
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 砥石城跡(戸石城跡)

住所 :

Ueno, Ueda, 〒386-0003 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : http://museum.umic.jp/map/document/dot59.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Ueno, Ueda, 〒386-0003 Nagano,Japan
Akira N on Google

駐車場から約30分程度の登山道を抜けると里や街道を見渡せる城跡に到着できます。真田氏好きとして一度は登ってみたいと思っていたので、登頂し戦国時代に思いを馳せれて感無量でした! 但し、途中ロープつたいに行き来しなければならないところ、急なところがあり足腰の弱いかたは厳しいかもしれません。 スニーカー必須。できればトレッキングシューズやそれに適した服装がベストです。私も含めてですが観光用の服で登山されている方が多数いらっしゃいました。要注意です。
From the parking lot, you can reach the castle ruins overlooking the village and the road by passing the mountain trail for about 30 minutes. As I liked Sanada, I wanted to climb it once, so I was impressed when I reached the summit and thought about it during the Warring States Period! However, there are steep places where you have to go back and forth on the rope tie, and people with weak legs may be tough. Sneakers are required. If possible, trekking shoes and suitable clothing are the best. Many people, including myself, were climbing in clothes for sightseeing. Please be careful.
tmvbb on Google

武田信玄も攻め落とせなかった城というのが実際登るとよくわかりました。とても危険なところが何カ所もあり、かなり登るのに苦労しましたが、頂上の眺めは最高でした。 砥石城とは、枡形城、砥石城、米山城の総称で、村上義清の城でした。天文19年8月に信玄が攻めましたが、落城せず、敗退します。その後信玄の配下である真田幸隆が天文20年5月に攻略し、その後幸隆の子・昌幸の代まで真田氏の城となります。 登った感想としては、急な坂が多く、非常に登りにくかったです。次の日に筋肉痛になるのは避けられないと思います。しかし、登りきると上田市街が一望できて、とても達成感のようなものを感じました。
It was understood well that the castle that Takeda Shingen could not attack was actually climbing. There were a lot of very dangerous places and I had a hard time climbing, but the view from the top was amazing. A stone castle is a castle of Yoshiyoshi Murakami, which is a generic name for a castle, a stone castle, and a Yoneyama castle. Astronomy Shingen attacked in August 19 but lost without falling down. After that, Yukitaka Sanada, who is subordinate to Shingen, was attacked in May 20 in Astronomy, and then it will be Sanada's castle until the age of Yukitakako and Masayuki. As impression that climbed, there were many steep slopes and it was very hard to climb. I think that it will be inevitable to get muscle aches on the next day. However, when I climbed up, I could overlook the city of Ueda and felt something like a sense of accomplishment.
玉屋のこーちゃん on Google

『米山城』で引き返し、分岐点を今度は『砥石城』方面へ。 暫く行くと、ずらりと続く階段が見えてくる。 昨今流行りの『鉄筋入りコンクリート製』の芯材を、茶色の『硬質プラスチック』でコーテイングして、『木材風』に見せている階段。 劣化しにくく耐久性では申し分ない為各所で見かけます。 でもこんな重いの誰が? 『砥石城』山頂までは250段程の階段です。(坂道・石段は除きます) 『砥石城』概要は『米山城』に紹介してありますので参照下さい。 運が良ければ『富士山』が見えるんですけど。
Turn back at "Yoneyama Castle" and then turn to the "Whetstone Castle" direction. If you go for a while, you will see a series of stairs. The stairs are made of the "reinforced concrete" core material that has become popular these days, coated with brown "hard plastic" to make it look "wood-like." It does not deteriorate easily and is durable enough to be found everywhere. But who is this heavy? There are about 250 stairs to the top of "Hitoishi Castle". (Excluding slopes and stone steps) Please refer to "Yoneyama Castle" for an overview of "Tohoku Castle". If you are lucky, you can see Mt. Fuji.
ヤマ田太郎 on Google

