the observatory is magnificent and the view is excellent in almost all directions! ️If it's sunny, Mt. Fuji ? looks good and it's the best ❗ The one-way route of about 30 minutes is easy to walk, so it is safe even with children. Also, if you hold the tag of wild grass with QR code on your smartphone, the ecology can be displayed ❗

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