
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カラダメンテナンスtreat

住所 :

Central, Soja, 〒719-1131 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://mitsuraku.jp/salon/75808/
街 : Okayama

Central, Soja, 〒719-1131 Okayama,Japan
石井真由美 on Google

山下太郎 on Google

茂爺 on Google

ミルコネムーロ on Google

以前行った整体で苦い経験をしたのでネットで自分に合う店を探しここにたどり着きました 店の雰囲気も良くスタッフ皆さん感じの良い方達でした マッサージは初めてでしたがあまりの気持ちの良さに寝てしまいそうでした やっと自分に合う店に出会えたのでまた行こうと思います
I had a bitter experience with the manipulative treatment I did before, so I searched for a store that suits me on the net and arrived here The atmosphere of the store was also good and the staff were all nice people. It was my first time to massage but it seemed to sleep so much comfortably. I finally came across a store that suits me so I'm going to go again
まさたろう on Google

院長先生が、貫禄がありゴツい感じですが、 大変丁寧で優しく一生懸命施術して下さいます。 場所も分かりやすいです。 施術もお上手です。 近くには2軒、有名な口コミの良いパン屋もありました。
The director is dignified and rugged, I am very polite and gently working hard. The location is also easy to understand. The treatment is also good. There were two famous bakeries with good reviews nearby.
かずえ on Google

Corona measures are taken. There is an experience course. 60 minutes course, full body massage, comfortable. The customer service is also polite.
中村龍 on Google

首肩腰が痛く、急遽予約をして伺いました。 施術していただいた方も気さくでしっかり話を変えてくれる方で行ってよかったです! また近くに寄った時は行きます。
I had a pain in my neck, shoulders and lower back, so I made a reservation in a hurry. I'm glad that the person who performed the treatment was also a friendly person who could change the story firmly! I will go again when I get close.
ヒロミ on Google

I visited you with a facial. The parking lot was large, so it was easy to park, and it was comfortable, not a salon with a high threshold! I had my pores cleaned and plasma treated, but I was surprised that my face became smaller and smoother! I am very satisfied ♪ I would like to ask again.

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