「殺す気か〜!」と聞かれたら、城兵は「モチロン殺す気だぁぁ!」と返した事でしょう(笑)。登城道がとてつもない急傾斜で傍らの補助ロープ無しでは、よつん這いでも登れません。岩場以外の場所は足場の安定しない砂地で、ずるずる滑り落ちるアリ地獄状態(笑)ホントに死ぬかと思った。 この砥石城は、あの常勝の名将、武田信玄が二度も「砥石崩れ」と呼ばれる大敗を喫し苦杯を舐めたいわくつきの城なのです。前述の通り、この城は正攻法での攻略はほぼ100%不可能です。信濃併呑を狙う若き日の信玄にとって、北信濃侵攻の大きな関門となっていました。 一方そうはさせじと迎え撃つは地元の名族、村上義清で武略智謀にも優れた勇将です。第一ラウンド(上田原の戦い)は砥石城が抑える上田盆地で行われました。 武田軍8000と村上軍5000~7000のガチンコ勝負で、数は武田側がやや多いですが、村上側には地元の利があります。当時破竹の勢いの信玄は、まさかここで重臣の板垣信方と甘利泰虎を失う大敗をするとは夢にも思わなかった事でしょう。 最初は数に勝る武田側が優勢で、特に板垣信方は敵中に奥深く切り込み戦果をあげていきます。しかしこれは村上側のワナだったのです、土地勘の無い敵地で必要以上の深追いは避けるべきでした。 気が付くと伏兵に取り囲まれて孤立し退却することもままならず、そのうちに周りの味方は徐々に数を減らしていき、ついに槍が突き立てられ板垣は事切れました。 信玄はただそれを遠方から見ている事しか出来ません。それどころか板垣を討ち取って気勢を上げる村上勢は、そのまま本陣に突撃をかけてきたのです。総大将である信玄まで傷を負う無念の惨敗に終わりました。 それから二年後、雪辱の第2ラウンドには、信玄は必勝の1万以上の軍勢を用意して臨みます。今度は野戦決戦の前に背後の憂いなく戦えるように、先に砥石城を攻略する事にしたのですが後から思うとこの時点で、既に方針が間違っていたのです・・。 正直この城はいくら大軍で押し掛けてもあまり意味はありません。険しい山道をよじ登ってくる、あまり動きの取れない先頭の数人を順次撃退していけば済む話だからです。当然攻略は難航し、ほとんど戦果のないまま包囲してから1ヶ月が過ぎようとしている時にヤツが上田盆地に姿を現しました。 村上義清です。敵対していた高梨氏と講和して、全軍を上げて城の救援にやって来たのです。急速に接近する村上軍に信玄は前回の大敗が頭をよぎったのでしょうか、城兵との挟撃を恐れて、慌てて後退し距離を取ろうとしますがコレが裏目に出ます。 退却に伴う陣形の乱れを義清は見逃しませんでした。背中を向けた敵軍にすかさず突撃をかけ、さんざんに蹴散らしたのです。1000人以上の戦死者を出す惨敗で、これで信玄の北信濃攻略作戦はすっかり頓挫してしまいました。もはや義清は信玄の天敵ですね(笑)。 しかし、このプロレスの遺恨試合のような両者の意地の勝負は、あっけない形で決着が付いてしまいます。信玄の将「真田幸隆」が何と砥石城乗っ取りに成功したのです。何だか試合後に後ろからフライパンで引っ叩いて勝利をおさめたような、割り切れなさが残りますが(笑)。もっと両雄の対決の行方を見たかったのに!。 真田氏は村上氏や諏訪氏及び信玄の父の信虎に追われて上野地方に亡命していましたが元々地元の人で、砥石城を築いたのも真田氏だったのです。地縁血縁は濃く城に出入りしている身内の人間もいた事でしょう。 山城は基本的に有事の際に立て籠もる場所で、平時はあまり人は居らず警備程度の人数しかいません。さらに人手が必要で城兵が外に出てしまう農繁期を狙って、一気に制圧したようです。 このあたりは豊臣秀吉が真田氏を評して、正面から戦わない「裏表がある卑怯者」と蔑んだ真田氏の性質の一端が現れていますね。もっとも真田氏にとっては生き残った方が正義であり「言いたい奴には言わせとけ!」と鼻で笑っていたでしょうけど(笑)。
When asked "Do you want to kill me ?!", the castle soldier would have returned "I'm going to kill Mochiron!" (Laughs). The climbing road is extremely steep and you can't climb even if you crawl without an auxiliary rope beside it. The places other than the rocks are sandy areas where the scaffolding is not stable, and I thought that I would really die in the hellish state of ants slipping down (laughs). This castle is a castle where Shingen Takeda, the famous general of Tsunekatsu, suffers a big defeat called "Sieges of Toishi" twice and wants to lick his torture. As mentioned above, this castle is almost 100% impossible to capture in a straightforward manner. It was a major barrier to the invasion of Kita Shinano for young Shingen, who was aiming for Shinano's drinking. On the other hand, Yoshikiyo Murakami, a local clan, is a brave general who is also excellent in martial arts. The first round (Battle of Uedahara) was held in the Ueda Basin, which is controlled by Toishi Castle. Takeda army 8000 and Murakami army 5000 ~ 7000 gachinko game, the number is a little large on the Takeda side, but there is a local advantage on the upper side of the village. At that time, Shingen, who had the momentum of breaking bamboo, would never have dreamed of losing a big defeat here, losing Nobukata Itagaki and Amari Torayasu. At first, the Takeda side, which is superior to the number, is dominant, and Nobukata Itagaki in particular cuts deep into the enemy and produces results. However, this was a trap on the upper side of the village, so I should have avoided pursuing