Tsutaya Hijiori Hotel Hijiori Onsen

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsutaya Hijiori Hotel Hijiori Onsen

住所 :

Okura, Mogami District, 〒996-0301 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.tutayahijiorihotel.com/
街 : Yamagata

Okura, Mogami District, 〒996-0301 Yamagata,Japan
谷川昌枝 on Google

♨は良かったですが、2種類ある泉質の内1つか混浴で、狭い為に男女共に入り辛い感じです。 時間制にしてくれれば良いのに? 食事は『味付けが濃い病院食』って感じでした。 掃除は行き届いているのですが、部屋のトイレが臭い。他の部屋も同じとの事。 接客は良かったです。
The agate was good, but it is difficult for both men and women to enter because it is narrow in one or mixed bath of two kinds of spring quality. It would be nice if it was time-based The food was like "hospital food with strong seasoning". Cleaning is good, but the toilet in the room smells. The other rooms are the same. The customer service was good.
清水淳 on Google

ホテル側の入口は銅山川、湯治棟の入口は温泉街のメインストリートに面する 浴室はどちらにもあり、ホテル側は男女別、湯治棟は混浴となる 肘折温泉の夏のイベント「ひじおりの灯」では、こちらの湯治棟の一階を使用し、沢山の灯籠が公開される。温泉街の灯籠を楽しみつつ、こちらの灯籠も見て行くのがここ数年の楽しみとなっています
The entrance on the hotel side is the Copper Mountain River, and the entrance to the hot spring building faces the main street of the hot spring town There are bathrooms in both, the hotel side is separate for men and women, and the bathhouse is mixed bathing Hijiori Onsen's summer event “Hijiori no Akari” uses a lot of lanterns on the first floor of this hot spring building. I've been enjoying the lanterns in the hot spring town and watching these lanterns for the past few years.

Not to mention the hot water, but the food is delicious, and the food is accelerating. It is a very cozy hotel with the addition of good people. It has a certain age, but it is clean but clean. The atmosphere is very good on the ground floor books, counter bars and hearth.
山口泰典 on Google

築年数は経っていますが、良く手入れされている印象を受けました。 今回泊まった部屋については、バス・トイレ付きで、それぞれ独立していました。 浴衣、タオル類、ハブラシ、大型テレビなど、一通り揃っていました。 立地については、肘折の温泉街自体が小さいため、どの宿に泊まっても利便性の面で差は無いと感じました。
I am old, but I received an impression that it was well kept. About room which stayed this time, there were bath, restroom and were independent, respectively. There were yukatas, towels, toothbrushes, large TVs, and so on. As for the location, I felt that there was no difference in terms of convenience when staying at any hotel, as the hot spring town itself in Hijiori is small.
なかみか on Google

温泉街全体が、とても素敵な所でした。 こちらの旅館、決して豪華ではないし施設は古いです。 アメニティもほとんど無いし、Wi-Fiもないし、お部屋の窓はすりガラスで外は見えないし。 でも、スタッフさんはじめ、温泉街のお店の方も、朝市のお母さんも、とにかくみんながとっても親切で、多少の不便さが逆に心地よく感じられるような場所です。 旅館は、なんといっても温泉がとてもいい。 混浴のお湯もありますが、家族で入られると思えばありがたい。 深く効いてくる感じです。 食事は、いろんな地元山菜盛りだくさん。 豪華ではないけれど、どれも美味しい!。 特にご飯最高です。 清潔豪華を求める方には不向きですが、温泉がお好きな方には最高だと思います。
The whole hot spring town was a very nice place. This inn is by no means luxurious and the facilities are old. There are few amenities, no Wi-Fi, and the windows in the room are frosted glass so you can't see the outside. However, the staff, the shops in the hot spring town, and the mother in the morning market are all very kind, and it is a place where you can feel some inconvenience. The inn has a very nice hot spring. There is also mixed bathing hot water, but I would appreciate it if you think that you can enter it with your family. It feels like it works deeply. Meals are full of various local wild plants. It's not gorgeous, but they are all delicious! .. Especially the rice is the best. It is not suitable for those who want cleanliness and luxury, but I think it is the best for those who like hot springs.
Yoshika O on Google

