
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東海文化センター

住所 :

Funaba, Tokai, Naka District, 〒319-1115 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : http://www.tokai-cs.or.jp/cultural-center/center-guide/
街 : Ibaraki

Funaba, Tokai, Naka District, 〒319-1115 Ibaraki,Japan
bruwntrutta on Google

コロナ対策のためか,全てのドア開放,間隔をあけての着席でした。 暖かい外気が入ってくるためか,冷房MAXで,逆に寒かったです。
Perhaps because of the corona measures, all the doors were open and I was seated at intervals. Perhaps because of the warm air coming in, it was cold with the cooling MAX.
北海道スズラン on Google

It's so good that you can say this facility in the village! Today I went to the security liaison's continuous certification ceremony.
신동동 on Google

I feel that the space between the seats is old-fashioned and very narrow. Isn't this sense of absence also halving the satisfaction of the show itself? . Entry and exit of the parking lot is not very good either. It is the construction of typical public facilities of the so-called period.
田巻正二 on Google

Today, I came with the support of the karaoke recital ?, but the number of spectators was small due to the corona whirlpool ?
Yマルクス on Google

皆さん建物が古いというレビューがありますが、逆にこの経年劣化こそ東海文化センターの良さだと思います。 とても懐かしく成人式や映画をやる重要な場所なので是非このまま多少の手入れはしつつ改装しないで守ってほしいです。 奥の食堂がなくなり残念です。昔は映画を観てから中華そばを友人達と食べました。 そんな昔の思い出が詰まった素敵な文化センター。
Everyone has a review that the building is old, but on the contrary, I think that this aging deterioration is the good point of the Tokai Cultural Center. It's a very nostalgic place for coming-of-age ceremonies and movies, so I'd like you to keep it as it is with some care and without remodeling. It is a pity that the dining room in the back is gone. I used to eat Chinese soba with my friends after watching a movie. A wonderful cultural center filled with such old memories.
elle tomato on Google

駅からも近く駐車場も沢山あります。 建物は古き良きレトロ感味わえます。 近隣にはカフェ、コンビニ、図書館などがあります。
There are many parking lots near the station. The building has a good old retro feel. There are cafes, convenience stores and libraries nearby.
kenji sawa on Google

It is the only event venue in Tokai Village such as live concerts and movies.
ゆりこ on Google

コロナに配慮して、座席など空けていました。 これから、このような場所を使えることか増えることを望みます。
Seats were vacant in consideration of the corona. From now on, I hope that such places can be used or increased.

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