more than necessary in an enemy land without a sense of land. When I noticed, I was surrounded by ambush soldiers and was isolated and could not retreat, and in the meantime, the number of allies around me gradually decreased, and finally the spear was thrust and Itagaki was cut off. Shingen can only see it from a distance. On the contrary, Murakami, who defeated Itagaki and raised his spirit, charged the main team as it was. It ended in a regrettable defeat that even injured Shingen, the general general. Two years later, Shingen will prepare more than 10,000 winning troops in the second round of snow humiliation. This time, I decided to capture Toishi Castle first so that I could fight without worrying behind the battle before the field battle, but when I think about it later, the policy was already wrong at this point. To be honest, it doesn't make much sense to push this castle with a large army. This is because it is enough to repel the first few people who are not very active and climb up the steep mountain road. Naturally, the capture was difficult, and when one month had passed since the siege was siege with almost no results, he appeared in the Ueda Basin. This is Yoshikiyo Murakami. In peace with Mr. Takanashi, who was hostile, he raised the entire army and came to rescue the castle. Maybe Shingen's last big defeat passed his head to the rapidly approaching Murakami Suigun, and he hurriedly retreated and tried to take a distance, fearing that he would be caught by the castle soldiers, but this backfired. Yoshikiyo did not overlook the disorder of formation due to the retreat. He immediately charged the enemy army with his back turned and kicked it off. With a devastating defeat that killed more than 1000 people, Shingen's strategy to capture Kita Shinano was completely disrupted. Yoshikiyo is already Shingen's natural enemy (laughs). However, the battle between the two sides, such as this professional wrestling grudge match, will be settled in an unfortunate way. Shingen's general "Yukitaka Sanada" succeeded in taking over the Toishi Castle. Somehow, after the match, I still feel like I've won by hitting it with a frying pan from behind (laughs). I wanted to see more of the confrontation between the two men! .. Mr. Sanada was exiled to the Ueno region after being chased by Mr. Murakami, Mr. Suwa, and Shingen's father Nobutora, but he was originally a local and it was Mr. Sanada who built the Toishi Castle. There may have been some relatives who had a strong kinship with the territory and went in and out of the castle. Yamashiro is basically a place where you can stand up in case of an emergency, and in normal times there are not many people and there are only guards. It seems that the castle soldiers were suppressed at once, aiming for the farming season when manpower was required and the castle soldiers went out. In this area, Hideyoshi Toyotomi commented on Mr. Sanada, and a part of the nature of Mr. Sanada who despised him as "a coward with both sides" who does not fight from the front appears. However, for Mr. Sanada, the one who survived was justice, and he would have laughed with his nose, "Let the person who wants to say it!" (Laughs).
T A on Google

