
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ネイルスクールtricia

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Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://nailschool.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan
松井啓子 on Google

2020/2、27/に ネイルプロフェショナルコース/ 80コマ/240時間 を終えることが出来ました? 修了証書を、牧先生から頂け、 本当に◎嬉しかったです(^^)v(;_;) トリシアスクールで学べて、出会えて、 本当に良かったと、しみじみ思います◎ 今日まで、あっという間でしたが、 先生と皆んなで、それぞれ目標に向かって進むことで、難しかった事が出来る様になれた時の嬉しさ、先生方に学べる事が貴重な経験だなと思いました。 授業では、楽しく、また真剣に厳しく、それに負けじと向き合えば、 必ず正解を的確にアドバイスして貰え、 自分のペースで進める事が出来ました? スタッフの方も、明るく、気さくで, 話しやすく、優しかったです? 授業の中で,はじめは質問することが 恥ずかしく、理解出来ない事もそのままにして,声に出せずにいましたが、 少しずつ聞けるようになれ、もっと 聞けば良かったと… 聞かなきゃ損でした◎ 真剣に練習した分、本番試験で気合が入り、ドッキドキで緊張もしましたが、 望む事ができました◎ 家庭の事情で、いろんな事が重なり、 多々悩みが絶えない時もありましたが、 また、大好きなネイルの勉強をトリシアで、必ずしたい◎と、前向きな気持ちで進んで行けました。 まだまだ、自分の目標は取得出来ていないので、新たな気持ちで挑戦していこうと思います◎ 今日まで沢山の先生に, 本当にお世話になりました。 ありがとうございました。 また、お世話になると思いますが, 宜しくお願いします❗️
2020/2, 27 / Nail Professional Course / 80 frames / 240 hours I was able to finish. Dr. Maki gives me a certificate of completion, I was really happy (^^) v (; _;) Learn and meet at Tricia School, I think it was really good Until today, it was instant, With the teacher and everyone, I felt the joy of being able to do things that were difficult by moving toward each goal, and being able to learn from the teachers was a valuable experience. In class, if you face fun and seriously, and you lose, Be sure to get accurate advice on the correct answer, I was able to proceed at my own pace. The staff is also cheerful and friendly, It was easy to talk and was kind. In the class, you can ask questions at first I was ashamed and couldn't understand, I can listen little by little, more I wish I had heard ... It was a loss if I could not hear it ◎ Although I practiced seriously, I got excited at the actual test and I was nervous with my heart pounding, I was able to hope ◎ A lot of things overlap at home, There were times when my worries did not end up, In addition, I was able to proceed with a positive feeling that I always wanted to study my favorite nails in Tricia. I haven't been able to get my goal yet, so I'm going to try it with a new feeling ◎ To many teachers until today, I really took care of you. Thank you very much. In addition, we think that we take care of, Thank you very much.
snm i on Google

素敵な先生ばかりで、技術を学ぶことができたのはもちろん、トリシアに通ってとてもいい経験と思い出ができました♪ 少人数なので、丁寧に教えていただけます。 平日仕事終わりでも通いやすかったです。
Not only were I able to learn the techniques with all the wonderful teachers, but I also had a very good experience and memories of going to Tricia ♪ Since the number of people is small, you can teach us carefully. It was easy to go even after work on weekdays.
山田真知子 on Google

I'm a graduate. I took care of a nail specialist course a year ago. Now I am working as a nail artist at the salon. At first, I couldn't do anything, and I was worried, but the teachers always supported me, so I was able to do my best for both the 1st and advanced levels. I'm really happy that I chose Tricia. While I was attending school, sometimes I didn't meet the schedule, I had a cold, and sometimes I didn't go as I expected. So I continued. I'm really thankful to you.
中山紗栄子 on Google

生徒です。小さな子供が居ますが日中の授業を利用して無理なく通えています。授業は少人数制で先生が1人1人じっくり見て下さるので初心者ですが安心できました。 色々な年代の生徒さんが居てお友達もたくさんできました。 全体的にとても雰囲気のいいスクールだと思います。私のように子供が居る主婦の方にもおすすめのスクールです。
I'm a student. I have a small child, but I am able to use the classes during the day without difficulty. The class is small and the teachers look carefully at each person, so I was a beginner, but I was relieved. I had students of various ages and made many friends. I think the school has a very good atmosphere overall. This school is recommended for housewives who have children like me.
YK AS on Google

