Tsukimino Station - Yamato

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukimino Station

住所 :

5 Chome-8-1 Tsukimino, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 242-0002

5 Chome-8-1 Tsukimino, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0002, Japan
伊藤善久(Yoshihisa Ito) on Google

ホームは相対式で2面2線。 開業は昭和51年 1976年。 周辺はThe 住宅地と言う感じで、 派手な繁華街は無い雰囲気だった。 その分落ち着いていて静か。 コンビニ・ATMなどは駅前にあった。
The home is a relative type with two sides and two lines. It opened in 1976 and 1976. The surrounding area is called The Residential Area, There was no flashy downtown. It is calm and quiet. There were convenience stores and ATMs in front of the station.
安達正軌 on Google

Why isn't it written in kanji? I don't know why I didn't go to Tsukimino. It's confusing with Tsukushino (I think Hiragana is fine here), so why line up confusing station names on the same Tokyu Denen-toshi Line?
H MY on Google

【コンパクトな駅】【これからに期待!】 東急が力を入れてリニューアルした、南町田グランベリーパーク駅と、中央林間駅の間に挟まれている小さな各駅停車の駅です。 二つの綺麗で大きな駅に挟まれているせいか、すごく小さくて何もない駅…っと言うイメージです。 バスやタクシーのロータリーもありますが小さいです。 タクシーが止まっているのはあまり見たことがありません。おそらく、大きな駅二つに挟まれている為、つきみ野駅にはあまり来ないのかもしれません。 ※つきみ野駅からタクシーご利用を考えている方はご注意ください。 実際問題、古くてそろそろ駅のリフォームをしてほしいと思えるレベルです。 古い駅の為、エスカレーターはありません。 階段の上り下りでホームと改札口を行き来します。 エレベーターは各ホームの中央辺りに1機づつあります。 現在多くの駅で主流の、一方通行のバリアフリーなエレベーター(入口と出口が違うエレベーター)ではありません。出入り口が同じ一箇所の一般的なエレベーターです。 駅のホームは比較的広々としています。 エアコンがある待合室があるのも良いです。 ただし、駅のホームはなぜか渋谷方面の進行方向側の大部分に屋根がなく、雨の日や、日照りの日は非常に厄介な駅です。 ※各駅停車の駅ですが、利用者は比較多いです。 駅のトイレはとても小さく狭いです。 良い点は、改札口を出ると少し開けた広場になっており開放感があります。変に草木を植えていないので、虫も少なく快適です。ベンチは最近オープンした東急ストア前のみしかありません。 たむろする人がいない分、ゴミも少なく衛生的です。 【周辺情報】 駅前にローソンがあります。(24時間営業) 駅の向かって左側に東急ストアがオープンしました。(24時間ではありません) 今は古びて色あせた駅です。(レトロ感は無い) 今後バリアフリーと駅のリニューアルで綺麗な駅に生まれ変わってくれる事を期待しています。
[Compact station] [Expected in the future! ] It is a small station that is located between Minamimachida Granbury Park Station and Chuorinkan Station, which Tokyu has renewed with great effort. It's a very small and empty station... probably because it's between two beautiful and big stations. There are bus and taxi roundabouts, but they are small. I have never seen a taxi stopped. Probably because it is sandwiched between two big stations, it may not come to Tsukimino station very often. *Please be careful if you are considering taking a taxi from Tsukimino Station. Actually, it's a level that I would like you to refurbish an old station. There is no escalator because it is an old station. Go up and down the stairs to and from the platform and the ticket gate. There is one elevator near the center of each platform. It is not the one-way barrier-free elevator (elevator with different entrance and exit) that is currently the mainstream at many stations. This is a general elevator with the same entrance and exit. The station platform is relatively spacious. It is also good to have a waiting room with air conditioning. However, for some reason, the platform of the station does not have a roof on most of the direction of travel in the direction of Shibuya, making it a very troublesome station on rainy or sunny days. *Each station is a stop, but there are many users compared. The toilet at the station is very small and small. The good point is that when you exit the ticket gate, the open space is a little open and there is a feeling of openness. Since we don't plant any vegetation, it's comfortable with few insects. There is only a bench in front of the recently opened Tokyu store. As there are no people to hang out, there is little garbage and it is hygienic. 【nearby information】 There is Lawson in front of the station. (open 24 hours) The Tokyu store has opened on the left side of the station. (Not 24 hours) It is an old and faded station. (There is no retro feeling) We expect that the station will be reborn as a beautiful one with barrier-free and station renewal.
相鉄9000new on Google

田園都市線では小さめの駅です。 駅が比較的静かなためよくここで様々な作品の撮影が行われるようです。 また、ここからバスで様々な方面に行けます。
It is a small station on the Denentoshi Line. Because the station is relatively quiet, it seems that various works are often taken here. You can also take a bus from here to various directions.
バス男 on Google

●つきみ野《つきみの(DT26)》 神奈川県大和市つきみ野五丁目にある、東急田園都市線の鉄道駅である。 なお、本鉄道駅を発着している主な電車の概要は以下の通りである。 <1番線>中央林間方面 ・種別:【準急】【各停】 <2番線>長津田,あざみ野,溝の口,渋谷,半蔵門線方面 ・種別:【準急】【各停】
● Tsukimino > It is a railway station on the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line, located in Tsukimino 5-chome, Yamato City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The outline of the main trains departing from and arriving at this railway station is as follows. towards Chuorinkan ・ Type: [Semi Express] [Local Express] Nagatsuta, Azamino, Mizonokuchi, Shibuya, Hanzomon Line ・ Type: [Semi Express] [Local Express]
穏やかな風 on Google

改札で駅員にお金を払ってお釣りを出される時に床に硬貨が落ちましたが、そのまま落ちたのを渡されました。 今の世にそれはダメでしょう? 客である私も落ちるのを見てますので、そのまま渡すのは「人の目を気にしない人」のする事で当人の常識も疑います。 正直気分悪いですね
A coin fell on the floor when I paid the station staff for change at the ticket gate, but I was handed it as it was. Isn't it useless in this world? As a guest, I also see him fall, so I doubt his common sense because it is a "person who doesn't care about people's eyes" to pass it as it is. To be honest, I feel sick
Masa Tana on Google

Since the road connecting to Route 16 passes by the side, it is a convenient station with lots of restaurants such as road service restaurants, UNIQLO and book off. The station premises and toilets are also beautiful. It was also at this station that a demonstration test of the platform screen door was performed. In the 1980s when the Denentoshi Line was opened to Chuo-Rinkan, this station gives the impression that the glow of the last stable growth period of Showa remains around.
W Johnson on Google

A station like many, also the location for part of Puffy's PV for Sweet Drops.

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