モードオフ ミーナ津田沼店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モードオフ ミーナ津田沼店

住所 :

Tsudanuma, Narashino, 〒275-0016 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.hardoff.co.jp/shop/detail/%3Fp%3D104027
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tsudanuma, Narashino, 〒275-0016 Chiba,Japan
典彦亀山 on Google

Isn't this something too much?
ナオまーくん on Google

There is a bargain. There are many items.
いちご on Google

結構広めですしキッズ、メンズ、レディースと揃っておりレディースの1着300円コーナーが大きい!ので私も購入しました…白物はどうしても長く着られないのでこういう所で定期的に購入出来たら嬉しいですよね! 8年程着ていた春物コートを買い替えました、掘り出し物が多いかも ミーナの中なので立ち寄りやすいのも良かった。
It's quite wide, and there are a wide range of Kids, Men's and Women's, and the ladies' 300 yen corner is large! So I bought too ... I can't wear white goods for a long time, so it would be nice if I could buy them regularly at such places! We replaced spring coat which we wore for approximately eight years, there may be many bargains It was good that it was easy to drop in because it was in Mina.
櫻井浩之 on Google

I think that there are many goods. There are a lot of good things in the state ◎ The price is a sale and feels just good, I usually feel a little higher △ I think it will be easier to see if the layout can be divided a little more per brand like Second Street. The background music in the store is too noisy. Other customers also said. I want to go out of the shop quickly if I'm too loud, I can not calmly go shopping.
- on Google

モードオフは新品未使用の服、流行りのデザインや人気ブランドであっても良い買取額にならないことで有名なので、服をよく見極めて買い取ってくれる他店で買い取ってもらいます。 その他店で買い取ってもらえないような古いデザインの服はこっちに持ってきて1着10円などで買い取ってもらうゴミ捨て感覚で利用してます。 買い取り査定待ちに適当に店内を覗いて待ちますが、流行遅れなデザインや使い古された古着が多く500円などの安物が多いです。
Mode-off is famous for not buying new clothes, trendy designs, or popular brands at a good purchase price. I also use old-designed clothes that I can't buy at other stores here, and use them as if I were throwing away garbage. While waiting for the purchase assessment, we look into the store and wait, but there are many cheap designs such as 500 yen and many outdated designs and used clothes.
t h on Google

I feel that the price of branded items is about 1.5 times that of other used clothing stores. It's not a conscientious price.
la vie paisible on Google

セレクト系やブランド系は少ない感じがする。ユニクロや昔流行ったおじさんブランド、ヨーカドーとかで売ってそうな知らないメーカーの服が多く、個人的にあまり魅力を感じない。 セレクトして商品にこだわりをもてば、お客さんも集まるのに、いい立地なのでもったいなく感じる。
I feel that there are few select and brand products. There are many clothes from unknown manufacturers such as UNIQLO, the uncle brand that was popular in the past, and Yokado, so I personally don't find it very attractive. If you select and stick to the products, it will be a waste because it is a good location even though customers will gather.
H U on Google

I went there for the first time, but there were a lot of bargains in a lot of little-known spots. I bought 2 branded outerwear, 2 denim, cardigan and shirt and it was a bargain for less than 10,000 yen! For some reason the bag was hard off! smile

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