Uedaipponmatsu Dental Clinic - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uedaipponmatsu Dental Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-703 Motoueda, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0009, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 468-0009
Webサイト : http://www.ueda1dc.com/

1 Chome-703 Motoueda, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0009, Japan
star on Google

優しい先生です。 治療も全く痛くなく、 歯医者が苦手じゃなくなりました。
A gentle teacher. The treatment doesn't hurt at all, The dentist is no longer weak.
Maya O. on Google

The teacher made a very gentle diagnosis. The dental assistants are very kind and courteous, and they have a thorough customer service. it's recommended.
吉田博之 on Google

急患でしたが、丁寧な対応をして頂きました。 非常に良い歯医者さんだと思います。
We had an emergency, but we had a careful response. I think it is a very good dentist.
PlusFine Co. on Google

以前治療してもらいました。施術中の吸い込み器具が唇を歯に抑えつけられて痛かった…そして施術も痛かった。 被せ物をして治した歯はまた痛み出し、また歯医者を検索していたところたまたま出て来たので口コミしました。もう行きません。
I was treated before. The suction device during the operation was hurting my lips against my teeth ... and the operation was also painful. The teeth that had been covered and healed also got pain again, and I was searching for a dentist, so I happened to be out, so I was told. I will not go anymore.
ken流珠 on Google

対応は丁寧 虫歯は迅速に対応してもらったが それ以外の歯の治療は対応してもらえず 行っても歯の掃除ばかりであしらわれている印象を受けた
Correspondence is polite I got a quick response to my tooth decay Other dental treatments are not available Even when I went, I got the impression that it was all about cleaning my teeth
haru haru on Google

The teacher is kind and friendly. I think I was a dental assistant, but when I put on my apron I was suddenly surprised at the neck from behind suddenly. I wanted you to say a word. It is a pity because there was nothing like this before.
髙岡誠弥 on Google

先生や衛生士さんは優しく親身に対応して頂くので、とてもありがたいです。 内装もキレイで衛生的だと思います。 家族5人でいつも検診に通っています。
I am very grateful that the teachers and hygienists are kind and kind to me. I think the interior is clean and hygienic. Five family members always go to the examination.
N. M. on Google

歯を極力残すという方針が気に入っています。 予約時間から待たされることもなく、一回の診察時間の枠は30分程なので拘束時間が少なく、予定が立てやすいため助かっています。 言い換えれば、一度の診察で時間をかけてあれもこれもしてほしいと言う人には不向きかもしれませんが、何年も通っていて一回一回の治療が不十分と感じたことはありませんでした。 診察時間が細かく区切られているためか、急な予約でも割と取りやすいかと思います。 だいぶ前に、たった一度だけ手元が荒めの歯科衛生士さんに当たったことはありましたが、その時以外はいつも先生も歯科衛生士さんも丁寧に治療をしてくださいます。
I like the policy of leaving teeth as much as possible. There is no need to wait from the appointment time, and the time frame for one consultation is about 30 minutes, so there is little restraint time and it is easy to make a schedule, which is helpful. In other words, it may not be suitable for those who want to spend a lot of time doing this in one visit, but I haven't felt that each treatment is inadequate for many years. was. I think that it is relatively easy to make a sudden reservation, probably because the consultation time is divided into small pieces. A long time ago, I had hit a dental hygienist who had a rough hand only once, but other than that time, both the teacher and the dental hygienist always treat me carefully.

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