
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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住所 :

Tsurumi, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0053 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897789
Webサイト : https://instagram.com/prevert.tsurumi%3Figshid%3Dt8xd9cz1ppn3
街 : Osaka

Tsurumi, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0053 Osaka,Japan
ラムタル on Google

I heard the evaluation of the store and ate baked sweets and cookies. It was normal. The customer service of the clerk was below normal.
May (wrabee) on Google

The pudding and cream puffs I was interested in looking at the word of mouth were sold out, so I bought the cake I was concerned about second. The taste and texture were refined and it was very delicious with a smooth mouth! There were many other fashionable cakes, so I would like to eat other cakes again, and I would like to buy pudding and cream puff this time.
haru 24 on Google

しっかりおいしいケーキを作ってくれます! 味のセンスが近くの店と比べるとダントツによくておすすめです! 「トロワ」 フランボワーズ、ピスタチオ、ショコラの絶対美味しい組み合わせを期待どうりに味わえます! 「和栗のモンブラン」 結構イチオシかも。下はしっかり目のタルトで、食感の構成はアルション系。和菓子のような栗感が至高!
I will make a delicious cake well! The taste of taste is good and recommended for the best compared to nearby stores! "Trois" You can taste the absolutely delicious combination of fran Boise, pistachio and chocolate! "Japanese chestnut Montblanc" It may be a good deal. The bottom is a tight eyelet, and the texture is an alsion system. The chestnut feeling like Japanese sweets is supreme!
Yu Harata on Google

I ate a lot of cakes and cream puffs. It was quite normal. I wondered if there were a few additives. The customer service of the clerk was below normal.
m e on Google

とろけるショコラ、チーズケーキ、ショートケーキおすすめです!どれも美味しい??? クリスマスや、誕生日に何度か利用しています!結婚記念日にもケーキ予約しました。4号サイズで二人で十分です(*´꒳`*)2300円でした! 使ってる材料が良い!と食べると分かります。 材料が悪いとすぐに胃もたれしますが、ここのケーキはたくさん食べても全然ならないです! そして、沢山食べれてしまうほど脂っこくなくあっさりしてます!ここの生クリームは、百貨店に入ってる有名なケーキ屋さんよりも美味しいと思ってしまう程です。 今までは、近所でしたが引っ越したので遠方になりますが自転車やバスで買いに行きます。 しかも夜遅くまで営業されてるのが助かります!
Melting chocolate, cheesecake and shortcake are recommended! Everything is delicious. We use for Christmas and birthday several times! We made a cake reservation on the wedding anniversary. No. 4 size is enough for two people (* '꒳` *) was 2300 yen! Good materials used! You can understand by eating. If the ingredients are bad, the stomach will quickly fall, but even if you eat a lot of cake here, it will not be at all! And it's not greasy enough to eat a lot! I think that the fresh cream here is more delicious than the famous cake shop in the department store. Until now, it was a neighborhood, but it moved away because I moved, but I go shopping by bicycle or bus. Besides, it is saved that it is open until late at night!
H O on Google

夜遅くまで営業されていて、とてもありがたいです。 お味もとても美味しくて、その場でクリームを詰めてくださるシュークリームが大好きです。
It's open until late at night and I'm very grateful. The taste is very good and I love cream puffs that fill the cream on the spot.
英樹河野 on Google

個人的な意見なので参考になるかどうかはわからないですが。 前から気にはなってたお店なんですが、どうにも車が停めにくくでなかなか寄ることが出来なかったんですが歩いて寄れる機会がありましたので少しだけ購入しました 感想としては至って普通の味でした そして個体に対して少し高額ではないかと思ってしまいました。 切り出したケーキの1つ1つが小さいです 良い場所にお店があるからやっぱり値段に反映するんだろうなと感じました。 そして店員さん愛想の無さにびっくりしました ケーキ屋さんではちょっと珍しかったので凄い残念な印象になりました 結論はもう行く事はないと思います 味にしても値段にしても特にこのお店でないとって思えないのと、家のすぐ近くならいざ知らず、楽しい気分で選びたいケーキ屋さんなんで買いに行くなら気分良く帰りたいですから(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
It's a personal opinion, so I don't know if it will be helpful. It's a shop that I've been interested in for a long time, but I couldn't stop because it was difficult to park the car, but I had the opportunity to walk, so I bought a little. As for the impression, it was a very normal taste And I thought it was a little expensive for the individual. Each one of the cut cakes is small Since there is a store in a good place, I felt that it would be reflected in the price. And I was surprised at the lack of friendliness of the clerk. It was a little unusual at a cake shop, so it made a very disappointing impression. I don't think the conclusion will go anymore I don't think it's this shop, especially in terms of taste and price, and I don't know if it's near my house, and I want to choose a cake shop with a fun mood. ㅂ • ́) و
。 。 (‪ふうくんママ‬) on Google

大好きなケーキショップです! こじんまりとした店内ですがキレイな印象です。 夜遅めに行っても、定番商品などなるべく商品を置いてくれていたように感じました。 基本的にどの商品も甘ったるさがなく パクパクと食べてしまいます。 主人もお気に入りで、とても近所にあることもあり 記念日などにはいつも利用しています。 ショートケーキのイチゴなど、季節で甘みが変わってしまう物は酸味の強い時期にはコーティング?などの工夫で酸味が抑えられていたりとお店の工夫も感じられます。 シーズンごとに出る期間限定商品も様々あり、どれも魅力的で誘惑されてしまいます(笑) 1度友人宅へ行く際に、天使のブッセを手土産にしましたがとても美味しいと喜んでもらいました! 長時間の持ち運びに対応するだけの保冷剤は 無いようなので、暑い時期は特に持ち運び時間には要注意かなとは思います。 クレジットカード非対応ですが、現金とPayPayには対応されています。 クレジットカードも対応してもらえると、なお嬉しいなぁ~とは思います。
This is my favorite cake shop! It's a small shop, but it has a beautiful impression. Even if I went late at night, I felt that they kept merchandise such as standard products as much as possible. Basically no product is sweet I will eat it quickly. My husband also likes it, and sometimes it ’s very close to me. I always use it for anniversaries. Is it coated when the sweetness is strong, such as shortcake strawberries, whose sweetness changes with the seasons? You can also feel the ingenuity of the shop, such as the sourness being suppressed by such ingenuity. There are various limited-time products that are released each season, and all of them are attractive and tempting (laughs). When I went to my friend's house once, I made an angel Busse as a souvenir, but I was pleased that it was very delicious! An ice pack that can be carried for a long time It seems that there is no such thing, so I think that you should be careful about the carrying time especially in the hot season. Credit cards are not accepted, but cash and PayPay are accepted. I would be very happy if you could accept a credit card.

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