
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プルニエ

住所 :

Uedamachi, Iwaki, 〒974-8261 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://prunier.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–7:30PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Uedamachi, Iwaki, 〒974-8261 Fukushima,Japan
a. on Google

4号のフルーツクリームケーキを 注文させていただいたのですが クリームも甘すぎず、フルーツも沢山 入っていてとても美味しかったです☺︎
No. 4 fruit cream cake I placed an order The cream is not too sweet and there are lots of fruits It was very delicious ☺︎
ももちこ on Google

This is my first visit. The shop is very simple, so if you have a cute cake, it will look great. The cakes are beautiful when you look at them one by one. There is no sweet taste, and the taste of the material is solid with elegant sweetness. It ’s an exciting place to eat before eating, and there ’s a sense of happiness when you eat it.
お猿な健 on Google

震災後では始めて行きました こちらのガトーショコラは自分歴でNo.1だと思ってます! 現在埼玉在住なので行く機会がなかったので久しぶりに来店できて嬉しかった 甘味と苦味のバランスが本当に絶妙で大人向けです シュークリームもシューとカスタードの相性抜群です!
I started after the earthquake I think this gateau chocolate is No.1 in my history! I'm currently living in Saitama, so I didn't have the chance to go, so I was glad to come to the store after a long time The balance between sweetness and bitterness is really exquisite and for adults Cream puffs are also excellently compatible with puffs and custards!
親方丸 on Google

お土産に頂きましたが^ ^?美味しかったです。 ロールケーキもgood?
I got it as a souvenir, but it was delicious ^ ^ ?. Roll cake is also good ?
つーりーすーぎ on Google

The cream puff was so delicious that I couldn't believe it was 160 yen. Although it was late when I visited, most of the products were sold. I want to go again.
Orbital Number nine. on Google

2021年1月:1年ぶりに再訪♪ 前回、クリスマスケーキを買いにきたら 残念ながら予約のみだったため 断念(;ω;) 今回はいわきの「もう一度訪ねたいお店」の 一貫で訪ねました(〃ω〃) どれも目移りしちゃう美味しそうな ケーキばかり♪ ついつい買い過ぎちゃいますね!!! ------------------------ いちごのミルフィーユのカスタードが バランス良くて美味しかったです♪ プレゼントしたら喜ばれそうな 焼き菓子や紅茶なんかもあって ホワイトデーのお返しを探しに 来たいな♪ また来よう(^O^)!
January 2021: Revisited for the first time in a year ♪ Last time I came to buy a Christmas cake Unfortunately it was only a reservation Abandoned (; ω;) This time, Iwaki's "shop I want to visit again" I visited consistently (〃ω〃) Everything seems to be delicious Only cakes ♪ I just bought too much! !! !! ------------------------ Strawberry millefeuille custard It was well-balanced and delicious ♪ If you give it as a gift, you will be happy There are also baked goods and tea Looking for a return for White Day I want to come ♪ Let's come again (^ O ^)!
Low High on Google

甘さがほどよいケーキ屋さん。 お店の雰囲気もよく、ケーキも美味しい。 今はコロナ禍なので、イートインが使えないのは残念。 ケーキの種類も見た目も味も 子供向けの甘いケーキというよりは、 大人にウケるケーキという印象。 どのケーキも美味しいので、ハズレ無いと思います。 その中でも、個人的にはロールケーキがおすすめです。 スポンジの味がしっかりしてて、甘すぎないクリームも相まってバランス良く、老若男女に好かれる味だと思うので、お土産にはぴったりです。 焼き菓子はまだ未トライなので、近々食べたいと思います。 来訪はします。お土産や記念日に使いたい。
A cake shop with just the right amount of sweetness. The atmosphere of the shop is good and the cakes are delicious. It's a pity that we can't use eat-in because it's a corona wreck now. The type of cake, the appearance and the taste Rather than a sweet cake for kids Impression that it is a cake that is appealing to adults. All the cakes are delicious, so I don't think they will be lost. Among them, I personally recommend the roll cake. The sponge taste is strong, and the cream that is not too sweet is well-balanced, and I think it is a taste that is loved by men and women of all ages, so it is a perfect souvenir. I haven't tried baked goods yet, so I'd like to eat them soon. I will visit you. I want to use it as a souvenir or an anniversary.
Zwerg Karotte on Google

We love it there! Everything tastes amazing. Just try it.

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