Tsurukame - Sendai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsurukame

住所 :

2 Chome-9-2 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 980-0014
Webサイト : http://www.fujita-seisaku.co.jp/tsurukame/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11:59PM
Sunday 5–11:59PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

2 Chome-9-2 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan
ダリア on Google

ランチで利用しました。 12時ちょい過ぎに行きましたが既に満席。 男性のお客様が多いかな。 ボリュームやバランスが程よいです。 日替りがおすすめです。 この日は鰯のフライでした〜! とても美味しかったです。 また利用したいお店です♪
I used it for lunch. I went a little past 12 o'clock, but it was already full. I wonder if there are many male customers. The volume and balance are just right. Daily change is recommended. It was a sardine fly on that day! It was very delicious. It is a shop I want to use again ♪
八月の雪 on Google

仙台市で人気の居酒屋「つるかめ」さん。 各地から取り寄せた旬の魚から、お肉、地元ならでわのお料理、宮城県の地酒まで品揃えが豊富のお店です。 ふたりでの訪問でしたが、すべてのお料理をひとりずつの小皿に取り分けての提供でしたので、せっかちの方、またゆっくり味わいたい方が同席してもうれしいサービスです。 この日は地元宮城県でもなかなか入手困難な日本酒も飲ませていただき、お腹もココロもまんぷくになりました。 また行こ。
"Tsurukame", a popular izakaya in Sendai. The restaurant has a wide selection of seasonal fish, meat, local dishes, and local sake from Miyagi prefecture. Although it was a visit by two people, all the dishes were served in small plates one by one, so it is a nice service for those who are impatient and those who want to enjoy it slowly. On this day, I drank sake, which is difficult to obtain even in my hometown of Miyagi prefecture, and my stomach and heart became full. Let's go again.
杜の都times on Google

The pork with just the right softness was good. There are many small bowls and I think the cost performance is good.
titto on Google

豚丼ランチ! 12時30分に伺いましたがすでに売り切れのメニューもありました。 サラダあり温玉ありですがランチ900円はちょっと高め設定かなと! 豚は炭火で焼いており美味しかったです。
Pork bowl lunch! I visited at 12:30, but there was already a sold-out menu. There is a salad and hot balls, but I think the lunch price of 900 yen is a little higher! The pork was grilled over charcoal and was delicious.
ekuson t on Google

焼物が美味い!特にあみレバー 刺身、一品ものも美味い 1〜4人での利用がオススメ カード決済可能 店内喫煙可能
The pottery is delicious! Especially the Ami lever Sashimi and one dish are also delicious Recommended for 1 to 4 people Card payment is possible Smoking inside the store is possible
佐々木良太 on Google

今回はランチで利用させていただきました! 炭火で丁寧に焼かれた豚肉やわさびマヨネーズこれまでの豚丼の常識が覆る本格的な味! 調べると映画のアイネクライネナハトムジークのロケ地にも使われたみたいですね。 藤田製作所さんの系列店はどのお店も間違いありません!
I used it for lunch this time! Pork and wasabi mayonnaise carefully grilled over charcoal A full-fledged taste that overturns the conventional wisdom of pork bowls! It seems that it was also used for the location of the movie Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. There is no doubt that all of Fujita Seisakusho's affiliated stores are!
Yuka on Google

雰囲気よし。日本酒美味し。ご飯も最高に美味しかったです。 ちょっとしょっぱめ味付けなので、お酒にあいます。 The古き良き日本を味わうならここ!
The atmosphere is good. Sake is delicious. The rice was also the best. It's a little salty, so it goes well with sake. The If you want to taste good old Japan, here!
Davide Bitti on Google

Delicious and nice izakaya but maybe a little too expensive for what it has to offer.

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