Tsuzuki - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsuzuki

住所 :

6 Chome-1 Taikotori, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 453-0811

6 Chome-1 Taikotori, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0811, Japan
yurina okamoto on Google

ネタ性じゃなくてちゃんと美味しいです。 カフェオレが人気ですが、その他のメニューでもモリモリクリームがのってきました。もちろん、生クリームではないのでちょっとキツイなぁと思いましたが、疲れている時には美味しかったです。なにより、本体のコーヒーが美味しいです。 サンドイッチやロールパン、シンプルで美味しいです。明宝ハムサンドはハムがたっぷりボリュームがあります。ロールパンもほどよい温かさでした。 これまで、エンターテインメントなカフェオレ推しの名古屋の面白系喫茶のイメージで、伺う機会がありませんでしたが、せっかくお近くになったので訪ねてみました。 お店は中年の常連さんが多く、地元に愛されている様でした。
It's not a material, it's delicious. Cafe au lait is popular, but Morimori cream is also available on other menus. Of course, it wasn't fresh cream, so I thought it was a little tough, but it was delicious when I was tired. Above all, the coffee in the main body is delicious. Sandwiches and bread rolls are simple and delicious. Meiho ham sand has plenty of ham. The bread rolls were also reasonably warm. Until now, I hadn't had a chance to visit because of the image of an entertaining cafe au lait in Nagoya, but I visited it because it was close to me. There were many middle-aged regulars in the shop, and it seemed to be loved by the locals.
将弥長谷 on Google

いろんな人がアップしたり、テレビでやっていたので行ってきました。 テレビでやっていた脚立のパフォーマンスも味も良かったです。 SNSでアップされていたアイスウィンナーコーヒーは思った以上に生クリームが多く、さすがの生クリーム好きでもこの量が限界でした。
I went there because various people uploaded it and I was doing it on TV. The performance and taste of the stepladder I was doing on TV was good. Ice Wiener coffee posted on SNS has more fresh cream than I expected, and even if you like fresh cream, this amount was the limit.
ネコじーた on Google

旅行で近くを通りかかったのでふらっと来店? 丁度おやつの時間だったのもあって5人ほど並んでいました^ ^ 創業70年以上とかなりの歴史がある老舗のようで、何やら名物があるとのこと! それが「天空カフェオレ落とし」というカフェオレの淹れ方らしく、店員さんが脚立を持ってきて天井付近からカフェオレを注いでくれます笑笑 エンターテイメント性が強いので、一人で行くより仲の良い友達などと行くと盛り上がりますね? 他にもネタ系のメニューが豊富でかなり面白かったです!ここに行くと普通のカフェじゃ満足できなくなるかも笑笑
I passed by on a trip, so I came to the store ? About 5 people were lined up because it was just a snack time ^ ^ It seems to be a long-established store with a long history of more than 70 years since its establishment, and there are some specialties! That is the way of brewing cafe au lait called "Tenku Cafe au lait drop", and the clerk brings a stepladder and pours cafe au lait from near the ceiling lol lol It's very entertaining, so it's more exciting to go with friends than to go alone ? There were many other menu items and it was very interesting! If you go here, you may not be satisfied with a normal cafe lol
Sachiko Tk on Google

Jaz pR on Google

Best place in town to take a Café au lait. Ask for the “famous” one and enjoy.
Adesh Prasad on Google

Very nice staff, I think they were the owners. Even tried to speak to me in a little English when I didn't understand what they were telling nh me in Japanese.
Gautier C on Google

Besides the obviously unique experience of "Café au Lait" served from up a small ladder, this place offers a great variety of coffees, smadwiches, ice cream that are huge and cheap. Service is a bit long at times, but nothing too annoying.
Scott Combs on Google

This was such a fun and great place. If you get the chance you should eat here. The breakfast sets are really priced great. The flower shop smell made it very relaxing and a great place to rest. I loved how they served my Cafe au lait from a ladder. The service was spectacular and the food was delicious. It was so much fun.

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