総合格闘技道場アライブ - Higashi Ward

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 総合格闘技道場アライブ

住所 :

Tsutsui, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0003 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89999
Postal code : 461-0003
Webサイト : http://www.aliveacademy.net/
街 : Aichi

Tsutsui, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0003 Aichi,Japan
後藤栄也 on Google

指導者がプロの選手で、人間性もとても良いので楽しく練習できます。 テレビに出るほど有名な方と一緒に練習できたり、プロ選手から直接指導が受けられるのがいい点です。
The instructor is a professional player, and the humanity is very good, so you can practice happily. It is good that you can practice with a famous person so that you can appear on TV, and you can receive direct guidance from professional players.
田島奈緒 on Google

全く知らなかった格闘技でしたが、打撃クラスや柔術クラスに参加して試合を見る楽しさや 道場の選手方の応援をする楽しみができました。運動の指導でも生かせる身体の使い方も勉強になります! 柔術の試合に出るために先輩方にに教えてもらったり、練習でクタクタになったりと充実した時間を得られています。
It was a martial art that I didn't know at all, but the fun of attending a batting class or a jiu-jitsu class and watching the game I enjoyed supporting the players in the dojo. You will also learn how to use your body, which can be used in exercise instruction! I have had a lot of time, such as having my seniors teach me to participate in Jiu-jitsu games and getting tired of practicing.
Takeshi Sugiyama on Google

格闘技と聞けば一般的に敷居高いかもしれませんが、ALIVEは数分あれば格闘技が好きになれる道場です。その理由は、この投稿では列挙できないくらい存在しますが、私がALIVEを1番お勧めする理由は初心者、プロ選手問わず雰囲気が良い事です。 特に不定休で不規則な働き方をされている方で格闘技の練習がしたいと言う方は是非!
Generally speaking, martial arts may be a high threshold, but ALIVE is a dojo where you can love martial arts in a few minutes. There are so many reasons why I can't list them in this post, but the reason I recommend ALIVE the most is that it has a nice atmosphere for both beginners and professional players. Especially for those who work irregularly on irregular holidays and want to practice martial arts!
ama taro on Google

名古屋へ単身赴任時に会員としてお世話になりました。私は当時42歳で入会。主にブラジリアン柔術をやっておりました。 総合格闘技のイメージが強いかと思われますが、ブラジリアン柔術でも多くの有名選手を輩出しております。 常に初心者が入会されており、同じくらいのキャリアの方と練習出来ると思われます。レッスンも確立されており、基礎から習う事が出来るでしょう。 入会をご検討の方は、レッスンスケジュールをご確認いただき、まずは見学されてみる事をお勧めいたします。 代表の鈴木陽一さん(通称:シャチョー)は、格闘技界では超が付くほどの有名人ですが、どなたにも優しく出迎えていただける事と思います。
I was taken care of as a member when I was transferred to Nagoya alone. I joined at the age of 42 at that time. I was mainly doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It seems that the image of mixed martial arts is strong, but Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has also produced many famous players. Beginners are always enrolled, and it seems that they can practice with people of similar careers. Lessons are well established and you will be able to learn from the basics. If you are considering joining, we recommend that you check the lesson schedule and take a tour first. The representative, Yoichi Suzuki (commonly known as Shacho), is a famous person in the martial arts world, but I think that everyone will be kindly welcomed.
蓑毛新 on Google

名古屋の名門総合格闘技ジム。 良い所を3点挙げると、 1.総合格闘技なのでキックボクシング、柔術、グラップリング、MMA全てを学べる 2.トッププロ選手たちと一緒に練習したり指導を受けれる 3.初心者から始める人も多く実は敷居が低い です。 格闘技にありがちな高圧的な上下関係や体育会系の雰囲気は無く、インストラクターも先輩会員さん達もフレンドリーで礼儀正しかったのには良い意味で驚きました。 本格派の道場ですが初心者からでも順序よく教えてもらえたのも良かったです。
Nagoya's prestigious mixed martial arts gym. To name three good points, 1. Because it is mixed martial arts, you can learn all about kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, grappling, and MMA. 2. Practice and receive guidance with top professional players 3. Many people start from beginners, and the threshold is actually low. is. I was surprised in a good way that the instructors and senior members were friendly and polite, as there was no high-pressure hierarchical relationship or athletic atmosphere that is typical of martial arts. It's an authentic dojo, but it was good that even beginners taught me in order.
蓑毛新 on Google

名古屋の名門総合格闘技ジム。 良い所を3点挙げると、 1.総合格闘技なのでキックボクシング、柔術、グラップリング、MMA全てを学べる 2.トッププロ選手たちと一緒に練習したり指導を受けれる 3.初心者から始める人も多く実は敷居が低い です。 格闘技にありがちな高圧的な上下関係や体育会系の雰囲気は無く、インストラクターも先輩会員さん達もフレンドリーで礼儀正しかったのには良い意味で驚きました。 本格派の道場ですが初心者からでも順序よく教えてもらえたのも良かったです。
Nagoya's prestigious mixed martial arts gym. To name three good points, 1. Because it is mixed martial arts, you can learn all about kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, grappling, and MMA. 2. Practice and receive guidance with top professional players 3. Many people start from beginners, and the threshold is actually low. is. I was surprised in a good way that the instructors and senior members were friendly and polite, as there was no high-pressure hierarchical relationship or athletic atmosphere that is typical of martial arts. It's an authentic dojo, but it was good that even beginners taught me in order.
Ron Schroter on Google

Great place to train!
steve b on Google

Excellent instructors and everyone there is very friendly and helpful. Great place to learn.

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