Uemura Orthopedic Clinic - Naka District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uemura Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

689-7 Funaishikawa, Tokai, Naka District, Ibaraki 319-1111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 319-1111
Webサイト : http://www.uemura-orthoclinic.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

689-7 Funaishikawa, Tokai, Naka District, Ibaraki 319-1111, Japan
yumimin Fire mountain on Google

いつも患者さんが多く待ち時間で半日潰れてしまいます。 院長は患者と目を見ずに話すので… ただ、薬は言うと1ヵ月分出してくれますが…
Patients are always crushed for half a day while waiting. The director talks with the patient without seeing ... However, if you say the medicine, it will be dispensed for one month ...
N M on Google

Thank you for the long-term rehabilitation. The nurse's response was good and I was able to attend without stress. I think that I will be indebted if there is something again.
くろあき on Google

患者さんで溢れていてお忙しいのでしょうか。。診断がとても丁寧とは言い難いです。 カルテも見ないで「なんだっけ?」と言われて患者側から説明するのはどうなんでしょうか。
Are you busy with lots of patients? . It is hard to say that the diagnosis is very polite. Why don't you look at the medical record and explain from the patient's side saying "What?"
N “ウサギ” Y on Google

足の付け根が痛みがあり、受診しました。先生に良くみて頂いて手術をする病院を紹介して頂きました。今では痛みも良くなりました。 スタッフの皆さんの対応も丁寧で温かい雰囲気があり、良かったです。
I had a pain at the base of my foot and I got a medical examination. We had a good look at the teacher and introduced a hospital for surgery. Now the pain is better. Correspondence of all of the staff was polite and warm atmosphere, and was good.
バミニコ on Google

以前から腰痛に悩まされ、整体などに通っていたが良くならず… こちらでブロック注射をしてもらったら痛みが嘘のように良くなりました! スタッフの方達も丁寧に対応していただき、辛い痛みの時にありがたかったです。
I have been suffering from back pain for a long time, and I went to chiropractic, but it didn't improve ... When I got a block injection here, the pain improved like a lie! The staff also responded politely, and I was grateful for the painful pain.
Na K on Google

以前から、腰痛やぎっくり腰に悩んでいました。 親身に話を聞いてくださる先生や笑顔で対応いてくださるスタッフの方々のおかげで、治療により痛みは少しずつ改善されてきました。よくなるには、時間がかかると思いますが、気長に通いたいと思います。
I've been suffering from back pain and hips from before. Thanks to the teachers who listened to me and the staff who responded with a smile, the pain was gradually improved by the treatment. I think it takes time to get better, but I want to be patient.
AW 11 on Google

I always thought the parking lot would be full, so I thought it would take some time, but the waiting time was smooth. The teacher also explained in a calm tone, and the rehabilitation was well guided. The consultation time that I was able to get back to work was very helpful. There was also a dermatology department, but this seems to be the medical treatment only in the morning.
石塚舞 on Google

先生は優しく、よく話を聞いてくれて、分からないことがあった時も丁寧に説明をしてくれました。 リハビリではスタッフの方がテキパキと動いていて、患者さんにきちんと機械や治療の説明をしてくれていたので安心して受けることができました。 受付スタッフもとても親切で、なにかあったらまた行きたいと思えるクリニックでした。
The teacher was kind, listened to me well, and explained me politely when I had any questions. In the rehabilitation, the staff was working steadily and explained the machine and treatment to the patient properly, so I was able to receive it with confidence. The reception staff was also very kind, and it was a clinic that I would like to visit again if something happened.

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