湘南の魚とワインの店 ヒラツカ

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 湘南の魚とワインの店 ヒラツカ

住所 :

Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0835 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899978
Webサイト : https://www.dynac-japan.com/shop/hiratsuka/yokohama/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0835 Kanagawa,Japan
yyammg on Google

アクアパッツァが美味しかったです! 残ったスープを太めのパスタで作ってくださって大満足でした。
The aqua pazza was delicious! I was very happy to make the remaining soup with thick pasta.
shin k on Google

コスパが良くワインも料理も美味しいです。気軽にお邪魔出来るバルです。 湘南の地魚や野菜をいただけます。
The cospa is good and the wine and food are delicious. It is a bar that you can feel free to disturb. You can enjoy local fish and vegetables from Shonan.
塩谷猫おじさん on Google

An Italian-style izakaya that uses fresh Shonan fish, vegetables, and meat. The fish are procured directly from the Hiratsuka fishing port, so they are outstandingly fresh. Meat dishes are also delicious. The price is also reasonable. All-you-can-drink (2000 yen per person) The quality of the wine on the menu is not bad. It's a popular shop, so we recommend you to make a reservation.
syo ume on Google

送別会で利用。 飲放題付きの6000円コース 刺し身、牛肉の赤ワイン煮は是非食べておきたい一品。 この界隈でこれだけの鮮魚が食べられるのはなかなかないと思う。 それでいて値段は良心的。 ぜひまた利用したい。
Used at a farewell party. 6000 yen course with all-you-can-drink Sashimi and beef boiled in red wine are a must-try item. I don't think it's possible to eat this much fresh fish in this area. Still, the price is reasonable. I definitely want to use it again.
龍壱 on Google

It's a little expensive, but you can enjoy very delicious dishes that make use of the taste of ingredients such as local vegetables and local fish. Recommended when you want a little luxury.
ym R on Google

I visited after 21:00 on Friday. It seems that the private room in the back was vacant, and I was guided to a good seat. The store was very busy. All the dishes looked very good. It seems that he is focusing on wine, but I was not so familiar with wine, so I enjoyed sangria. There were many kinds and it was delicious.
snoopyunho on Google

横浜駅きた西口、鶴屋町にあるお店。 前の会社が平塚に本社があったので、何となく親近感が湧いて選んでみたら、口コミも良さそうでした。 鶴屋橋を渡ってすぐ左のビルの地下。 人気店らしいので一応予約を入れておきました。 LINEの友達登録をすると、スパークリングワインが貰えると書いてあったので、早速使用。 わーい!無料で乾杯できちゃった お通しはポタージュスープ。 外がすごく寒かったので嬉しい! ◆燻製サバのポテトサラダ ほんのりグリーンなのは、バジル風味だからです。 ワインに合いそう! ということで、ワインをボトルでお願いしました。 お魚料理をメインで頼んだので、珍しく白で。 ワインはグラス¥550~、ボトル¥2900~と、リーズナブルでした。 ◆自家製かまぼこ 炙りミモレットチーズ お店でかまぼこを作っているのでしょうか?これまた白ワインにぴったりなメニューです。 ◆湘南しらすのチュプチュプ 「チュプチュプ」ってネーミングがかわいい♪ 要はアヒージョで、ぐつぐつした状態で出てきます。 中央の黄身を割って混ぜるとマイルドな味に。 バゲットが何個でも食べられちゃう美味しさです。 ◆湘南おでん 本日のおすすめメニューの一番上にあったので、頼んでみました。 「湘南おでん」というものが実際に存在するのか分かりませんが、ちょっと洋風な内容。 薬味の柚子皮と青唐辛子を乗せるとすごく美味しくて、ついついスープも飲み干してしまいました。 スープを残しておけばリゾットも楽しめたようです。 お魚だけでなく、葉山牛も美味しそうでした。 色々と魅力的なメニューがあったので、再訪したいです。 ダイナック系列なのでチェーン店かと思ったら、「ヒラツカ」は横浜の一店舗だけのようです。 スタッフの方の接客もとても良かったです。
A shop in Tsuruya-cho, the west exit of Yokohama Station. The previous company had its head office in Hiratsuka, so I felt a sense of intimacy and chose it, and the word of mouth seemed to be good. The basement of the building on the left after crossing Tsuruya Bridge. It seems to be a popular shop, so I made a reservation for the time being. It was written that if you register as a LINE friend, you will get sparkling wine, so use it immediately. Yay! I was able to toast for free The pottage soup is served. I'm glad it was so cold outside! ◆ Smoked mackerel potato salad It's slightly green because it has a basil flavor. Looks good with wine! So I asked for a bottle of wine. I ordered fish dishes mainly, so it's rarely white. Wine was reasonably priced, with glasses starting at ¥ 550 and bottles starting at ¥ 2900. ◆ Homemade kamaboko roasted mimolette cheese Do you make kamaboko at the store? This is also a perfect menu for white wine. ◆ Shonan Shirasu Chupchup The name "Chupuchupu" is cute ♪ The point is Ahijo, which comes out in a squishy state. Break the yolk in the center and mix to give it a mild taste. It is delicious that you can eat as many baguettes as you like. ◆ Shonan Oden It was at the top of today's recommended menu, so I asked for it. I don't know if "Shonan Oden" actually exists, but it's a little Western-style. When I put the condiment yuzu peel and green chili pepper on it, it was very delicious and I just drank the soup. It seems that you could enjoy risotto if you left the soup. Not only the fish but also the Hayama beef looked delicious. There were various attractive menus, so I would like to revisit. Since it is a Dynac series, if you think that it is a chain store, "Hiratsuka" seems to be only one store in Yokohama. The customer service of the staff was also very good.
Takahiro S on Google

Quite lively seafood oriented Izakaya. Tasty dishes.

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