●交通: 新幹線新庄駅からバス。バスの本数が少なく、バスも小さめなので、事前の時間確認(肘折温泉公式Webサイト等に掲載されている。時期によって異なるので注意)、時間より少し前からバス停で待っておいた方が良い。肘折温泉から新庄駅に向かう三連休最終日チェックアウト時間頃のバスは、発車20分前には既にバス停に長蛇の列。満席だった。第一、第二ターミナルから始発の肘折温泉まで徒歩1分かからないので、肘折温泉バス停で待つのがオススメ。(乗れなかった場合は二台目が来るのかは不明。) ●施設設備・風呂: 湯治客向けの施設と、ホテル部分とがあり、2Fでつながっている。第二バス停からすぐ前の入り口は湯治客向けの玄関になる。川側の入り口がホテル宿泊客向けのロビー等がある。第二バス停から川側にはすぐそばの細い道から抜けられる。(ぱっとみて初回は気が付かないレベルの細さ。) ロビー、およびいくつか自動販売機あり。酒はビールと氷結。値段はコンビニレベル。ロビーで米を売っているが宿に物産店はなし。湯治客向けの入り口から徒歩すぐにコンビニのようなお土産屋あり。そこでは酒、飲料、食べ物等売っている。 風呂は2つ。両方とも鍵付きロッカーはなし。シャンプー、ボディソープはあり。 湯は、少し黄土色で、座った状態で足の指まで見えるくらいの土濁り。ほんのわずかに塩分味。無臭。源泉が熱めで、冷やすため山水で少し(10-20%)薄めているかけ流し。湯の花は表面にうっすら浮いている程度。何度か入ったが大体適温~少し温め程度。朝の掃除時間帯を除いて終日入れる。 (1)混浴。湯治客向けの施設側にある。脱衣場は男女別。岩風呂2つ。夕方頃、早朝に行ったが誰もおらずのんびり堪能できた。シャワー設備なし。 (2)男女別内風呂。シャワー設備が幾つかあり。脱衣所にティッシュ、ドライヤーはあり。(綿棒、化粧水はなし。)男女入れ替えはなし。(たぶん同型。) ●部屋: JR東日本えきねっとで選んだツアー(地温泉)では、ホテル部分で、風呂・トイレ付き和室。よくある温泉旅館っぽい和室+低めの椅子2つ。バスタオル、タオル、浴衣、歯ブラシはあり。 ●食事: JR東日本えきねっとで選んだツアー(地温泉)では、夜、朝つき。夜は18:00と18:30だったか、朝は8:00と7:30だったかから選べる。キノコ、山の幸中心で、山形牛、山形名物芋煮等特産品も。年配者向け温泉宿コース一式というところ。どれも食べやすい味でボリューム控えめ。 酒は、日本酒党なら地酒飲み比べセットが90ml3種類1500円がおすすめ。
● Transportation: Bus from Shinjo Station on the Shinkansen. Since the number of buses is small and the buses are small, it is better to check the time in advance (posted on the Hijiori Onsen official website etc. Please note that it varies depending on the time) and wait at the bus stop a little before the time. .. The bus from Hijiori Onsen to Shinjo Station on the last day of the three consecutive holidays is already in a long line at the bus stop 20 minutes before departure. It was full. It takes less than a minute to walk from Terminals 1 and 2 to the first Hijiori Onsen, so it is recommended to wait at the Hijiori Onsen bus stop. (If you can't get on, it's unclear if the second one will come.) ● Facilities / baths: There is a facility for hot springs and a hotel part, which are connected on the 2nd floor. The entrance just in front of the second bus stop is the entrance for spa guests. The entrance on the river side has a lobby for hotel guests. From the second bus stop, you can get out of the narrow road near the river. (At first glance, it's so thin that you won't notice it the first time.) There is a lobby and some vending machines. Sake is beer and freezing. The price is at the convenience store level. Rice is sold in the lobby, but there is no product store in the inn. There is a souvenir shop like a convenience store just a short walk from the entrance for spa guests. It sells alcohol, beverages, food, etc. There are two baths. Both have no lockers with locks. Shampoo and body soap are available. The hot water is a little ocher, and it is so cloudy that you can see your toes while sitting. Only slightly salty. Odorless. The source is hot, and it is diluted with mountain water (10-20%) to cool it. Yunohana is slightly floating on the surface. I entered it several times, but it was about the right temperature to a little warm. Enter all day except during the morning cleaning hours. (1) Mixed bathing. Located on the facility side for spa guests. The dressing rooms are separate for men and women. Two rock baths. I went there early in the evening, but I was able to enjoy it leisurely without anyone. No shower facilities. (2) Separate indoor baths for men and women. There are some shower facilities. There are tissues and hair dryers in the dressing room. (No cotton swabs or lotion.) No gender replacement. (Maybe the same type.) ● Room: In the tour (local hot spring) selected by JR East Ekinet, there is a Japanese-style room with a bath and toilet in the hotel part. A Japanese-style room that looks like a typical hot spring inn + two low chairs. Bath towels, towels, yukata and toothbrushes are available. ● Meals: The tour (local hot spring) selected by JR East Ekinet has night and morning. You can choose between 18:00 and 18:30 in the evening and 8:00 and 7:30 in the morning. In the center of mushrooms and Yamagata, there are also special products such as Yamagata beef and Yamagata's specialty Imoni. A set of hot spring inn courses for the elderly. All have an easy-to-eat taste and a modest volume. For sake, if you are a sake party, we recommend a set of 90 ml, 3 types, 1500 yen compared to local sake drinkers.
井上恒幸 on Google

とても温まる良い温泉でした☺️ お料理も山形牛が柔らかく、 旨味たっぷりのお肉でした?
It was a very warm and good hot spring ☺️ Yamagata beef is soft and the food is also soft It was delicious meat ?
大場穣 on Google

It was a nice bath. It was warmed up with a little hot water. It was nice that the parking space was large under the roof. The dinner was also delicious.

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