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Contact TSURUYA Ippongi

住所 :

Takehara, Nakano, 〒383-0007 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/store/ippongi.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–8PM
Thursday 9:30AM–8PM
Friday 9:30AM–8PM
街 : Nagano

Takehara, Nakano, 〒383-0007 Nagano,Japan
佐野哲也 on Google

I often go there when I want a little extravagant snacks. No matter where I go to Tsuruya, I am grateful that the product lineup is extensive.
赤豚乗りさん on Google

自分の食の好みで言えば、肉系統が安く感じました…近辺に須坂市の◯・ムーや長野市まで行かなければB◯G等安さ押しの店が無いから鶏肉なんかは此処で確定かな? カップ麺やレトルト食品に冷凍食品なんかはドラッグストアよりも高いかな?って思える物も有りますが、此の地に腰を据えて買い物の拠点と見た場合には良いのでは無いでしょうか? あたしゃ国内産の鶏胸肉が安かったのでそれだけでも凄く嬉しいですがけどね( ̄ー+ ̄)
Speaking of my taste of food, I felt the meat system was cheap… If I don't go to Suzaka City, ◯ ・ Mu or Nagano City, there would be no cheap shops such as B ◯ G, so chicken would be confirmed here ? Isn't frozen food like cup noodles and retort food more expensive than drugstores? There are things that seem like, but isn't it good if you sit down here and see it as a base for shopping? I'm very happy because the domestic chicken breasts were cheap ( ̄ +  ̄)
池田利光 on Google

もうじき還暦になる妻の誕生日にオードブルでも作ってみようと寄ってみました。 数は少ないのですが、刺身のツマやだし巻き卵が置いてあるので、好みの刺身をチョイスして築地並?のお刺身盛り合わせを楽しめます。 陳列も美しいスーパーです。
I stopped by to make an hors d'oeuvre on my wife's birthday, which is about to reach her 60th birthday. Although the number is small, there are sashimi knobs and omelet rolls, so you can choose your favorite sashimi and enjoy the sashimi platter like Tsukiji. The display is also a beautiful supermarket.
Barks Nubell on Google

A relatively small Tsuruya. However, the product lineup itself is no different from other Tsuruya. I wondered if the sashimi was a little small. Next week's aisle isn't that narrow. The central passage is narrower than other Tsuruya. I went there after noon on weekdays, so I thought it was good because there were a lot of fresh foods such as meat and side dishes. Also, the meat was fresh and displayed neatly, so I thought it was good here as well. However, since there are few customers, I think there are times when you can't see much.
Tmb Hero on Google

駐車場も店内も広くて色々な商品があって、楽しく店内を見て回りました。 色々と購入しましたが、一番不思議な商品は信州産シャインマスカット使用半生製法シャインマスカットが我が家では人気でした。 野菜も美味しく、ワインも豊富に品揃えされていた。スキー場から都心に戻る動線上にあり、使い勝手は良い絶好の立地だと考える。 アメックスも使える、先進的なスーパーマーケットです。次回も利用させて頂きます。
The parking lot and the inside of the store were large and there were various products, so I enjoyed looking around the store. I bought a lot, but the most mysterious product was Shine Muscat, a semi-raw manufacturing method that uses Shine Muscat from Shinshu, which was very popular at home. The vegetables were delicious and the wine was abundant. It is on the line of movement from the ski resort back to the city center, and I think it is a great location with good usability. It is an advanced supermarket where you can also use Amex. I will use it again next time.
jun jun on Google

志賀高原へ向かう入口にあります。 私は志賀高原の行き帰り以外にも、よませや近隣ゲレンデへ行った際には必ず寄ります。 ツルヤは単なるスーパーじゃなく、スーパーを超えたスーパーです。 シーズンによっておすすめは変わりますが、お惣菜やパンの種類が豊富でおいしい!また年中安定のジャム、ふりかけは子供のみならず大人のお土産にも美味しくてウケがいいです。また、冬限定かな?シナノスィートのりんごチップスはゲレンデのお供に最高です。残念なのは入っている量が少ないので、子供が集まると瞬殺でなくなってしまうこと(T_T) いずれにしても、お気に入りね一品に出会えること間違いなし!
It is located at the entrance to Shiga Kogen. Besides going back and forth in Shiga Kogen, I always stop by when I go to Yomase or nearby slopes. Tsuruya is not just a supermarket, it is a supermarket that goes beyond supermarkets. Recommendations vary depending on the season, but the variety of side dishes and bread is abundant and delicious! In addition, the jam and furikake, which are stable all year round, are delicious as souvenirs for adults as well as children. Also, is it limited to winter? Shinano Sweet apple chips are the best companion to the slopes. Unfortunately, the amount contained is small, so when children gather, it will not be killed instantly (T_T) In any case, there is no doubt that you will find your favorite dish!
Carlos Perez on Google

Good grocery store
Nena Kazama on Google

Sometimes i buy some foods. The fish and vegetables always fresh. It is very nice to get shopping in tsuruya .

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