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Contact ミオカイロ練馬駅前整体院

住所 :

Toyotamakita, Nerima City, 〒176-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://mio-chiro.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo

Toyotamakita, Nerima City, 〒176-0012 Tokyo,Japan
和田光由 on Google

豊富な経験をお持ちで、落ち着いた佇まいの内面から信頼できるお人柄を感じます。 技術はとてもハイレベルで、安心して身体を預けられます。 施術を受けた後は身体の変化を実感できました!
With a wealth of experience, I feel a reliable personality from the inside out of the calm appearance. The technology is very high level and you can leave your body in peace. After being treated, I was able to feel the physical changes!
手賀池いろは on Google

しっかりと説明をしてくれるので、施術を受けるまえから、リラックスすることができました。 頭の骨を調整する施術をうけましたが、目の疲れがとれるだけではなく、肩や腰もスッキリしたことに驚きました。
He explained clearly, so I was able to relax before receiving the treatment. I received a treatment to adjust my head bone, but I was surprised not only to get tired of my eyes but also to refresh my shoulders and hips.
Shinya Azuma on Google

腰の痛みが耐えられなくなり口コミで評判の良かったミオカイロさんでお世話になりました。 他の治療院と違うなと感じたのは痛みの原因を探る検査の丁寧さとその説明の明確さでした。 経験豊富な先生なので似た症例も多く経験しているそうで安心して任せる事が出来ます。 2回目にはケア計画書を出してくれるのも安心できるポイントでした。 最近調子が良く足が遠のいていますが、またお世話になりたいと思います。
My back pain became unbearable and my thanks to Mr. Myo Kairo who was good in word of mouth at the word of mouth. What I felt different from the other clinics was the clarity of the politeness of the examination exploring the cause of the pain and its explanation. Since he is an experienced teacher, he seems to have experienced many similar cases, so I can leave it with confidence. In the second time it was a point that I could relieve to give out the care plan document. I'm in good shape recently and my feet are far away, I would like to take care of you again.
江村浩昌(えむさん) on Google

以前こちらで施術をして頂きました。 院長の姫野先生は、私も治療家の集まりで面識があり、その人柄のよさと誰とでもすぐ打ち解ける温和な性格で多くのファンがいます。 施術に対する情熱や勉強熱心な姿勢で、日々患者さんとも向き合われており、私も尊敬する先生の一人です。
I had a surgery here before. Dr. Himeno, the director, has many acquaintances at a gathering of healers and has many fans with his good personality and a gentle personality that can be easily understood with anyone. He is one of the teachers that I respect, because I have a passion for surgery and a passionate studying attitude, and face the patient every day.
松本龍平 on Google

とても気持ちの良い施術で、よだれが出るのを我慢しながら受けました(笑) 奥の方の筋肉にしっかりアプローチされ、全身が緩み、施術前のチェックで見つかった歪みが最後には見事に整いました。
It was a very pleasant treatment, and I was patient with drooling (laughs) The muscles in the back were firmly approached, the whole body was loosened, and the distortion found in the check before the treatment was finally finely arranged.
ysk tk on Google

以前股関節の横あたりが痛くて歩けなかった時、こちらの姫野先生に診てもらいました。 施術的にはマッサージのような感じで、マッサージで今まで症状が良くなった事がなかったので「これで良くなるのかな?」と心配していましたが、術後は痛みがスッキリと消えて、だいぶ楽に歩けるようになってびっくりしました! 今まで他の整体院でも、強く押してもらわなければ痛みが取れなかったのに、こんなソフトな施術で効果がでるんだ、というのが驚きでした。 先生もいい人ですしおススメです。
When I couldn't walk because of the pain in the side of my hip joint, I had Mr. Himeno see me. The treatment was like a massage, and I was worried that the massage would improve my symptoms, so I was worried that this would improve it, but the pain disappeared after the operation. I was surprised to be able to walk a lot easier! I was surprised that even at other manipulative clinics, I couldn't get rid of the pain unless I had a strong push, but this kind of soft treatment is effective. The teacher is also a good person and I recommend it.
れもん(石川れもん) on Google

数年前にぎっくり首になってから、ずっとお世話になってます。 他の整体とかだと、人見知りを理由に通うのが億劫になったりもしましたが、ここは先生がとても優しく、むしろ通うのが楽しみです! 行った後は確実に体が楽になります。体が軽くなるので、ストレスも軽減される気がしてます。 これからもずっと通いたいです!
I've been indebted to him since I was fired a few years ago. With other manipulative treatments, I was afraid to go there because of my shyness, but the teacher is very kind here, and I'm looking forward to going there! After you go, you will definitely feel better. As my body becomes lighter, I feel that stress is also reduced. I want to continue to attend!
M. K on Google

半年ほど前から必ず月一は通っています。産後の歪んだ体や、デスクワークで凝りに凝った肩や背中、腕を、丁寧に強さを調節しながら施術してくれます。先生のところに行くと、冗談じゃなく体も心もなぜか調子がよくなります(血流が良くなるからかも?)。 先生もきさくで面白く、適度な距離感もあり、とにかく信頼できます。近所の知り合いにも薦めました。
I have been attending once a month for about half a year. It treats the distorted body after childbirth and the shoulders, back, and arms that are stiff due to desk work while carefully adjusting the strength. When I go to the teacher, I'm not kidding, but for some reason my body and mind feel better (maybe because my blood flow improves?). The teacher is also friendly and interesting, and there is a sense of distance, so I can trust him anyway. I also recommended it to my neighbors.

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