Needless to say, it is Yamashiro. I think it's interesting to climb considering the history. The climb on the Toishi Castle side has stairs and is well maintained.
杜鬨弥太郎 on Google

かの武田信玄を二度も撃退した村上ちゃんの山城 「砥石崩れ」は有名な話 技巧的な設備は少ないけど、典型的な山城を見事に残してありまする 道もちゃんと整備されているからダイジョーブ ・・・・米山城から砥石城いく道中は半端ない坂だけど(笑)
Murakami-chan's Yamashiro who repelled Takeda Shingen twice "Sieges of Toishi" is a famous story There are few technical facilities, but the typical Yamashiro is beautifully preserved. Because the road is well maintained, Daijobu ・ ・ ・ ・ The road from Yoneyama Castle to Toishi Castle is an odd slope (laughs)
ふゆこ on Google

The residence of Yoshikiyo Murakami, later Mr. Sanada. In 1550, it is a castle famous for "Sieges of Toishi" by Harunobu Takeda. The following year, Yukitaka Sanada used the super-abbreviation to drop it in one day, and Yoshikiyo Murakami was protected by Uesugi in Echigo. We climbed from the entrance of Mt. Ise, Sanada-cho, and went down to Oteguchi in the order of Yoneyama Castle → Toishi Castle → Honjo → Masugata Castle in about an hour. As expected, it is a strong castle that blocked the Takeda army. Between Yoneyama Castle and Toishi Castle, there are about 300 steps of stairs and steep slopes where ropes are installed with bare rocks. Absolutely athletic shoes. It is said that Mt. Ise is the town that produced "Koishimaru", which is famous for the silk moth of Her Majesty the Empress.
竹下半兵衛 on Google

最高地点の標高825m、比高195m 長野県史跡ですと 今回は北側に「砥石城登り口」を見つけて車も止めれた?️? 民家の犬にタップリ吠えられるケド?‍? 登城道は落葉?で滑ってナカナカのアドベンチャー (;^_^A 旧松代街道に出て一安心 ホッ(´-`) 佐久間象山も通った道らしく説明板が建ってた (・о・)ヘー 案内標識通り登ってくと水場にたどり着いた➰金網囲みダケド( ゚ェ゚) この辺は段郭タッッップリ♪ 大手口と合流すると スグ最大の曲輪群にたどり着く 冬は草が消え切岸がよく見えて、まっ茶っ茶の複雑な段郭が面白い♬ 石積が埋もれつつもよく見える♪ チョット西側斜面を恐る恐る下りると尾根には かすかに堀切がある♪ モチロン裏のデカ堀切も見応えある♬ 南側の砥石城からは上田の街がよく見える (゚∀゚*)ゞヤッホー 堀切や切岸もバッチリ♬ ...今回は米山城はヤメトコ(^^; ここは資料によって本城と桝形城が逆になってて紛らわしい➰コソッ 連続堀切を越えて最も高い北端の曲輪からは真田の城砦群が一望 (。・Д・)ゞヤッホッホー 今回は北側の断崖を下りてみた ロープがあって一安心 (^^;)ゞ しばらく歩くと金剛寺峠へでた 切通しの下にあるお地蔵さんの首から上が...無い! Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) コワッ こちらから北登山口に戻れるかと思いきや道が無い➰( ´゚д゚`)アチャー また城へ戻ることに~アメマ 「山城は3回登らないとわからない」と、学者さんが言ってたけど... 4回登っても まだ新しい発見があって楽しめる山城♡
The highest point is 825m above sea level and 195m above sea level. Nagano Prefecture Historic Site This time, I found the "Toishi Castle Climbing Exit" on the north side and stopped the car ?️? A dog that can be tapped by a dog in a private house ?‍? The climbing road slides on the fallen leaves ? and is an adventure of Nakanaka (; ^ _ ^ A) It's safe to go out on the old Matsushiro Highway (´-`) An explanation board was built like a road that Sakuma Shozan also passed through (・ о ・) Hey When I climbed up the guide sign, I arrived at the water place. This area is full of steps ♪ When you join Oteguchi, you will reach the largest group of Kuruwa. In winter, the grass disappears and you can see the shores well, and the complicated steps of the tea ceremony are interesting ♬ The masonry is buried but looks good ♪ There is a faint moat on the ridge when you go down the west slope of the chot. The big Horikiri on the back of Mochiron is also spectacular ♬ You can see the city of Ueda from the whetstone castle on the south side (゜ ∀ ゜ *) Horikiri and Kirishi are perfect ♬ ... This time Yoneyama Castle is Yametoko (^^; This is confusing because the main castle and Masugata castle are reversed depending on the materials. A panoramic view of Sanada's forts from the highest Kuruwa at the northern end beyond the continuous Horikiri (. ・ Д ・) This time I went down the cliff on the north side There is a rope and I feel relieved (^^;) ゞ After walking for a while, I went to Kongoji Pass There is no upper part from Jizo's neck under the cut! Σ ( ̄  ̄ lll) I don't think I can return to the north trailhead from here ➰ (´ ゚ д ゚ `) Acha To return to the castle again ~ Amema A scholar said, "I don't know if I have to climb Yamashiro three times." Yamashiro that you can still enjoy with new discoveries even after climbing 4 times ♡

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