安いスクールよりは高いし高いスクールよりは安い。資格の保証ついてて、教材費ジェルやクリーナー、チップ等消耗品は授業では使い放題、自習はスペースさえ空いてれば何度でも無料(1日最大3時間まで、自習でも講師に一度だけチェックお願いできる)直前の対策講習も込み込みでこの値段ならいいんじゃないでしょうか。 雰囲気も明るくかと言って雑談に溢れるわけでもなく、皆各々自分の課題に真剣に取り組んでいます。 まだ通いたてですが毎回楽しいです。
It's more expensive than cheap schools and cheaper than expensive schools. With regard to qualification guarantee, teaching materials costs Gels, cleaners, chips and other consumables can be used as much as you want in class, and self-study is free as many times as you have space (up to 3 hours a day, even self-study, please check with the instructor only once (Can be done) I think this price is good, including the last-minute countermeasure class. The atmosphere is bright, but it's not full of chats, and everyone is serious about their own challenges. I haven't been there yet, but it's fun every time.
まめ on Google

初めはスクールに通うことよりも、衛生管理士の資格を取るために御世話になった事が大きなきっかけでした! 校長先生の生徒さんたちへの優しさ、アットホーム感❤️『ここに混ざりたい…!』そう思わせてくれる雰囲気が良く、入学までスムーズでした。 当初は2年…それは長く果てしない思いでしたが毎回の授業が手厚く、一人一人の癖を取りこぼさず見てくださり、1級検定まで全てストレート合格ができました!✨ 1級は周りのネイリストさんたちを見ていて、本当に何度もチャレンジする覚悟でいましたが、ピンポイントでしっかりみっちり教えて頂ける分、検定対策コースもオススメできます❤️ triciaがなければ、今の自分はありません…。 夢を希望を現実に変えてくれた、tricia。 卒業しても、手厚くサポートしてくれるこのスクールは唯一無二の存在だと思います✨
At first, it was a big opportunity to be taken care of to get a qualification as a hygiene manager rather than going to school! The kindness of the principal to the students, a feeling of being at home ❤️ "I want to mix here ...! The atmosphere that made me think so was good, and it was smooth until admission. At first, it was two years ... I thought it was endless for a long time, but each lesson was generous, and I was able to take a look at each person's habits without fail, and I was able to pass all the straights up to the first grade test! ✨ Level 1 was watching the nail technicians around me and was prepared to take on the challenge many times, but I can recommend the certification preparation course as much as you can teach me pinpointly. Without tricia, I wouldn't be myself now ... Tricia, who turned dreams into reality. Even after graduating, I think that this school is unique in that it provides generous support.
yu. on Google

この度スクールを卒業しました。 先生方も受付の方も本当にいい方ばかりで、卒業してしまうのが少し寂しいです。。 生徒一人一人のことをよく覚えててくださって、気にかけてくださって嬉しかったです。 授業は少人数制でしっかり見てくれます。 検定対策もすごくしっかりしていて、安心して検定に臨むことができました。 平日の仕事終わりに通うことが多かったですが、通いやすかったです。 検定対策以外にも、 ジェルアートやマシーンワークなど実践的な授業もあり魅力的でした。 ほかにも、ブラシワークのレッスンや自宅サロン開業講座など、次々に様々なレッスンを用意してくださっていて、本当に生徒のことをよく考えてくれるスクールだと感じました。 スクール選びに迷われてる方、ぜひ一度見学に行ってみて下さい♩
I graduated from school this time. The teachers and receptionists are all really nice, and I'm a little lonely to graduate. .. I'm glad that you remembered each student well and took care of them. Classes are small and you can watch them well. The test measures were very solid, and I was able to take the test with confidence. I used to go to the end of work on weekdays, but it was easy to go. Besides the test measures There were also practical lessons such as gel art and machine work, which was fascinating. In addition, various lessons such as brushwork lessons and home salon opening lessons are being prepared one after another, and I felt that it was a school that really thought about the students. If you are unsure about choosing a school, please come visit us ♩
Mie on Google

It's a really nice school to attend to learn the skills of nail technicians. The teachers will teach you very kindly and politely, taking into consideration each person's habits and ease of doing. It was a very fun study period!

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