Treasure Factory Sakai Fukuda - Sakai

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

リサイクルショップ トレジャーファクトリー堺福田店 店舗TOP|大阪府堺市でのリサイクルは当店まで! -

堺福田のリサイクルショップ 当店の強みは、ベッドやエアコンなどの家具・家電・テレビの在庫展示量!定価の1/10の商品も多数ご用意!こちら有料にて配送も行っておりますが、軽トラック利用がおすすめ!空いていれば即お持ち帰り頂けるサービスですので、ぜひご活用ください。

Contact Treasure Factory Sakai Fukuda

住所 :

1056-1 Fukuda, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8241, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 599-8241
Webサイト :

1056-1 Fukuda, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8241, Japan
t “tn” n on Google

I mainly looked around toys and hobbies, but there were quite a lot of products. The price is not a super-discount special price, but I think there are many reasonable price ranges.
ヨッシー(ヨッシー) on Google

There is a bias in the product lineup. I hope in the future. It is a beautiful shop.
ニックネム男 on Google

Well, there was no treasure and it was an assortment of reused products that rotate moderately.
サリオン大佐 on Google

月に一度程度見に行きますが、衣料、家電、家具、ブランド品、食器、自転車、おもちゃ、アウトドア等々、中古のみならず、新古、新品、デッドストック物もあり、品揃えは良い方だとおもいます。 値段も妥当、たまに掘り出し物もあり、私は主に小さい娘用のおもちゃを使い潰すつもりで購入しに行きます。 あえて難点を言えばそれほど大きくない(20台位?)駐車場が同敷地内の美容室、牛丼屋と共用なので曜日、時間帯によってはたまに空き待ちに陥る位です。
I go to see it about once a month, but there are not only used items but also old and new items, dead stock items such as clothing, home appliances, furniture, branded items, tableware, bicycles, toys, outdoor items, etc. I think. The prices are reasonable, and there are occasional bargains, so I mainly go to buy toys for my little daughter with the intention of using them up. If you dare to say the difficulty, it is not so big (about 20 cars?) The parking lot is shared with the beauty salon and beef bowl shop on the same site, so depending on the day of the week and the time of day, you may occasionally fall into the waiting list.
Shigemi Yamamoto on Google

オンシーズンの家電を査定に出しましたが、足元をみるような価格を提示されました。 ここで売るくらいならメルカリで出品したほうが高く売れるでしょう。
I submitted an on-season home appliance for assessment, but was offered a price that looked at my feet. If you sell it here, it will sell better if you sell it at Mercari.
師匠ノフ on Google

家具を購入した。 「お運びしましょうか?」とか、 運ぶことになってないのなら、 「お客様ご自身で。。」などの説明を先回り説明することが商品の回転に繋がるし店舗の印象にもつながる。 モノとその値段だけが商品と思ってるスタッフが多いのもしれないなと感じました。
I bought furniture. "Shall I carry it?" If you're not supposed to carry it Proactively explaining explanations such as "customers themselves ..." will lead to product rotation and give an impression of the store. I felt that there may be many staff who think that only things and their prices are products.
沢村スペンサー・エリリ on Google

どこの買取業者もそうだけど、足とも見て不快な査定金額…そして査定に来てあげてるのにも関わらず商品を物色して売れるのに要らないから返す露骨な対応が腹が立ちます。 1 足とも見る査定金額 2店の都合で要らない商品は適当な理由で返しつける。 3買取値段は安いくせに売値はバカ高い(利益のことしか考えない)
As with any purchaser, the valuation amount is unpleasant when you look at your feet ... And even though you have come to the valuation, it is not necessary to search for and sell the product, so the explicit response to return is angry. Assessed amount seen as one pair 2 Items that are not needed due to the convenience of the store will be returned for an appropriate reason. 3 Although the purchase price is low, the selling price is stupid (think only about profit)
Anton de Waal on Google

All sort of second hand odds and ends to find from clothing and toys to furniture and appliances. Some bargains some not.

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